Three Home Improvements That Can Help If You or Someone in Your Family Is Recovering from Cancer Surgery

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Here are three good home improvements to make, that are also nice, convenient things to have once you are able to move around normally again.

When you are recovering from surgery as a cancer patient, you need every bit of your energy to focus on getting better. You simply don’t need ordinary, mundane things like getting around the house or getting the room warm or light enough to present additional challenges.

Of course, a lot of forms of surgery, especially for things like bone cancer, can limit mobility while you are in recovery, often for a prolonged period. It is therefore a good idea to have some simple home improvements made that will make life easier while you, or a person in your household, is rehabilitating.

Home Modifications

There are some more long-term modifications you can make if you are expecting the period of rehabilitation to be very long or for full mobility to never return, such as stairlifts and shower seats. However, these are not usually necessary if your recovery period is expected to be shorter, and they are also fairly big financial commitments.

Here are three good home improvements to make, that are also nice, convenient things to have once you are able to move around normally again.

Electric Window Openers

Getting some fresh air into the room can be important, especially if you are bed-ridden and spending all your time in one room. It can get stuffy quite easily. This means that a great adaptation to your home, which isn’t especially expensive, is to have electric, remote controlled openers for your windows. Teal Products offer these types of options, and it is up to you whether you want them throughout your home or only in the room you (or the patient in your family) will be recuperating in.

Remote Control Lights

Another way remote controls can allow you to keep comfortable is by having remote control LED lights in your room or throughout the house. You can choose different brightnesses, whether the lights are on or off, or even colour changing lights operated by remote control if you find coloured lighting soothing.

LED lights are also more energy efficient, so you’ll be making some cost savings too.

Bathroom Rails

When mobility is a problem, some things that we used to take for granted can become a struggle, and in the case of the bathroom, this can be an embarrassing issue and a real problem if you are home alone.

By fitting simple rails in the bathroom to help you with getting on and off the toilet, and to hold onto in the shower, you can make it far easier to use the bathroom without worrying about being stuck in an uncomfortable position or needing help for every visit.

These are all inexpensive changes that will not permanently alter your home in a way that won’t appeal when you are better, and they can make a surprising amount of difference in how comfortable you or your family member will be at home during surgery recuperation.

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