What is keratoacanthoma?

Keratoacanthoma (KA) is a low-grade, or slow-growing, skin cancer tumor that looks like a tiny dome or crater. KA is benign despite its similarities to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or the abnormal growth of cancerous cells on the skin’s most outer layer. KA originates in the skin’s hair follicles and rarely spreads to other cells…

How is keratoacanthoma treated?

KA will go away on its own, but this can take many months. Your doctor may recommend surgery or medication to remove KA.

Removal treatments

Treatment options depend on the location of the lesion, the patient’s health history, and the size of the lesion. The most common treatment is a minor surgery, under a local anesthetic, to remove the tumor. This may require stitches, depending on the size of the KA.

Other treatments include:

  • If you have cryosurgery, your doctor will freeze the lesion with liquid nitrogen to destroy it.
  • If you have electrodesiccation and curettage, your doctor will scrap or burn off the growth.
  • If you have Mohs’ microscopic surgery, your doctor will continue to take tiny pieces of skin until the lesion is completely removed. This treatment is most often used on the ears, nose, hands, and lips.
  • Doctors use radiation treatment and X-ray therapy for people who are unable to have a surgical procedure for other health reasons…”