Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

Click the orange button to the right to learn more about what you can start doing today.

Multiple Myeloma Diet

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 I believe nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle changes, and mind-body therapies help me remain in complete remission from my MM. Learn how this is possible with an anti-angiogenic, anti-myeloma diet.

You or a loved one has been diagnosed with pre-multiple myeloma (SBP, MGUS or SMM) or full blown MM stages 1,2 or 3. You are trying to learn about a multiple myeloma diet and what foods to eat for this cancer.

Yes, there are studies that confirm that a multiple myeloma diet is an important piece of the puzzle. Or I should say that foods that are anti-angiogenic can be actual therapy that is cytotoxic (kills) to monoclonal proteins aka multiple myeloma.

My experience and research indicates that nutrition is a key component in your multiple myeloma prognosis.

While I believe that my diet is one of the evidence-based therapies that helps me remain in complete remission, I have a confession to make. I don’t diet. That is to say, I don’t follow a Ketogenic, Mediterranean, Atkins, etc. etc. diet.

If I’m talking to a MM patient, survivor or caregiver who asks me what I eat, I will say that I follow a Flexitarian diet...sort of. I will mention that diet because it

  1. emphasizes fruits and veggies
  2. allows for a little meat
  3. is flexible (I need this…)

Many MM patients ask me about dairy (milk and MM)  as well as sugar as a part of their anti-myeloma diet recommendations.  While I do believe that both dairy/milk and sugar are to be minimized, I can’t say that my diet is 100% no dairy, no sugar. If you read food labels, you will see that there is some form of glucose in almost every processed food. I work really hard to eliminate processed sugar but by eating fruit, for example, I consume fructose.

My final comment to whomever is asking, is my overall philosophy- progress, not perfection. I have to say this because…I’ll be honest…I cheat. Not a lot but I need to acknowledge this. And I have progressed a lot over the years. I consume much less processed sugar than I used to. I just don’t crave sweet foods the way I used to. I don’t crave red meat, and I don’t crave fried foods at all.

I don’t cheat nearly as often as I used to. So progress, not perfection…

To Learn More about the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching Program- click now

Foods that starve multiple myeloma.

  1. Anti-angiogenic foods and supplements are the key to nutrition as MM therapy
  2. A case for MM patients needing red meat (lean) was made in a book called Eat Right For Your Blood Type.
  3. By definition, “dieting” is a short-term solution. I believe that anti-myeloma nutrition is for the rest of our lives. Find a diet that you can stick to day-in, day-out, for the rest of your life.

But anti-MM foods are only one piece of the evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-MM puzzle.

Nutritional basics that I follow and recommend for you to follow too:

  1. No smoking and as little alcohol as possible (red wine will be discussed below)
  2. As little refined sugar in your diet as you can. I say as little because sugar is in everything. Do your best. Read labels…
  3. As little animal/saturated fat as possible.
  4. Eat lots of fruits and veggies daily.
  5. Learn about and focus your meals on anti-angiogenic foods and supplements. For example, black rasperries, dark chocolate, curcumin (supplement) and resveratrol (supplement) are anti-angiogenic. Conventional standard-of care, FDA approved chemotherapy regimens such as revlimid and thalidomide are also angiogenesis inhibitors.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, let me say this loud and clear:

It is critical that you become an active participant in your care. Learn everything you can.

I am alive today largely because I took the time to learn as much as I could about Multiple Myeloma and sought out the full spectrum of evidence-based MM therapies both conventional (FDA approved) and non-conventional.

Your decision-making begins by learning about the full spectrum of evidence-based myeloma therapies, both conventional and non-conventional.

Anti-MM nutrition and nutritional supplementation are two key components of the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching Program. Specifics about what foods and supplements fight multiple myeloma.

If you have a question or comment, scroll down to the bottom of the page to post it and I will respond ASAP.

I’ve written about MM nutrition and supplementation many times over the years-

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Can we eat to starve cancer? – William Li

I found the Ted Talk linked above to be life-changing where my MM management was concerned. This video was shot in 2010 so it is a bit old. However I think the content is as relevant to MM patients and survivors as ever.

Tumor Angiogenesis as a Target for Dietary Cancer Prevention

“The switch to the angiogenic phenotype occurs during multistage tumorigenesis. As malignancy develops, cells progress from a prevascular stage (normal to early hyperplasia) to a vascular stage (late hyperplasia to dysplasia to invasive carcinoma). Angiogenesis becomes clearly evident during dysplasia and is critical for further growth. Targeting tumor angiogenesis may be a novel strategy for preventing cancer. (Reprinted by permission from the Angiogenesis Foundation. Copyright 2011 by The Angiogenesis Foundation. All rights reserved).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is JO2012-879623.001.jpg

Table 5

Chemopreventive agents that possess antiangiogenic properties.

Alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO)
1 α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
Ellagic acid
Epigallocatechin 3-gallate
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)

Source: Angiotracker, The Angiogenesis Foundation (

Multiple Myeloma Diet- Eat? Not Eat?

“…important to recognize the cumulative burden of the disease and treatment-related toxicity in both the stable and active phases of myeloma..”

Recommended Reading:

Do nightshade vegetables make arthritis worse

“Fruits and vegetables from the nightshade family are staple foods for many people. Nightshades are nutritious, healthful foods and the idea that they cause inflammation is not supported by evidence
Nightshade foods contain solanine, a chemical which some people believe may aggravate arthritis pain or inflammation. The Arthritis Foundation say that this is not true
Common nightshade vegetables that we eat include:
  • white potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • eggplant
Nutritious nightshades include the following:
  • Eggplant
  • Eggplant is an ingredient used in many diets, including the Mediterranean diet and is stocked in most grocery stores.
  • Eggplant is a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin B-1, B-6, and K.
  • Tomatoes-Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including biotin, potassium, iron, and zinc. They also contain the antioxidant lycopene, which may improve inflammation.
  • Potatoes

Purple, white, and yellow potatoes all offer nutritional value that includes fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B-6.

“Background: Anacardium occidentale L. is a tropical plant used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The goal of the present work was to investigate the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant potential of oral administration of cashew nuts (from Anacardium occidentale L.) in a mouse model of colitis
Conclusions: The results suggested that oral assumption of cashew nuts may be beneficial for the management of colitis.
Goji berries are high antioxidant potential fruits which alleviate oxidative stress to confer many health protective benefits such as preventing free radicals from damaging DNA, lipids, and proteins…”

Guidelines for screening and management of late and long-term consequences of myeloma and its treatment

“Summary- A growing population of long-term survivors of myeloma is now accumulating the ‘late effects’ not only of myeloma itself, but also of several lines of treatment given throughout the course of the disease. It is thus important to recognise the cumulative burden of the disease and treatment-related toxicity in both the stable and active phases of myeloma, some of which is unlikely to be detected by routine monitor- ing.

We summarise here the evidence for the key late effects in long-term survivors of myeloma, including physical and psychosocial consequences (in Parts 1 and 2 respectively), and recommend the use of late-effects screening protocols in detection and intervention. The early recognition of late effects and effective management strategies should lead to an improvement in the management of myeloma patients, although evidence in this area is currently limited and fur- ther research is warranted..”

A Long-term Multiple Myeloma Survivor’s Diet, Nutrition Plan

A multiple myeloma survivors’ nutrition goals are-“Body, blood, bone,  heart, and brain health.” And a diet that I can stick to for years to come…

As a long-term multiple myeloma (MM) survivor, my main concern is remaining in complete remission and living a long, healthy life. 

Staying in complete remission from my “incurable” cancer. according to a growing number of studies, diet and nutrition are central to achieving long-term remission.  I stumbled on the U.S. News ratings of the “best” diets and I thought I should make an evidence-based case for what I eat, and why I eat it.

Let me begin by saying that many of the diets listed in the U.S. News report make sense for cancer survivors for different reasons. I am simply reporting what I do, what I have done and why I do it (nutritionally speaking).

I will list why I follow the “flexitarian” diet (followed closely by the Meditteranean Diet)

  1. I need the flexibility of this diet. I need a diet that is “easiest to follow. I eat mostly fruits, veggies, whole grains, and nuts but I do need a piece of lean red meat on occasion. And I have a glass of wine once or twice a week.
  2. My weight- I gained 50 pounds when I was on dexamethasone in 1995. I lost 70 pounds over the 5 years following my autologous stem cell transplant in 12/95. My goal is to maintain my weight and muscle mass. The nutrition equation is diet (protein, etc.) supports muscle, muscle supports bone health, bone health support MM remission. The Flexitarian diet helps me follow this nutrition equation.
  3. The Flexitarian diet scores points on managing diabetes. That means that the diet manages a person’s blood glucose and insulin. I believe that insulin, exercise, diet, inflammation, and cancer are linked.  MM survivors need to touch all these bases every day to stay in CR.
  4. I follow a Flexitarian diet based on Time-Restricted Feeding. I consider TRF to be a simple add-on to the benefits of flexitarian eating. A bonus or twofer…
  5. In addition to the nutritional support of both the Flexitarian diet and TRF, I live an evidence-based anti-MM lifestyle based on the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching Program– I follow the program because I researched and blogged about everything in the program. I believe that MM survivors need those evidence-based non-toxic therapies outlined the MM CC program.

