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Hi David, I enjoyed reading Radical Remission and have a decent grasp of the author’s theses. I have navigated the Myeloma journey for a long time. Longer than yours, actually: 20 years . I embraced a multi faceted approach to my treatments…using both complementary and allopathic, homeopathic agents/programs.
I have employed high quality, individually tailored supplements, organic/clean diet, chemo, and immunotherapy drugs including the one I take now: Teclistimab, a Bicma.
I do not have the day to day encouragement of a partner/family member or pet. My kids are adults and I do enjoy the grand kids. Two live fairly close.
I feel that my social engagement is hsmstringed bc my immunity nos suppressed . I currently havean extremely low IgG, below 150 now, after a year of Teclistimab…tamping it lower and lower.
When I was DX 2005… (age 53) in Temperance MI, I had low back pain/ trouble walking, anemia, low Vitamin D (17) several collapsed vertebrae and extremely tired. I had pushed myself and kept working, until I found out what was wrong.
Before and during, I’ve employed many natural interventions! Excellent high quality food
mostly plant and some fish, chicken and beef (limited grains and NO sugar) RO water, Juicing, walking 4-5 MI/day, yoga, foot reflexology, AcP, Ion foot detox, coffee colonics, sunshine, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, (40) in 8 weeks, prayer, Reike, infar Red sauna, heavy metal detox, all mercury amalgams removed (10 yrs prior to DX) and about to buy a Infar Red device. I’d like to know what you would recommend and how to proceed. Thank you! H3
Hey H3-
My guess is that you have lived so long with MM by walking the fine line between damage done by your MM and damage done by conventional therapies aka allopathic medicine.
I’m also going to guess that your body, other than your MM, is also in pretty good shape. HBOT and saunas are both heart healthy and brain healthy.
The only therapy that I can suggest, and teclistamab is so new that I have no research to base this on, is to suggest immune enhancing therapies.
Lifestyle therapies such as nutrition, sleep, etc. of course but also probiotics, acupuncture, bovine colostrum, all three that are supposed to enhance your body’s T, B, NK, etc. cells. IVIG therapy is supposed to enhance your immunoglobulins and I imaging the you and your onc have already discussed this therapy. Make sure your insurance co will pay for it if you do it.
Other than that, I can’t think of anything, any therapy, that you don’t already do/take/etc.
Good luck H3- let me know how you’re doing.
David Emerson