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Brain Inflammation, Depression, Suicide

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“the increase in the inflammatory marker was present specifically in patients with MDD who were experiencing suicidal thoughts, pinning the role of inflammation to suicidality rather than a diagnosis of MDD itself”

Inflammation (infl) has been linked to the occurrence of cancer, the occurrence of Parkinson’s Disease and now inflammation has been linked to suicidal thoughts in people with major depressive disorder.

I’ve lived in complete remission from my “incurable” cancer since 1999 by, among other things, living an anti-inflammation lifestyle. By this, I mean that I supplement, eat nutritiously, exercise frequently but moderately, etc.

The intersection of my cancer-free status and depressed people is infl. If MDD patients exercise, supplement and follow other lifestyle therapies shown to reduce inflammation then, according to the study below, they will reduce their potential for suicidal thoughts.

Curcumin has been shown to reduce depression, reduce inflammation and to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s Disease. Curcumin is non-toxic, well-tolerated and in my personal opinion, is a wonder-drug.

The only challenge that curcumin supplementation presents is that pure curcumin is difficult to get into the bloodstream. I take Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin because of its bioavailability (seven times more absorbable according to research).

Do you have depression? Please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s, Depression, etc- Therapies to Slow Decline

Breast Cancer Survivors Exhibit Anxiety and Depression

Brain inflammation linked to suicidal thinking in depression

“Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) have increased brain levels of a marker of microglial activation, a sign of inflammation, according to a new study. Scientists have found that the increase in the inflammatory marker was present specifically in patients with MDD who were experiencing suicidal thoughts, pinning the role of inflammation to suicidality rather than a diagnosis of MDD itself…

Our findings are the first results in living depressed patients to suggest that this microglial activation is most prominent in those with suicidal thinking…”

This paper is an important addition to the view that inflammation is a feature of the neurobiology of a subgroup of depressed patients, in this case, the group with suicidal ideation…”

This link suggests that among depressed patients, neuroinflammation may be a factor contributing to the risk for suicidal thoughts or behavior…”


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