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“Atypical Mole Syndrome is the most important phenotypic risk factor for developing cutaneous melanoma…” If you have atypical mole syndrome (AMS) and if your family is affected by AMS
Continue readingKnow the A,B,C,D, E’s of Diagnosing Melanoma. Know the Warning Signs. If You Want a Professional to Check Something Out, go see a Dermatologist with a Dermoscope- While I hate to admit it, I’m
Continue readingExcision of Dysplastic Nevi is prompted by an uncertain malignancy potential and the fear of undertreating an evolving malignant melanoma (MM)… Rather than worrying about DN /atypical moles, consider
Continue readingMelanoma Can’t Metastasize (Spread) Without Growing New Blood Vessels (Angiogenesis)- Consider Evidence-Based, Non-Toxic Anti-Angiogenesis If you have been diagnosed with melanoma your prognosis
Continue readingMedian Overall Survival was Superior in Surgical vs Nonsurgical Patients with Metastatic Melanoma A diagnosis of melanoma skin cancer largely depends on your stage of diagnosis. It is when a simple diagnosis
Continue reading“These side effects can happen and, when they happen, they can be severe and lethal,” Ryan J. Sullivan, MD, Living with incurable cancer since 1994 has taught me that conventional oncology understates
Continue readingMelanoma is a Complicated, Aggressive Cancer That is Difficult to Treat. You Need the Best of Evidence-based Conventional and Non-Conventional Therapies Is immunotherapy, checkpoint inhibitors in your
Continue reading“he study of synergistic relationships between melatonin analogues and anticancer drugs is a promising field, and these compounds could significantly strengthen the cytostatic and the cytotoxic effects
Continue reading“Topical application or oral administration of green tea through drinking water of mice prevents UVB-induced skin cancer development…” At the time I didn’t give it second
Continue readingI agree that Immunotherapy Can Be Transformative. But Are Yervoy, Keytruda, Nivolumab, “Transformative” in anything but the high cost of cancer therapy? The media too often falls into the trap
Continue readingSun Tan Lotion is the most Effective Method of Screening Your Face from Skin Cancer. The Best Mineral Sunscreen is from MD Solar Sciences Okay, I admit it. As a teen I tanned constantly. If I knew then
Continue readingMelanoma Versus Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. What’s the Difference? How Can I Tell if a Mole is a Problem? Ironically tanning makes you look healthier. As a teen I sat in the sun as often as I could.
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