
As a cancer patient, you may feel like your life has become a rollercoaster – physically and emotionally.

You may have already gotten over the initial shock of your diagnosis. You may have begun (or are ready to begin) your therapy plan – surgery, chemo, radiation or other integrative therapies. Or, you may be experiencing side effects and you are wondering about what to do now and down the road.

As you continue through your treatment, there are some things to consider:

  • Ask questions. It is your health and well-being that are at stake.
  • Learn from fellow cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. They have been through a similar experience and have much to offer.
  • Share your experience and concerns with fellow patients and survivors to learn and gain the confidence you need to manage your cancer.
  • Ask for help and accept help if you need it.

People Beating Cancer is all about people like you who are looking for ways to live their lives to the fullest while battling this disease. We have many resources available including:

  • BlogsDavid Emerson writes about his experiences and what he has learned about cancer
  • Information by diagnosis: We share resources by diagnosis.
  • Newsletters: Our free monthly newsletter expands upon critical cancer issues.
  • Healthy Living Products: Long term cancer survivor David Emerson writes about products that he uses to manage his cancer and side effects- products and books that you can use too.
  • Coaching Long-term cancer survivor David Emerson lends his experience to those affected by cancer and helps them navigate their journey.