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Pancreatic Cancer Therapy- Combine Conventional and Non-Conventional

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“In the present study, the combinatory effects of curcumin with either gemcitabine or docetaxel on the proliferation, apoptosis, migration as well as invasion of PC cells were investigated.”

A diagnosis of cancer is difficult for anyone. A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer (PC) is beyond difficult. The reason? Conventional oncology has few if any therapies to offer the newly diagnosed PC patient. It is for this reason that PC patients must think outside the conventional oncology box.

Nutritional supplementation, either as adjuvant therapy or as integrative therapy discussed in the study linked and excerpted below offers just that type of out-of-the-box thinking.

I am not talking about silver bullet cures. I’m a cancer survivor and cancer coach. I have lived in complete remission from my “incurable cancer” by thinking beyond conventional oncology. I’ve learned that conventional oncology does not research and therefore does not discuss evidence-based but non-conventional therapies discussed in the studies below.

I am not criticizing conventional oncology. I am simply pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of conventional oncology when it comes to pancreatic cancer.

By combining Neem extract therapy with other evidence-based anti-pancreatic cancer supplements and therapies such as adjuvant radiation  in addition to anti-cancer lifestyle, nutrition, and mind-body therapies, the pancreatic cancer patient can turn away from “no hope” to “there are legitimate therapies for me to pursue here!”

Neem extracts exhibit the key activity of evidence-based, non-toxic, integrative cancer therapies.

  • Suppression of cancer angiogenisis
  • Inhibition of cell proliferation
  • Cell death
  • Immune enhancement
  • sensitize cancer cells to immunotherapy and radiotherapy to enhance the efficacy of certain cancer chemotherapy

In addition, curcumin has been shown to

  • cause apoptosis among Pancreatic cancer cells
  • enhance the efficacy of gemcitabine
  • enhance the efficacy of docetaxel

To learn more about managing your pancreatic cancer, scroll down the page, post a question and I will reply ASAP. Or click the cancer coaching button to the right.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:


Curcumin enhances anti‑cancer efficacy of either gemcitabine or docetaxel on pancreatic cancer cells

“Curcumin is a natural compound extracted from turmeric (Curcuma longa), which has been reported to be a promising anti‑cancer drug in various human cancers. However, the effects of combination treatment of curcumin with gemcitabine or docetaxel on pancreatic cancer remains elusive.

In the present study, the combinatory effects of curcumin with either gemcitabine or docetaxel on the proliferation, apoptosis, migration as well as invasion of PC cells were investigated. Calcusyn software was used to determine whether curcumin has is synergistic with gemcitabine or docetaxel.

Combination index values from combinational use were all lower than 1, indicating the synergism of curcumin with gemcitabine or docetaxel on PC cells in vitro. EdU assay showed that curcumin could enhance the ability of gemcitabine or docetaxel to inhibit the proliferation of PC cells.

Furthermore, the results from transmission electron microscope, DAPI staining experiments and western blot analysis revealed that curcumin may trigger apoptosis of PC cells via PARP/caspase‑3 signaling pathway and reinforced pro‑apoptotic ability of either gemcitabine or docetaxel.

In addition, curcumin exhibited marked suppressive ability on metastasis of PC cells by wound healing and matrigel‑transwell assay. Mechanistically, upregulation of TIMP1/TIMP2 with concomitant downregulation of MMP2/MMP9/N‑cadherin proteins may be involved in this process.

In conclusion, curcumin showed synergistic anti‑cancer effects with either gemcitabine or docetaxel on PC cells.

Impact of Curcumin, Raspberry Extract, and Neem Leaf Extract on Rel Protein-Regulated Cell Death/Radiosensitization in Pancreatic Cancer Cells

“Accordingly, we investigated the efficacy of bioactive phytochemicals in inhibiting radiotherapy (RT)-induced NF-κB activity, signaling, and NF-κB-dependent regulation of cell death…

Conclusions: These data strongly imply that CUR, NLE, and RSE may serve as effective “deliverables” to potentiate RT in PC cure and further throw light that these phytochemicals-induced cell killing may involve selective regulation of RT-induced NF-κB…”

Neoadjuvant therapy timing may impact pancreatic cancer outcomes

“In patients with pancreatic cancer, an interval of 8 weeks between receiving neoadjuvant chemoradiation and surgical resection may improve resection margins…

The delay in resection did not negatively impact outcomes, and there was a modest improvement in overall survival among patients who had an 8-10 week interval between treatments…”

The clinical benefit of hyperthermia in pancreatic cancer: a systematic review

Objective: In pancreatic cancer, which is therapy resistant due to its hypoxic microenvironment, hyperthermia may enhance the effect of radio(chemo)therapy. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the validity of the hypothesis that hyperthermia added to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy improves treatment outcome for pancreatic cancer patients.

