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The PeopleBeatingCancer Spring fundraiser has morphed from the “Talk-the-talk, Walk-the-walkathon (TTTWTW) to “Team PBC at the Cleveland Marathon.” The Cleveland Marathon, whether running, jogging or walking the full, half marathon or 10k turned out to be a spectacular event for Team PBC to rally around.
In 2013 I won the VW Cup for the highest individual fundraising total at the Cleveland Marathon for 2013. I cannot wait until next year’s Cleveland Marathon.
Thank you both individual donors and Corporate Sponsors alike.
Individual donations increased by more than 30%, corporate sponsorships more than doubled and total expenses for “Team PBC at the Cleveland Marathon” shrank to our lowest fundraising percentage EVER! We spent just $1,230 dollars in order to raise $26,098- we spent just 5% on fundraising for this event!!!
“Team PBC at the CM” was a tremendous success!
Associates of PeopleBeatingCancer- $0-$24
David Ewing-
Anthony Kure-
Susie Regal-
Bob Wehn-
Eric Froimson-
Scott Ferraro-
Nora Brown-
Lillian Mushrush-
Lynne Bajec-
Julie Clark-
Friends of PeopleBeatingCancer- $25-$49
Myra White-
Thom Hoffer-
Ron and Ursela Dyer-
Beth Hutcheson-
Joanna Kornafel-
Judy Konya-
Joey Frebes-
Bill Avery-
Pamela Hughes-
H Demsey-
Mindi Kincade-
Mark Dawson-
Becky Finnich-
Barbara Brown-
Barbara Whitner-
Stephanie Skylar-
Eileen Doyle-
Paul Ayers-
Katherine Phillips-
Contributing Friend of PeopleBeatingCancer- $50-$99
Caroline Saliby-
Bob and Allison Smith-
Ellen Nigrosh-
Ellen Gerth-
Mary Parkman Rowe-
Maureen Millard-
Fritz deConingh-
Mark and Marilyn Eisele-
Anne deConingh-
Kathleen McNamara-
Ted Pinnick-
Jon Marcus-
Dave Barnes-
Jennifer Hammer-
Laura and Rob Schmoll-
Connie Waxman-
Lori and Bill Cooper-
Ellen Weitz-
Greg Degulis-
Peter Conard-
Gina Flemming-
Donald van de Mark-
Mona Trika-
Dan and Lisa Waldeck-
Rob and Kara Girvin-
John Kundtz-
John Kusik-
Supporting Friend of PeopleBeatingCancer- $100-$249-
Ellen and Steve Ross-
Harry Singer-
Phil and Ann Singer-
Jennifer and Jordan Goldberg-
Hollace Rhodes-
Abby and Jim LeMay-
Gregory Kilroy-
Sarah and Peter Barber-
Chuch and Lisa Loper-
Jim Hickey-
Larry Wiseman-
Katherine Tatman-
Olivier Izad-
Joan Brinkman Brown-
Heather and Jeff Ettinger-
Kevin Pavlish-
Jonathan Hill-
Dean Ilijiasic-
Mac and Debbie Donley-
Deb Palmer George-
Mary Miller-
Don Fox-
Dave Joranko-
David and Trish Campbell
Ted deConingh-
Matt deConingh-
Jennifer Moore Dyer-
Alex and Howard Powers-
Suzanne and Scott Emerson-
Kris and Scott Gillespie-
Ned Horton-
Kevin Mattox-
Michael Wakeland-
Jamie and Michelle Bevins-
Chip Perkins-
Sarah Mihalik-
Susan Miller-
Skip Murphy-
Gary Whitman-
Ray White-
President’s Circle–$250-$499
Ed and Naomi Singer-
Randy Myeroff-
Charlie Lougheed-
Becke Broadbent-
Bea Moore-
William Russell-
Chris Dailey-
Siobhan and Bill Thompson-
Tim Connors-
Stephanie Moore-
Founder’s Circle*-$500-$999
Ben Devine-
Patron’s Circle**-$1000-$2,499
Teresa and Jeff Karlovec-
Bill and Leigh Matthes-
Benefactor’s Circle***- $2,500 and up
Mary and Oliver Emerson-