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Radiation Skin Injury Therapy

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The iujury to my skin from local radiation in 1995 has never fully healed. So when I read an article talking about radiation skin injury therapy I decided to write about it.

I was diagnosed with a blood cancer called multiple myeloma in early 1994. Radiation therapy is a minor piece of the usual MM therapy plan but looking back, I wish I had radiation skin injury therapy.

I just watched the video linked below. Boy I wish I had watched it before I underwent my radiation therapy.

What is radiation-induced skin injury?

The takeaway is that radiation therapy is an important cancer therapy. Further, radiation therapy causes side effects- especially skin damage. While skin damage may not sound too serious now, believe me, it can be a long-term painful side effect. It is worth your mitigation efforts.

Email me at with questions about radiation, chemo, multiple myeloma, etc.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

X-ray Responsive Antioxidant Drug-Free Hydrogel for Treatment of Radiation Skin Injury

“Radiotherapy (RT) is widely applied in tumor therapy, but inevitable side effects, especially for skin radiation injury, are still a fatal problem and life-threatening challenge for tumor patients. The main components of topical radiation protection preparations currently available on the market are antioxidants, such as SOD, which are limited by their unstable activity and short duration of action, making it difficult to achieve the effects of radiation protection and skin radiation damage treatment.

Therefore, we designed a drug-free antioxidant hydrogel patch with encapsulated bioactive epidermal growth factor (EGF) for the treatment of radiation skin injury. The X-ray responsive hydrogel formed by copolymerization of the disulfide-containing hyperbranched poly(β-hydrazide ester) macromer polymer (PBAE), methacryloylated hyaluronic acid, and acrylamide exhibits continuous antioxidant activity through the oxidation of disulfide bonds in PBAE as well as the triggered release of EGF after X-ray responsive breakage of the polymer network to finally promote radioactive wound healing.

Upon radiotherapy, the antioxidant hydrogel is able to alleviate local oxidative stress by continuously eliminating excessive ROS and can prevent deterioration of radiation skin injury. Moreover, the drug-free hydrogel with its excellent antioxidant property can overcome the disadvantages of traditional medicine (such as poor solubility, random diffusion, rapid drug clearance, and interference with tumor efficacy).

Notably, the drug-free hydrogel exhibits a negligible effect for tumor therapy because the antioxidant hydrogel acts only on the epidermis and displays no shielding effect for ionization radiation.

Ultimately, in vivo animal studies affirm the efficacy of our methodology, wherein the administration of the antioxidant hydrogel on acute irradiated skin attenuates the progression of radiation skin injury and promotes radioactive wound healing.

This innovative strategy points out a new inspiration for the precise treatment of skin radiation damage with X-ray responsive antioxidant drug-free hydrogels.”

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