If you don’t have time to watch the webinar, but would like to learn more about:

  • The 14  Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching Guides- presenting Evidence-Based information and education-
  • Evidence-based, integrative therapies for each of the top Multiple Myeloma chemotherapy regimens

Last but not least, I don’t diet. I got serious about what I put in my body about 20 years ago. My daily routine now is just that, a daily routine. But the flexitarian/Mediterranean   diet does offer guidelines that I think MM survivors should understand and follow.

Recommended Reading:

Leave a Comment:

Kam says a couple of months ago

I have MM and been treated with D-VTD since June. I’m not eligible for a SCT as my kidney function is impaired (egfr 32).
I have not achieved complete remission although my numbers have come down since receiving chemo but I’m now on DRD but my Lambda chains seem to be increasing to 200.
Do you have any suggestions to improve my kidney function as doctors are saying that they cannot be improved. What is your opinion please?
I’m happy for you to email me privately.
Thank you

    David Emerson says last month

    I replied to you via email-

Sue says a few months ago

Please send me nutritional information on MM. Was diagnosed one year ago & had autologous SCT. Am in remission but on a loss-dose daily chemo pill. I feel great but need more health guidelines.

Phyllis McKinley says a few months ago

I have smoldering myeloma after having numerous blood tests bone marrow extraction, skeletal – rays and PET. Does this same diet aid in helping SMM? Thank you.

    David Emerson says a few months ago

    Hi Phyllis-

    I am sorry to read of your SMM diagnosis. To answer your question, yes, the diet discussed in the post that you came in on is beneficial for both pre-MM (SMM) and full MM. I also encourage daily moderate exercise, nutritional supplementation and lifestyle therapies shown to reduce your risk of progression.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Pam Warner says a few months ago

I’ll be doing my ASCT in two weeks. I was diagnosed in Jan 2024 and went on vegetation eating and got to remission in 4 months. Looking for a long term eating plan. I’m o blood type.

    David Emerson says a few months ago

    Hi Pam-

    Congrats on achieving CR after only 4 months of induction therapy. This means that you have exposed your body to much less toxicity than the average MM patient. Consider holding off on your ASCT until you relapse in the future.

    As for a long-term eating plan, I follow a primarily meditteranean diet. I say primarily because I do cheat on occasion. Further, I support my nutritional, anti-MM goals with nutritional supplementation- curcumin, omega-3, etc.

    Consider also pursuing anti-mm lifestyle therapies such as sauna, daily exercise, etc.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Zach says a few months ago

Stontium seems to be touted as a good bone builder. Are you familiar with it David? Do you recommend it?

    David Emerson says a few months ago

    Hi Zack-

    I know of strontium for bone health. I don’t take it because it is contraindicted for people with heart issues aka me. I think there are some bone health supplements that contain strontium.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

John says a few months ago

Hi David,

do you eat/drink fortified foods?

    David Emerson says a few months ago

    Hi John-

    I’m not sure what you mean by fortified foods? I try to eat a diet with a high percentage of fruits and veggies, as organic as possible but I’m sure there is a percentage of processed foods. Is this what you mean?

    David Emerson

    John says a few months ago

    Hi David, I am referring to drinks such as 365 by Whole Foods Market, Organic Unsweetened Soy Beverage. There are vitamins and minerals added. As well, some cereals have added vitamins and minerals.

      David Emerson says a few months ago

      Hi John-
      You mean almond, oatmeal, soy, etc? I don’t only because I don’t like the taste.

      David Emerson

        John says a few months ago

        do you ever eat bread? If so, what kind?

          David Emerson says a few months ago

          Hi John-

          I do but in moderation. Baggetts when my wife makes pasta.


ahab nassar says a few months ago

I’m blood type o, and I’m following keto,
now I consider the vegetables and add a big dish of leafs.
Is there any problem if I eat organic meat every day?

    David Emerson says a few months ago

    Hi Ahab-

    I don’t know much about the keto diet. In general, most studies agree that red meat in general and animal fat in particular is unhealthy in the long run.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

John says 6 months ago

Hi David do you eat eggs?

    David Emerson says 6 months ago

    Hi John-

    I had an omelette for dinner last night. Not a lot but yes.

