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How long should you undergo active surveillance if you have low-risk Prostate Cancer (PCa)? According to my experience compared to the study linked below, active surveillance among low-risk PCa patients can vary- a lot.
Though my original cancer diagnosis was multiple myeloma and not prostate cancer, I pay close attentional to all things PCa because there is prostate cancer in my family.
My personal experience of a PCa patient who was diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer was a classmate of mine named Bill (not his real name). At the time of diagnosis Bill was 55 and his father, who was diagnosed with PCa, had undergone treatment long before Bill diagnosis.
Within about five years of Bill’s undergoing active surveillance for his PCa, a biopsy indicated high-risk form of PCa and Bill then decided to undergo active treatment.
Bill had been prehabilitating and underwent a local prostatectomy with no short or long-term side effects.
The duration of active surveillance can vary depending on several factors, including:
To summarize, the study linked below cites a 25 year term for active surveillance. But my friend Bill was much younger than the average patients in the study, had prostate cancer in his family and finally, had been undergoing prehabilitation leading up to his prostatectomy. I believe that this gave Bill more confidence that he could manage the side effects often associated with a prostatectomy.
Have you been diagnosed with PCa? Are you wondering about active surveillance versus treatment? If you’d like to learn more about cancer email me at David.PeopleBeatingCancer@gmail.com
Good luck,
“Men with low-risk prostate cancer who go on active surveillance rather than treatment are best followed-up for more than 15 years — and perhaps indefinitely — according one of the longest studies to date to look at the issue.
Previous studies have shown that active surveillance continued for 15 years is appropriate to identify men who progress and need treatment, but now data out to 25 years “suggest that meticulous follow-up is needed over a longer time if the chance for cure is not to be missed…”
The prospective Göteborg study began enrolling men with very low- or low-risk (78%) or intermediate-risk (22%) prostate cancer in 1995. In the active surveillance program, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was measured routinely with biopsies ordered for PSA levels ≥ 2.5 ng/mL…
In an analysis published in 2016 when 202 (43%) of 474 patients managed with active surveillance had discontinued surveillance to start treatment, the median follow-up period was 8 years.
The rate of mortality associated with prostate cancer at 15 years was estimated to be
In the most recent follow-up, when the median age in the Göteburg-1 study was 80 years (the median age at diagnosis was 66 years), the median follow-up period was 15.1 years with a range of up to 28.1 years.
In this analysis, which focused on patients with low-risk prostate cancer at baseline, discontinuations from active surveillance had climbed to 47%. Most of these men discontinued to initiate treatment, but 79 (16%) had failed acute surveillance, meaning their progression was not caught in time for curative-intent treatment, and 2% had died from prostate cancer…
The rate of treatment-free survival, which was estimated to be 65% in the 15-year analysis published in 2016, had declined to 31%. The rate of failure-free survival was 59%, and prostate cancer-specific survival was 92%, according to the researchers…
The low rate of deaths from prostate cancer over the extended period is reassuring, Palmstedt said, but the main message from the new study is that active surveillance permits curative-intent treatment to be offered even after late follow-up. She emphasized that patients without progression by 15 years cannot be considered “safe.”
Over the past decade, the proportion of men with prostate cancer managed with active surveillance has been rising steadily…
In a study published last year in JAMA Network Open, Cooperberg and his colleagues reported that rates of active surveillance rose from 26.5% in 2014 to 59.6% in 2021. However, given the value of the approach for avoiding overtreatment of men with low-risk prostate cancers, even that increase is not enough, he said…
“The window of opportunity for cure is typically very wide,” Cooperberg said. Although many men “will never need treatment…long-term surveillance is definitely important” for those that do, he said. The data from trials like Göteborg-1 support the principle that this strategy still preserves the option of treatment when it is needed.
“Treatment for cure at age 70 is generally far preferable to treatment at 55, and surveillance should absolutely be preferred treatment for the vast majority of men with low-grade disease at diagnosis,” he explained…