Methods and materials: We searched MEDLINE and Embase, supplemented by handsearching, for clinical studies involving hyperthermia in pancreatic cancer patients. The quality of studies was evaluated using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence. Primary outcome was treatment efficacy; we calculated overall response rate and the weighted estimate of the population median overall survival (mp) and compared these between hyperthermia and control cohorts.

Results: Overall, 14 studies were included, with 395 patients with locally advanced and/or metastatic pancreatic cancer of whom 248 received hyperthermia. Patients were treated with regional (n = 189), intraoperative (n = 39) or whole-body hyperthermia (n = 20), combined with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both. Quality of the studies was low, with level of evidence 3 (five studies) and 4. The six studies including a control group showed a longer mp in the hyperthermia groups than in the control groups (11.7 vs. 5.6 months). Overall response rate, reported in three studies with a control group, was also better for the hyperthermia groups (43.9% vs. 35.3%).

Conclusions: Hyperthermia, when added to chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, may positively affect treatment outcome for patients with pancreatic cancer. However, the quality of the reviewed studies was limited and future randomised controlled trials are needed to establish efficacy.”

Leave a Comment:

Mark says 8 years ago

Myself, and two old friends, all have varying levels of prostrate cancer. I have been reading about how nimbolide may also work for prostrate cancer. Any thoughts on that? And, can you recommend one nimbolide product over the others?

Thanks for being such a help fpr everyone,


    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Mark-

    I am a survivor and cancer coach for a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. While Nimbolide shows efficacy as PCa therapy my approach would be to include it with those evidence-based PCa therapies.

    Further, your therapy approach should depend on your, and your friends, stage at diagnosis, PSA progression, and Gleason scores, core biopsy if any.

    David Emerson

    Robert Garcia says 7 years ago

    Walgreens website…type in Neem. Can’t hurt to take. Been taking it for two years now and my numbers have been good

      David Emerson says 7 years ago

      Hi Mark-

      Can you tell me what you were diagnosed with? Just curious. Thanks.

      David Emerson

Jeff Zimmer says 8 years ago

Hello David,

My sister was just diagnosed a couple weeks ago with early stage pancreatic. Steel stent has been placed in the bile duct. Aggressive
chemo starts next week. Whipple surgery to remove the head of the
pancreas for early September. She’s physically strong, good support
network, engaged and living with her fiancé. She’s 49 with a 12 yr.
old. I’ve looked at the copper reduction in the past, many years ago
for a friend. If we have a successful whipple procedure combined
with angiogenesis we might have a winner here. It’s logical, makes
sense to me. What are you’re thoughts?

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Jeff-

    A successful Whipple procedure takes your sister from a less than 5% five year survival rate to about a 25% five year survival rate. If your sister is relatively young and in good health then her statistics improve even more.

    While a five-fold increase in 5 year survival rate is terrific you may want to consider therapies shown to enhance the “aggressive” chemotherapy as well as non-conventional (not FDA approved) non-toxic yet evidence-based therapies.

    The sooner your sister begins both integrative and non-conventional therapies the better off she will be.

    David Emerson

      Robert Garcia says 8 years ago

      I was diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer 12/24/2014. Needless to say, I was devastated. I self taught myself as to what I was confronting and was not happy to learn the percentage factor of living I had. Being the person I am, I tenaciously address my problem by trying everything available. Some made sense and others didn’t. I was told that I was not a canidate for surgery. The tumor wrapped it’s self around the artery. I was told by doctors that it might be possible to shrink the tumor with chemo and radiation. I found that not to be the case. The chemo had my tumor marker number CA19.9 decline from 2100 to 160. At that time my body couldn’t take the effect of the chemo anymore, so I chose to undergo a procedure called NanoKnife. With this procedure the doctor blasts the tumor with 3000 volts of electricity to create nano holes in the tumor to start the death of the tumor. Needless to say, all it did for me was that the tumor got inflamed and my numbers started to rise again. I needed to have a stent put in the duct. Once that was done my bilirubin numbers went back to normal. The CA19.9 number kept rising so I start a stronger dose of chemo which cause havoc to my body. The outcome was that my CA19.9 number declined to 60 something when my body couldn’t take anymore. Oh, I do have to mention that I lost a lot of weight during all this and if it wasn’t for a certain doctor, I would of died from malnutrition. I was told that I needed to take an enzymne called Creon for digestion. The amount is based on your body weight. After a few weeks of rest from the intravenous I did continue with oral chemo called Zeloda. Next I chose to do Proton Therapy plus three tabs of Zeloda in the morning and three at dinner. Finally my numbers got to whwere I wanted them. The so called 35 number was achieved and I stopped the oral chemo. My oncologist suggested that I continue a daily regiment of 1 tab of Zeloda in the morning and 1 tab at dinner but I chose not to take any of the poison anymore and do the holistic route. I have been doing certain protocols all along… such as drinking water with a high PH. Baking soda protocols, immune supplements, wormwood for awhile and then a tree leaf extract called Nimbolide. A study out of the University of Texas found that the leaf from the Neem tree can specifically kill cancer cells with out adverse effects to the body or normal body cells. After doing wormwood for four month I stopped with the wormwood and started with Nimbolide at the beginning of the fourth month. I have been taking it for two months now and my CA19.9 number is going down and is now at 30.1. I am going to continue taking it and see how low it will go. So far I feel good despite the numbness in my feet that was caused by the chemo. I just want to let anyone know the options one has when such news as pancreatic is a reality to them. I don’t want people that have pancreatic cancer to give up and to know that they need to be proactive and insist to know your number every week. That was the only guide I had to know when to move on to the next procedure. I feel that Proton Therapy with Zeloda did the trick and that the wormwood and the continued protocol of Nimbolide is my salvation. Belief in God is without saying!!!

