Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.
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I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in early 1994. Years of research in the years since my diagnosis have taught me that I had several risk factors for MM. I did live with an increased risk of Multiple Myeloma. I don’t believe that working in a printing plant or having the HPV virus caused my MM.
What is “fake news” when it comes to cancer? What is “good scientific evidence” or “convincing evidence”? Maybe its just me but I have come to believe that ALL cancer-related studies, regardless of the source, contain bias. Yes, the bias may be subtle but its there in the studies.
It is up to the individual then to read the article, study, research, etc. and decide for themselves what the study is truly saying. The three studies linked and excerpted below explain to readers that
Stress and food additive don’t cause cancer, they may increase the risk for cancer slightly. Smoking and ultraviolet radiation (the sun) also increase the risk cancer. The difference between stress, food additives, tobacco consumption and U.V. radiation is the degree of increased risk.
30-40 years of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day increases your risk of cancer A LOT. A half a glass of wine may increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer but by a tiny amount. Read the article linked below…
I linked three of my blog posts under “Recommended Reading” to reinforce my point. All three articles point out basic disagreement in research, nutrition and coffee. To be more specific, the posts below cite
Does stress cause cancer? Do food additives cause cancer?
Stress fuels cancer spread by triggering master gene
“Previous studies have shown that stress is a risk factor for cancer, and for example, that psychological stress is linked to breast cancer aggressiveness…”
““Some studies have indicated a link between various psychological factors and an increased risk of developing cancer, but others have not,” the NCI website states…”
This Common Processed Food Ingredient Causes Cancer in Mice
“After three months of feeding some animals two common ones—polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose—in their water, she found that animals who consumed emulsifiers showed changes in their gut microbes that were consistent with promoting tumor growth…”
“Half a glass of wine a day increases breast cancer‘ was just one of the headlines this week, which discussed a report that reinforced the evidence that alcohol can increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.
The report from the World Cancer Research Fund outlined the latest evidence on how we can reduce that risk – focusing on weight, physical activity and drinking.
The WCRF studies all the evidence on a potential risk and decides whether it’s strong enough to be a basis for making recommendations to the public.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, and 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. And since we know that almost a third of breast cancercases in the UK could be prevented, largely by changes to lifestyle, this is important stuff.
While the cause of an individual’s cancer can never be certain, there are still things you can do to reduce your risk. And evidence like this is the first step to helping women to do just that.
So what exactly does the report say?..”
The most important thing to remember about risk and multiple myeloma is that you can reduce your risk of getting MM in the first place, and you can reduce your risk of a MM relapse.
Have you been diagnosed with MM? Scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Thank you,
David Emerson
“Mistaken belief in mythical causes of cancer is rife according to new research jointly funded by Cancer Research UK and published today (Thursday) in the European Journal of Cancer.
Researchers at University College London (UCL) and the University of Leeds surveyed 1,330 people in England and found that more than 40% wrongly thought that stress (43%) and food additives (42%) caused cancer.
A third incorrectly believed that
caused cancer despite a lack of good scientific evidence.
Among the proven causes of cancer,
Belief in mythical causes of cancer did not mean a person was more likely to have risky lifestyle habits.
But those who had better knowledge of proven causes were more likely not to smoke.
Dr Samuel Smith from the University of Leeds said: “It’s worrying to see so many people endorse risk factors for which there is no convincing evidence.
“Compared to past research it appears the number of people believing in unproven causes of cancer has increased since the start of the century which could be a result of changes to how we access news and information through the internet and social media.
“It’s vital to improve public education about the causes of cancer if we want to help people make informed decisions about their lives and ensure they aren’t worrying unnecessarily.”
Dr Lion Shahab from UCL said: “People’s beliefs are so important because they have an impact on the lifestyle choices they make. Those with better awareness of proven causes of cancer were more likely not to smoke and to eat more fruit and vegetables.”
Clare Hyde from Cancer Research UK said: “Around four in 10 cancer cases could be prevented through lifestyle changes so it’s crucial we have the right information to help us separate the wheat from the chaff.
“Smoking, being overweight and overexposure to UV radiation from the sun and sunbeds are the biggest preventable causes of cancer.
“There is no guarantee against getting cancer but by knowing the biggest risk factors we can stack the odds in our favour to help reduce our individual risk of the disease, rather than wasting time worrying about fake news.”