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Tag Archives for " Colorectal Cancer "

High-Carb Diet- Colon Cancer Recurrence

“The researchers found that the colon cancer (CC) patients who ate a starchy high-carbohydrate diet were nearly twice as likely to have a recurrence as those who ate a better balance of foods…” First

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Calcium Reduces Colorectal Cancer Relapse

There was a significant decrease in new adenomas detected at follow-up among patients who received calcium supplementation compared with placebo… While the research is not completely consistent,

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Vitamin D3, Colorectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: In an earlier study, a 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) (25(OH)D) score calculated from known predictors of vitamin D status significantly predicted plasma levels of 25(OH)D and the risk of colorectal

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Grape Seed Extract- Colorectal Cancer Therapy

“…the more advanced are colorectal cancer cells, the more GSE inhibits their growth and survival. On the other end of the disease spectrum, GSE leaves healthy cells alone entirely…” Effective

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Grape Seed Extract-Reduce Mucositis & Enhance Colon Cancer Chemo

Grape seed extract may represent a new therapeutic option to decrease the symptoms of intestinal mucositis (MU) while concurrently impacting on the viability of colon cancer cells A diagnosis of colorectal

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Colorectal Polyps-Antioxidants Reduce Risk of Relapse

cancer was present in about 1% of adenomas (colorectal polyps) smaller than 1 cm, 10% of 1–2 cm adenomas, and nearly 50% of adenomas larger than 2 cm If you have been diagnosed with colorectal polyps

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Serum Vitamin D3 – Colorectal Cancer

Comment by Mary:  This is another interesting article dealing with vitamin D levels and cancer, in this case colorectal cancer and the levels of 250HD at the time of surgery.  I was interested

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Colorectal Cancer-Angiogenesis Inhibitors

Bevacizumab (avastin) was approved by the FDA in February 2004 for use in metastatic colorectal cancer when used with standard chemotherapy treatment (as first-line treatment)… The article linked

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Magnesium – Colorectal Cancer Prevention

“In regard to cancer, magnesium (mag) intake has been associated with the incidence of some cancers and has been studied as a protective agent against chemotherapy-induced nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity…” According

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Colorectal Cancer Non-Conventional Therapies-

Colorectal cancer has been shown to respond to many antioxidant supplements before, during and after diagnosis. Depending on your age, stage at diagnosis and your prognosis and therapy plan nutrition,

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Colorectal Cancer- Eat Plenty of Fiber-Reduce Your Risk of Reccurrence

Eating a diet high in fiber can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. For every 10 grams of fiber consumed daily – slightly less than a cup of beans – the risk of colorectal cancer is reduced by 10

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Magnesium Reduces Colorectal Cancer Risk Occurrence, Relapse?

Several studies have demonstrated an association between high magnesium intake and reduced risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). It’s not rocket science. It’s not mega-dosing. The article linked

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