        David Emerson says 8 years ago

        Thanks for your story Robert-


        Rumman says 8 years ago

        Hello david My mother is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer mets to liver and little lung. We are not using any chemio just praying and diet….. any help what I do????

        Bec says 7 years ago

        Hi Robert, can I ask where you were able to get Nimbolide from please? I’ve had no luck finding it & would love to give it a try.
        Many Thanks

          Robert Garcia says 7 years ago

          Walgreens website…type in Neem in the vitamin supplement section. A bottle of 475mg will come up. I take 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch and 1at dinner. Been taking it for two years now and I keep an eye on my Ca19. #’s every three weeks.

Elizabeth What says 8 years ago

Hi David, I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 3, pancreatic cancer – inoperable. I’ll have my second chemo session on Tuesday. They say they’re trying to shrink the tumour to make it operable. Unfortunately, my doctors are anti natural therapies – even in conjunction with conventional treatment. Their attitude has been awfully stifling and frustrating, given the shockingly poor outcomes for their patients. I’m determined to do what I can, to get better, or at the very least, prolong my life. I’m looking at trying curcumin and B17 (apricot seeds) for a start. What do you recommend (including possible dosages)? Many thanks, Elizabeth.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Elizabeth-

    I am sorry to read that you have been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. While I applaud your efforts to introduce integrative thinking to your oncologists, I am also sorry that they are not cooperating with you.

    I will be direct with you. The 5 year survival rate of stage 3 pancreatic cancer is less than 5% according the ACS. If it were me I would not listen to conventional oncology. To be honest, I had a VERY difficult time disagreeing with my oncologist for the first several years of my own cancer experiences. But I have learned a lot since then.

    Be that as it may, I agree that your long term solution is to surgically remove your tumor. To get there however I would utilize every anti-angiogenic therapy I could find. Yes, curcumin is a good start. As for doses, it is really up to you. Being in complete remission I only take 400 mg of curcumin daily. Of those people with my cancer, multiple myeloma, I read about people taking up to 8 GRAMS a day. 1000 mg = 1 gram. I have no experience with B17.

    If the chemotherapy you referred to is either 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). capecitabine/gemcitabine I would take all those evidenced based integrative therapies that I could find in order to enhance those chemotherapies. I understand that a pancreatic tumor has a degree of blood vessel growth that inhibit surgery. Therefore I wouldn’t limit my therapy to integrative therapies. I would include anti-angiogenic nutrition and anti-cancer lifestyle therapies as well.

    None of the above is directed at you in any way Elizabeth. I am simply airing my frustration with conventional oncology when there is little that they can offer to help the cancer patent.

    I am both a long-term cancer survivor and a cancer coach. I understand completely if you feel you must follow your oncologists instructions. However if you would like to add integrative therapies, anti-angiogenic nutrition and anti-cancer lifestyle therapies I can provide evidence-based research and specifics to you.

    Let me know if you are interested in cancer coaching. Good luck and hang in there,

    David Emerson

Kelly O'Donnell says 8 years ago

How do you go about getting the Nimbolide extract for treatment of pancreatic cancer? ?

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Kelly-

    Several things. I have linked an amazon.com page that lists several neem products. While all the products are relatively inexpensive I must point out that Nimbolide/Neem therapy for pancreatic cancer is early and none of the products on the amazon page have been tested for purity, efficacy, etc.

    Let me be clear. If I had pancreatic cancer I would probably try Neem. But I would also learn about and pursue other evidence-based anti-angiogenic therapies including supplementation and nutrition. I know of several pancreatic cancer therapies and I can provide research and experience for you.

    While I agree that conventional oncology offers little hope for pancreatic cancer I would find out if you have any surgical options. Surgery is the only curative therapy that I know of for pancreatic cancer.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    David Emerson
    Survivor and Cancer Coach

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