    David Emerson

Larry Barrett says 7 months ago

I am NDMM patient. I have mild anemia. I do not want to take chemo treatments. I have focused on a whole food plant based diet since diagnosis in Feb. 2024. Last week blood test shows red and white cells still dropping. I have read there are several different types of anemia. My Oncologist is not addressing the anemia. Would it be beneficial to try to get tested and treatment for the anemia. I know the MM destroys the white cells but maybe anemia treatment might help my body fight. I have no bone involvement or kidney issues.

    David Emerson says 7 months ago

    Hi Larry-

    I am sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis. It sounds as though you are early stage. This is good and gives you more therapy options. Anemia is a common MM symptom (the A in CRAB). You are correct in that there are sever different possible anemia therapies infusing iron supplementation and iron rich foods such as red meat.

    An important first step is for you to establish a relationship with a MM specialist. Not simply a general oncologist or even just a hem/onc.

    In my experience, it is not about chemo or no chemo but the amount of chemo to manage your MM. Low dose chemotherapy can be very effective for the NDMM patient with few symptoms. A small amount of chemo should bring your red and white blood cells back to normal levels. The MM specialist with thee best/longest survival rates, both 5 and 10 year, is named James Berenson. Dr. Berenson manages MM differently.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Bruce Miller says 8 months ago

I was wondering about mistletoe infusions with vitamin C and DMSO. I have been getting this treatment for about two months and I have been feeling better but there is no research on this treatment. If you know of any or a website please refer me to it! I was diagnosed in 12/19 with IgG mm. Interested in your diet plan.

    David Emerson says 8 months ago

    Hi Bruce-

    Mistletoe, vit. C and DMSO all have benefits as you know. I do not know of any studies or website for this particular combo. Good luck and hang in there,

    David Emerson

      Tsvetelina Bacheva says 6 months ago

      Dear Mr. Miller and Mr. Emerson, my brother was diagnosed with MM in Nov 21 and he had undergone all of the available conventional treatments, so now we are looking for alternative approaches. Can you recommend us how to administer mistletoe, vit.C and DMSO? Do you have any other suggestions that would be efficient? Thank you in advance! Best wishes!

Geri Hall says 8 months ago

Please email me a copy of your diet guide. Thank you,

ahab nassar says 8 months ago

could you please share the diet guidelines and supplements .

Nancy Vidarte says 8 months ago

I would love more info about the diet. I was diagnosed with MM march 2023. Had autologus transplant in sep 2023. Now on maintenance chemo with revlimid and dexa injection once a month. I want to be brave but Im still scared…

Mary says 9 months ago

Please email me your diet/nutrition guide for Multiple Myeloma

Diane says 10 months ago

PS I forgot to tell you I am on darzalex now once a month. Diane

Diane says 10 months ago

I finished my second round of treatment Feb 2024. I was in remission for 21 months. I am currently taking cayenne pepper and wonder what your take is on cayenne pepper. The PA in my oncologist office was not supportive of the idea because she was concerned about the fact that it is reported to be a blood tonic and vessel support. HOWEVER— when I ran it by my oncologist he didn’t seem to have a problem with it. I’m not asking you to go against the doctor I’m just interested in what you may know or feel about cayenne pepper as a supplement in the diet of a mm patient. Thanks Diane

    David Emerson says 10 months ago

    Hi Diane-

    The short answer to your question is 1) I have read many nutritious properties of cayenne pepper so I take a broad view of nutrition for MM patients on chemo. Nutrition is good.

    The longer and more nuanced reply is that no one knows if cayenne interacts with chemo (darzelex) because there has never been a study of the two much less a clinical trial.

    I cut and pasted a section of a web page below. Yes, cayenne can interact with the specific meds below. I don’t know how a “blood tonic” is bad but again, no one really knows.

    My general approach is that nutrition is good. Especially if the food manages pain.

    I hope this helps. Good luck, David Emerson

    Capsaicin can also interact with certain medications, including:

    Blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin) and clopidogrel (Plavix)
    Stomach acid reducers such as cimetidine (Tagamet), esomeprazole (Nexium), famotidine (Pepcid), omeprazole (Prilosec), and ranitidine (Zantac)
    ACE inhibitors such as captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), fosinopril (Monopril), and lisinopril (Zestril)

Ann Rushing says 10 months ago

I was diagnosed wit MM a year ago (February 2023) and now in stringent remission. I’m currrently receiving Velcade and darsalex injections, Dexamethasone and revlimid. I would appreciate if you can send me the MM diet.
Thank you.

John Reilly says 10 months ago

Diagnosed with PCL this week. Just started treatment.

    David Emerson says 10 months ago

    Hi John-

    I am sorry to learn of your plasma cell leukemia diagnosis. Do you have a question?

