PeopleBeatingCancer raised $8,395 online and another $8,390 offline for total donations of $16,785 and net of $14,735. Thank you to all who donated and my personal thanks to Charlie and Katie Lougheed’s for hosting this wonderful event to celebrate my surviving multiple myeloma and 10 years of PeopleBeatingCancer.
Great people, great food, great wine- thank you Katie and Charlie Lougheed-
Special thanks goes to chef Dawn Emerson for conceiving and preparing the delicious food presented at the Fall Fundraiser and David Biggar, Wine Enthusiast
“2012 Innovator of the Year“ Vintage Point Wines Managing Director for providing the wines gratefully consumed at the event.
Here are some candid photos from the event-
Benefactor’s Circle
Bill and Mary Conway
Oliver and Mary Emerson
Michael Thompson
Patron’s Circle
Doug Rototori
Amanda and Steve Morris
Carl Tippit
Founder’s Circle
Becke Broadbent
Sterling Champ
President’s Circle
Britt and Patty Shroyer
Gary Whitman
judy head
Diane Singer
Ginny and Dennis Lehman
Robert MacKinlay
Ellen Nigrosh
Pair of Friends of
Christopher Smythe
David Lally
Kelly Albin
Stephen McHale
Manning and John Kundtz
Meredith and Chuck Ried
Rob and Kara Girvin
D and Renae Dabney
Scott and Suzanne Emerson
Heather and Jeff Ettinger
Ann and Bob Gross
Susan Miller and Jesse Hernandez
Michael Cronin
frederick asbeck
Matt and Lise deConingh
Kris and Scott Gillespie
Ace and Laura Conway
Live Friend of
David Joranko
Abigail Lemay
Jason Gilder
Robert Mattler
Fritz deConingh
Stanley Young
Virtual Friend of
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Michelle Kennedy
Deborah Bambrick
kevin callahan
Pamela E Hughes
Mike & Colleen Sommerfeld
Renee Murray
John Giuggio
Steve Lindseth
Chris & Julie Ilcin
Kathie/Mark Fisher
Katie Emerson and Keith McCrae
Diane Singer and Jeff Ehrbar
Teresa and Jeff Karlovec
Harry & Geri Singer