“As with MGRS, patients with smoldering myeloma (SMM) are asymptomatic but have higher MIg levels and BMPCs.”

Hi David- I have been diagnosed with Smoldering Multiple Myeloma 3 months ago. 2 months ago, I started doing Alternative treatments to prevent Multiple Myeloma. I did 10 Treatments of Xenon and Krypton treatments to boost blood cells health as well as a good diet with lots of vegetables, soup and lots of white fish fillet and white chicken and fruits and almond, almond milk etc.
I am also eating iron foods including:
- wheat,
- fish,
- cracked wheat,
- spy beans,
- chick peas,
- broccoli etc.
After starting the diet and treatment within 4 weeks, my body changed and started removing all toxins. My liver and kidneys started working hard to remove the toxins.
Integrative doctor gave me anti-oxidant supplements and vitamins and other supplements to remove bacteria and help blood flow. Also, he gave me anti inflammatory supplements.
Somehow I became slightly anemic. My iron levels are normal but ferrin saturation is at 12% one below 13% which is normal. I also started to have some inflammation and go to toilet and urinate a lot.
I am now taking:
- Iron tablets,
- Liposomal Vitamin C
- curcumin 1000 Mg a day to start with
- and still doing the diet.

My integrative therapist noticed a 50% improvement in my immune system and my blood cells however the membrane cells are not strong enough still. I asked him if I should do vitamin C IV Injections at 60 grams at another clinic as he does Not do that treatment. He advised me that it may or may not work, and it may increase your Paraprotein serum levels and plasma cell count.
3 months ago, my Plasma cells were at 39%. Serum protein at 24 g/l. Now after 2 months treatments and diet, my serum protein went up to 26 g/l. I spoke to my Haemotologist, he said it goes slightly up and down. It is not an issue.
I have a few very Important questions for you:
1. What do you think the cause of my liver and kidneys weakening and iron deficiency. Is it diet related or system changes related?
2. Does low level iron Ferrin saturation cause serum papaprotein to increase?
3. Is it true that Vitamin C IV Injections at 60 Grams high dose Or higher can make my condition worse and cause Paraprotein levels to go up due to toxicity?
4. If dont have very strong blood cell membranes, can they NOT handle high doses of vitamin C? My understanding is that Vitamin C toxicity can improve the weaker cells too.
What are your thoughts?
Please help. Thank you Mark
Hi Mark-
I will excerpt your comments, questions below and reply to each.
1) “I have been diagnosed with Smoldering Myeloma 3 months ago. 2 months ago, I started doing Alternative treatments to prevent Multiple Myeloma.”
While conventional oncology does not consider SMM to be cancer (and it is not) they offer little in terms of therapies. You are correct to pursue therapies to reduce your risk of a full-blown MM diagnosis.
2) “Somehow I became slightly anemic. My iron levels are normal but ferrin saturation is at 12% one below 13% which is normal.”
I am not sure why this would happen as your diet and supplementation appears to be nutrient-dense.
3) “My integrative therapist noticed a 50% improvement in my immune system and my blood cells however the membrane cells are not strong enough still.”
It appears that your body is undergoing many changes. Keep in mind that two months is not a long time for the many changes you are undergoing.
4) I asked him if I should do vitamin C IV Injections at 60 grams at another clinic as he does Not do that treatment. He advised me that it may or may not work, and it may increase your Paraprotein serum levels and plasma cell count.”
Intravenous vitamin C is one of the few evidence-based therapies, one of the few non-conventional therapies that has been proven, cited to be cytotoxic to MM. Depending on the dose, this therapy can be effective against MM.
5) “What do you think the cause of my liver and kidneys weakening and iron deficiency. Is it diet related or system changes related?
Without knowing where your kidney and liver function started, it is difficult to know why you are where you are. Please read the article linked below about MGRS and plasma cells.
3 months ago, my Plasma cells were at 39%. Serum protein at 24 g/l. Now after 2 months treatments and diet, my serum protein went up to 26 g/l.
6) “Does low level iron Ferrin saturation cause serum papaprotein to increase?
I know of no relationship between low iron fern saturation and serum paraprotein…
7) “Is it true that Vitamin C IV Injections at 60 Grams high dose Or higher can make my condition worse and cause Paraprotein levels to go up due to toxicity?
The article linked below talks about intravenous vitamin C increasing iron absorption, It says nothing about paraproteins.
8) “If dont have very strong blood cell membranes, can they NOT handle high doses of vitamin C? My understanding is that Vitamin C toxicity can improve the weaker cells too.
Again, I know nothing about IVC causing problems with blood cell membranes. If anything, I think IVC can make blood cells stronger.
What are your thoughts?
I think your nutrition and supplementation are good (may be causing detoxing but that is to be expected).
The only issue that I can see if the possibility of your pre-MM being light chain MM. Meaning, light chain proteins can clog the patient’s kidneys causing “plasma cell proliferation.”
This is the basis for “Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance.” This means that your MM cells in your bone marrow (plasma cells) crowd out red, white and platelets.
If this is the case, increased plasma cells can crowd out red blood cells/hemaglobin which can make you a bit anemic.
You don’t have regular MM symptoms, you have kidney involvement.
Did you undergo blood, urine testing? Creatinine? BUN? Kidney function? RBC, WBC, hemaglobin?
Let me know,
Hang in there,
David Emerson
MM Survivor
MM Cancer Coach
Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
“In MGRS, the clonal plasma cell or B cell proliferation is too small to meet the criteria of multiple myeloma (MM) or symptomatic lymphoma, and thus, it does not warrant immediate hematologic treatment…
MGRS caused by plasma cells is defined as <10% bone marrow plasma cells (BMPCs), <3 g/dl of M protein, and the presence of renal lesions without any other myeloma-defining events.1 As with MGRS, patients with smoldering myeloma (SMM) are asymptomatic but have higher MIg levels and BMPCs. In 2014, the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) updated the diagnostic criteria of MM to include BMPCs>60% and serum free light chain ratio >100 as myeloma-defining events….”
“Vitamin C may cause iron overload
Vitamin C is known to enhance iron absorption.
It can bind to non-heme iron, which is found in plant foods. Non-heme iron is not absorbed by your body as efficiently as heme iron, the type of iron found in animal products (6Trusted Source).
Vitamin C binds with non-heme iron, making it much easier for your body to absorb. This is an important function, especially for individuals who get most of their iron from plant-based foods(7Trusted Source).
One study in adults found that iron absorption increased by 67% when they took 100 mg of vitamin C with a meal (8Trusted Source)…”