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Tag Archives for " Bladder Cancer "

Robotic vs Open Cystectomy in Bladder Cancer?

“How does robot-assisted radical cystectomy compare with traditional open radical cystectomy for management of patients with bladder cancer? Robot-assisted radical cystectomy’s time may be

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Bladder Cancer- “No Sex Drive/no Desire for Sex at All…”

It’s killing our relationship so I’m looking for any information anyone could give me…he is seeing another dr tomorrow to talk about this…but he says he just has no sex drive/no

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Gene Breslow, Bladder Cancer- Cystectomy

The exam identified a mucous growing and a thickening in the wall of the bladder. A biopsy was done and the diagnosis was invasive adenocarcinoma of the bladder (bladder cancer-BC).   Gene’s Story:

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Bladder Cancer – Conventional, Non-Conventional

“The aim of treating Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) is avoid the loss of the bladder and to prevent recurrence and progression to muscle-invasive disease” I have two friends who

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Enhance BCG Intravesical Immunotherapy

“We found that curcumin potentiated BCG-induced apoptosis of human bladder cancer cells. BCG stimulated the release of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) from peripheral

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Frankincense Oil- Bladder Cancer Cells

Comprehensive gene expression analysis confirmed that frankincense oil activates genes that are responsible for cell cycle arrest, cell growth suppression, and apoptosis in bladder cancer cells If you

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Bladder Cancer- Increase Overall Survival

“61% of patients with Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) will experience recurrence within the first year after initial resection, and up to 78% will experience recurrence within five years” If

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Bladder Cancer- Observation?

“Bladder cancer has the highest lifetime treatment cost of all cancers, with substantial economic burden throughout the entire disease course…with the focus on limiting overuse of surveillance

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Bladder Cancer- Oncologist or Urologist?

Hi David- On January 22nd I had tumors removed and chemo inserted in my bladder. Pathology stage 1.  March 1st I’m scheduled for another surgery to scrape again, look for growth or return and insert

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Newly Diagnosed Bladder Cancer

“We found that curcumin potentiated BCG-induced apoptosis of human bladder cancer cells. From: Shirley  Subject: bladder cancer Hi David, It’s my boyfriend that has was just diagnosed with

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Bladder Cancer- A Life Changing Success

In general I feel better than I ever expected to feel after having major Bladder Cancer surgery just a few short weeks ago. My Bladder Cancer- Diagnosis, Surgery and Recovery- as told by Tom Johnson- Bladder

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Green Tea- Apoptotis- Bladder Cancer

“Compared to control-treated cells, treatment with catechin agents significantly suppressed cell growth in a dose-dependent fashion…”Translation, green tea kills bladder cancer… According

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