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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Search Results for: myeloma, cure debate

Myeloma – The Cure vs. Control Debate

Although not often openly acknowledged, “cure vs control” is the dominant philosophical difference behind many of the strategies, trials, and debates related to the management of myeloma. You have

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Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis – Cure vs. Control Debate

“He told me that I could do whatever I wanted but that HE would not be doing the multiple myeloma chemo my way. It was his way or the highway.” Hello David- I am 70 yrs young and have a recently

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Newly Diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma? Start here.

Welcome to the club no one wants to join. A Multiple Myeloma diagnosis can be shocking. I hope that after spending some time with the information linked on this page, you will feel oriented in your

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Newly Diagnosed Elderly Myeloma

You are a newly diagnosed elderly myeloma patient. Or you are a caregiver for an elderly NDMM. Your oncologist is talking about several different chemo cocktails. All which sound overwhelming. The average

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Myeloma Risk Prediction?

The first two paragraphs in the article below explains that myeloma risk prediction is now made possible with the help of artificial intelligence. In effect, over the past couple of decades, oncology has

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MGUS Cure?

Is an MGUS cure possible? According to the research linked and excerpted below, the answer is yes. Unfortunately, like most therapies for any form of monoclonal gammopathy such as: single plasmacytoma

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Smoldering Myeloma and Financial Toxicity

Why do I mean by the phrase “smoldering myeloma and financial toxicity?” Pre-myeloma classifications such as a single plasmacytoma of bone, MGUS and SMM (smoldering myeloma) are not cancer…

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The Frail Myeloma Patient

The frail myeloma patient is more common that you might think. Consider the statistics. MM is a disease with an average age of 70 years old. According to research, approximately a third of MM patients

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Myeloma Patients & Caregivers

Do myeloma patients & caregivers think differently?  According to the study linked below- yes, they do. I’ve been both a cancer patient and a caregiver (for my mom in assisted living). Believe

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Myeloma Chemotherapy – Antioxidants Enhance Action

Much debate has focused on whether antioxidants interfere with the efficacy of cancer chemotherapy. The objective of this study is to systematically review the randomized, controlled clinical trial evidence

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Berenson Myeloma QoL OS

Berenson Myeloma QoL OS- According to the articles linked and excerpted below, Dr. James Berenson, Myeloma specialist, reports the longest average overall survival of MM patients while striving for the

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Light Chain Myeloma- Cure V. Control?

Dear Mr. Emerson: Thank God  I have found a site like yours. I suffer from light chain myeloma diagnosed in January 2023. For 10 months I have undergone chemotherapy with Bortezomib, Dexamethasone, Cyclophosphamide

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