Newly Diagnosed

As a newly-diagnosed cancer patient you may be scared and confused. You may also feel lost, depressed and angry.

But know you aren’t alone. It is sort of a cliche but knowledge is power.  Ignore statistics such as average life expectancies. I was diagnosed with an “incurable” cancer with a 3-5 year life expectancy- in 1994. I am cancer-free today.

PeopleBeatingCancer is all about people like you who are looking for ways to live their lives to the fullest while battling this disease. We have many resources available including:

  • BlogsI write about cancer issues what I have learned about cancer
  • Information by diagnosis: We share resources by diagnosis.
  • Newsletters: Our free monthly newsletter expands upon critical cancer issues.
  • Healthy Living Products: I write about products that I use to manage my cancer and side effects- products and books that you can use too.
  • Cancer Coaching Post a question or a comment and I will reply to you ASAP.