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Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma- 6 Tips for Exercising During Treatment

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Exercise During Treatment for Multiple Myeloma will Make You Feel Better, Make You Heal Faster and Enhance the Efficacy of Your Therapy

When I say exercise during multiple myeloma (MM) treatment, I allow for treatment in the hospital or treatment at home.

Multiple Myeloma – Exercise 

In my former life I was a salesperson- one of the primary goals of client management was to “adjust expectations.” You are not my client but I will try to adjust your expectations anyhow.

During therapy, whatever kind of  MM therapy you undergo, surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy,  you are not going to want to exercise. At all. Get used to this idea.

Since numerous studies show how and why exercise during therapy will improve your healing and improve your overall survival, you should try to be active somehow during therapy- walking, swimming, sitting in a sauna.

Think of your goal being to increase your heart rate daily.

The six tips below may help you exercise during therapy. The “tips” are in bold face. My comments and experience during my own MM therapy is in itallics.

To Learn More about Exercise Enhancing Overall Survival- click now

To learn more about nutritional supplementation that can increase the efficacy of radiation, reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy and may also speed your recovery, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply ASAP.

thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Tips for Exercising During Treatment

“If you feel like you’ve been run over by a steam roller, if you’ve got mouth sores that make it painful just to breathe, if you have muscle and bone pain, if you’re recovering from surgery, if you have zero lung capacity because you have lung cancer, you’re not exactly pumped up to exercise….”

1) Make your goals realistic.

My definition of “realistic” after my ASCT was to walk as far as I could, (1/2 a block…) turn around, and walk home. Seriously. One half a block.

2) Adjust your activity depending on where you are in treatment.

I could ride a stationary bike for awhile in my hospital room during my ASCT. I felt okay. But post ASCT? Walking was all I could do.

3) Don’t get frustrated.

You’re going to feel awful. You’re not going to want to exercise.  Expect it and simply set you sites on going for a walk around the hospital. You might even be hooked up with an I.V. of some sort. Try to relax…

4) Don’t go crazy. Make sure to talk to your doctor about what you can safely do.

I don’t care how good you feel. Steroids like dexamethasone and prednisone will make you feel up. Seriously. Don’t overdo it. Don’t go crazy.

5) Think simple.

Walking and swimming simple exercises that work.

6) Remember that exercise can’t erase a bad diet.

I am currently writing a blog post about food for the newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patient. Smoothies, angiogenic-inhibiting foods, fruits, veggies, things like that. 

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Multiple Myeloma - Exercise - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Newly Diagnoses Multiple Myeloma- 6 Tips for Exer During Treatment  […]

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Thymoquinone is both Cytotoxic and Integrative Cervical Cancer Therapy says 5 years ago

[…] Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma- 6 Tips for Exercising During Treatment […]

Tina says 7 years ago

Hi David,
I had my stem cell transplant Jan 2017. A nurse at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto did some research and came up with a cure for mouth sores. You chew chipped ice 15 minutes before chemo, 30 minutes during and 15 minutes after. I ended up with no mouth sores at all. I also walked the ward to get some exercise and was sent home after two weeks.

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Tina-

    Thanks for the tips. Do you know your M-spike and other blood work post ASCT? Have you reached CR?

    David Emerson

Sanford erickson says 7 years ago

Thanks for the guidelines for MM cancer.
I found that I have been very active over the last year but recently got knocked down by colds and a flu. Getting back on the exercise trail is hard because it seems like the human spirit has a tendency towards entropy ( loss of energy towards more loss of energy).
I can only encourage myself and others to give yourself that extra little push to do “something”. Light and easy yoga (or yoga-stretching) can make a huge difference to lessened pain if continued for a week or two.
Dry far-infrared Sauna to increase detox (sweating) is very effective in recovery if available (owning one is the most efficient way).


    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Sanford-

    I agree with your comments. Thanks for reaching out and encouraging MMers.

    David Emerson

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