Diagnosed with Cancer? Your two greatest challenges are understanding cancer and understanding possible side effects from chemo and radiation.  Knowledge is Power!

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Tag Archives for " chemotherapy side effects "

Cardiomyopathy- Non-toxic approach

The goal of cardiomyopathy treatment is to help your heart be as efficient as possible and to prevent further damage and loss of function. I am a cardiomyopathy (CM) survivor not a cardiologist. Well,

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Chemobrain – Myeloma – Prevent, Heal

“This is the first study that puts chemobrain on a sound scientific footing, in terms of neurobiology and cellular biology.” After years of denials, excuses and stalling from conventional oncology

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Myeloma Survivor- Heart Failure-

According to the studies below, long-term (multiple myeloma) cancer survivors have a higher risk of mortality. A 73% higher risk.  I am a long-term multiple myeloma survivor.  Long-story short, cardiotoxic,

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Late Progressive Anthracycline – What’s in Store for Me?

“Late onset arrhythmia and sudden death has occurred more than 15 years after anthracycline treatment … At the end, frequent monitoring and follow up for patients took anthracyclines with troponins

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Magnesium- Reduce Stroke Risk w/ Chronic Afib

Increasing dietary magnesium intake is associated with a reduced risk of stroke, heart failure, diabetes, and all-cause mortality… I developed chronic atrial fibrillation (afib) in the fall of 2010.

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L-Carnitine- Chronic Heart Failure

Whether additional benefit can be achieved with the use of L-carnitine (L-C) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) remains controversial. Full disclosure. I am a long-term survivor of an incurable

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Afib- Blood Pressure- Dementia Risk

Blood pressure control <130mmHG was shown to lower the dementia risk with similar benefits for patients aged 50-59 and 60-69 with initially uncontrolled blood pressure at the time of AF diagnosis…” I

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Cardiovascular Disease – Myeloma

“Many people survive their cancers, but end up dying of cardiovascular disease (CVD). New research finds that Cardiovascular Disease risk factors may be overlooked during survivorship care” Post

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Myeloma- CoQ10 Cardiotoxicity

“clinical studies suggest that (the chemotherapy side effect) anthracycline–induced cardiotoxicity can be prevented by administering coenzyme Q10 during cancer chemotherapy This blog post

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Catheter Ablation no better than Drugs for AFib

“The study, called the Cabana trial, found that the procedure (catheter ablation) was no more effective than much cheaper medications at reducing mortality, cardiac arrest, major bleeding and stroke.” I

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Lower Blood Pressure w/ Non-toxic Therapies

Exercise, Nutrition, Sauna and a host of nutritional supplements including nattokinase, taurine, omega-3 fatty acids, and more have proven ability to lower blood pressure. Last week I was diagnosed with

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Exercise-based Cardiac Rehab- Chemotherapy-induced Cardiomyopathy

“Like medicines, exercise comes with indications and contraindications. And overdosing and under-dosing are both possible.” Frequent, moderate exercise is at the heart of both my cancer prevention

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