“Low testosterone is associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, and testosterone replacement therapy in men with a confirmed diagnosis of hypogonadism is associated with reduced CV events and CV death.”
Hypogonadism in men is a risk factor both for cardiovascular events as well as prostate cancer. To put it another way, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), restoring normal testosterone levels in men with low levels of testosterone, seems to be good for your heart function as well helps men recover from prostatectomy.
I am a long-term survivor o a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. I underwent an autologous stem cell transplant in 12/95 that reduced my testosterone levels.

Those heath issues, cardiovascular health and prostatectomy recovery, are very different health challenges. I probably would not have seen any correllation had I not stumbled across two separate studies talking about these disparate health issues in men.
I don’t know if all men think this way but I always associated testosterone therapy as increasing my risk of prostate cancer.
I looked down on those T.V. commercials about “low T” and how to supplement to be more energetic, more… everything. For the record, I still look down on commercials talking about low-T. I think its important to supplement your low-t under a doctor’s supervision- it’s all about reaching normal levels of testosterone.
Now that I have read the studies citing the benefits of testosterone supplementation, I now understand that low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) is just as unhealthy as high testosterone levels. Both studies promoting testosterone therapy are sure to highlight the importance of returning to normal testosterone levels- not high nor low.
Wbich makes sense. I now look at my levels of testosterone the way I look at my magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.
Have you been diagnosed with “low T” aka hypogonadism? Scroll down the page, write a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Thank you,
David Emerson
- MM Survivor
- MM Cancer Coach
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
Testosterone Benefits Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer
“Low testosterone is associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, and testosterone replacement therapy in men with a confirmed diagnosis of hypogonadism is associated with reduced CV events and CV death...
“Testosterone deficiency is a risk factor for cardiovascular events and death,” T. Hugh Jones…
“If you normalize the circulating testosterone level with replacement therapy and monitor the patient, then that ultimately reduces the risk for CV death and events, especially in the diabetes population, for which we have produced evidence. Three other studies have confirmed this. It is important to make a careful, correct diagnosis of hypogonadism and replace the testosterone to a normal level…”
The weight of medical evidence from well-performed studies now supports the idea that testosterone, when replaced to adequate, normal-range levels, has no overall adverse effects on the CV system, and has shown benefit..
The researchers found that optimal androgen levels are a biomarker for survival. Older men with midrange levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone had the lowest death rates from any cause, Jones said, whereas those with higher dihydrotestosterone had lower ischemic heart disease mortality…”