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Tag Archives for " Lymphoma "

Follicular Lymphoma: Watch and Wait for Better Therapies?

“Watching and waiting is still reasonable for patients with follicular lymphoma of all varieties because, while we are watching and waiting, clinical trials are ongoing, developing newer and better

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Mantle Cell Lymphoma- Lenalidomide, Rituxan plus Integrative Therapies

“Lenalidomide (Revlimid) plus rituximab (Rituxan) is a feasible combination that is also safe and active, as initial and maintenance therapy for patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)” The

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Lymphoma-“Risk of Secondary Cancer”

“…but the investigators wrote that this study confirmed the continual risk of secondary cancer beyond 25 years after a diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma…” The study isn’t talking

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Lymphoma-Herbs and Antioxidant Supplementation as Therapy

“Curcumin is the pigment of turmeric, a well-known chemopreventive agent that has been shown to suppress the proliferation of a wide variety of tumor cells, including lymphoma…” Years

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