Diagnosed with SMM, SPB, or MGUS?

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Tag Archives for " mgus "

MGUS Diagnosis- Reduce Risk of Multiple Myeloma

the risk of progression to a symptomatic disease. (MGUS diagnosis) progression risk is approximately 1% per year, and SMM has a risk of progression of 10% for the first 5 years which tapers off over time. Hi

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MGUS Diagnosis- Evidence-based, Non-toxic Therapies that Work-

“Non-IgM MGUS is considered a preneoplastic condition with an annual risk of progression of approximately 1%. Risk of progression is increased when M protein greater than or equal to 15 g/L and with

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Pre-Myeloma Diagnosis

Sadly, from a diagnosis standpoint, pre-myeloma conditions are viewed as a sort of red-headed stepchild to multiple myeloma. Meaning, oncology focuses on tests for monoclonal proteins and how they might

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MGUS- monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance

Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance aka MGUS is not cancer. It is considered to be a “blood disorder” or pre-multiple myeloma. Hello David: Great work you are doing to get us

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