Using CBD Oil for Cancer – Can it Really Help?

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve noticed it: CBD is everywhere these days, and with good reason, as millions of users and some scientific evidence have found that the oil may be able to help alleviate a variety of physical and emotional challenges.

CBD  been used for a slew of problems, including pain, inflammation and more. However, some are asking if it
can be used for even more deadly conditions, like cancer. Given the compound’s massive spike in popularity and its ability to potentially address a variety of illnesses, it’s worth asking this important question: Can CBD help with cancer?

CBD for Cancer

There is limited information which indicates that CBD may have positive effects on slowing the growth of tumors in animals. A 2019 review demonstrated that cannabinoids can cause tumor cells to die and slow tumor growth, and another study showed the potential for a reduced risk of cannabinoids and bladder cancer. Other research has indicated that CBD may
be beneficial for treating gilomas or breast cancer.

Advanced reviews by the National Cancer Institute has found the potential for CBD to be
helpful with cancer, but has also found other studies which showed no connection between
CBD use and cancer reduction.

However, it is vitally important to note that the research on using CBD for cancer is
extremely limited. While the above information does appear to contain good news, there is no
scientific consensus on the subject, and it is far, far too premature to assume that CBD can
reduce cancer, slow its growth or stop tumors.
As such, never stop taking medication or begin taking any other supplement – including CBD
– without first consulting with a physician, as CBD can have negative interactions with
certain drugs or illnesses.

CBD and Mitigating Side Effects From Cancer Treatment

The research here is a bit more clear: CBD does appear to have the potential to help manage
the side effects of cancer treatments.

Generally speaking, CBD works by altering the connection between your body’s naturally
produced cannabinoids and the cannabinoid receptors which are studded throughout your
body, making these connections last longer and the bond between cannabinoids and receptors
stronger. This has an impact on a variety of bodily functions, including fatigue, pain, nausea,
appetite, mood and more.

As such, CBD may be able to control some of the worst symptoms which arise from cancer
treatment. Chemotherapy and other cancer-treatment drugs often cause a slew of negative
impacts, including nausea, appetite loss, fatigue and more. CBD may help to reverse some of
these negative effects, and there is some scientific evidence which backs up these claims.

One study  examined the impact of C-B-D on cancer and cancer drugs, finding that pain, nausea and
a loss of appetite were all eased by C-B-D consumption.

Next Steps for C-B-D and Cancer

More research must be done. As noted above, no serious medical professional would prescribe CBD to cure or prevent cancer. This is because, as of yet, there is no scientific consensus on the matter. However,
that is not to say that there is no connection between CBD and cancer reduction, and some
studies have indicated that such a connection may exist.

The next step is the conducting of additional research to answer a variety of questions. Most
importantly, it must be determined if there is a relationship between CBD, cancer and
reducing the impact of cancer drugs. However, further research must be conducted into the
following subjects:

  • What sort of C-B-D or hemp strains work best?
  • What is the ideal therapeutic dose? Is there such a thing as taking too much C-B-D?
  • Are there long term effects of C-B-D consumption?
  • What additional drug interactions exist, and what can be done to mitigate them?

Hope After Time?

The answer to the question posed in the title of this article – whether or not C-B-D can help
with cancer – depends on the research above. It is certainly possible that C-B-D can treat or
prevent cancer, and it seems more possible that C-B-D can help manage the negative impacts
of cancer treatment, but we are a long, long way off from being able to definitively make that
statement. Only additional research can give us the answers we need to this very important

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