    David Emerson

Nancy Lyman says 10 months ago

I wish this excellent article was printable!

Juanita Saylor says 10 months ago

Thank you. Starting my 5th year of survival with MM. I appreciate what you are sharing and I definitely want to learn as much as I can too.

    David Emerson says 10 months ago

    Hi Juanita-

    Sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis though great to read you are doing well.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Kathryn Guillaum says 11 months ago

Could I please have a copy of the nutritional guide..again, David?

    Juanita Saylor says 10 months ago

    Can you please send me the guide lines and diet to my email? Thank you.

Molly Lopez says 11 months ago


Thanks for sharing your experience so far and congratulations.

I am 37, was diagnosed last year in Aug, I am currently on zometa and not doing any treatment as currently SMM. I am having additional scans as I have back pain. Can you share the diet guidelines pls?

    David Emerson says 11 months ago

    Hi Molly-

    I sent you the nutrition guide via your email address. Consider two things- first, determine your “risk” of progression to full MM. What is your FLC ratio? Do you have any organ involvement? Secondly, pre habilitate.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

John Edwards says last year

I would like to receive nutrition information for MM as I am awaiting a stem cell transplant in the very near future

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi John-

    I replied to your post via email.

    David Emerson

James says last year

I would like to receive more nutrition information pertaining to MM .

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi James-

    I sent the MM CC nutrition guide via email today- check your spam folder if you have not received it.

    David Emerson

      Cal Millwalkee says 8 months ago

      I have just been diagnosed with SMM. I am just learning all this.
      I would like a copy of your nutrition guide.

Magdalena says last year

25 years!! Congratulations! I was just diagnosed and am waiting for bone marrow results. Other than a fairly big lesion on my scalp which I thought was a cyst I have no symptoms. Is there any food that helps rebuild the bone loss on my scalp? Any other tips for me?

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Magdalena-

    Good to read that you have no symptoms other than the lesion on your scalp. Is the lesion IN or outside the bone? If it is outside the bone then it is called “extramedullary” and indicates a different prognosis.

    While green leafy veggies are known to contain calcium and therefore promote bone health, it is nutritional supplementation such as vitamin D, magnesium, etc. that have been shown to specifically enhance bone health.

    Do you know what stage you are?

    David Emerson

      Magdalena says last year

      It’s extramedullary I think?Leaves a big bump but is extraaxial the MRI says. It feels like a very large baby Fontanelle I think the bone is no longer there. The bone marrow biopsy is not back yet so I don’t know the stage. Thank you.

        David Emerson says last year

        Hi Magdalena- Okay- hang in there-

        David Emerson

Susan Mullis says last year

I have had MM since 2009 Had 2 bone marrow transplant Both hips broke and just Nov 2023 my arm broke Now lm off of chemo my doctor has send me to B’ham for a trail drugs Not sure if l can do it because it’s in my bone and brain So don’t know what’s going to happen I prayer they will have something else

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Susan-

    Sorry to read of your MM challenges though managing MM since your diagnosis in 2009 aka 14 years is impressive.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Kathryn Guillaum says last year

Happy New Year, David! It’s going to be one hell of a year

    David Emerson says last year

    Happy New Year to you as well Kathryn- hope your new years is healthy!


Kathryn Guillaum says last year

I’m back on CBD. suppositories. Kappas rising slowly. I hope it’s a temporary thing from a vaccine ( high dose In fluenza) and two COVID boosters
Immunity is still low. GP and Oncologist just kind of pass it off. So I’m doing what I can to stave off effects from being around others.
Happy Holidays David! ⛄

    David Emerson says last year

    Keep at it Kathryn- Happy Holidays to you too-


Sharon Lewis says last year

I was diagnosed 2021
I started off having injections twice a week, until myeloma cells were found in the fluid and changed treatment to cafildemed( no sure of spelling). I had stem cell transplant January this year 2023 been on 20mg lelalidomide maintenance. Found out this week numbers are climbing slowly so they are increasing the Lenalidomide to 25mg and starting injections next week. My diet is pretty healthy. I’m 53 with 3 children and want to beat this. I have been positive throughout even though the worst times but I’m now feeling very anxious that things are going wrong again.
Would appreciate any advice.
Thank you 🙏

Jill. Glover says last year

Al Amyloidosis I have( in remission) is very similar to MM ? The. Diet help also?

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Jill-

    Amyloidosis is like MM in that your monoclonal proteins are making a damaging protein. Yes, therapy plan is similar. Yes, non-conventional therapies help your immune function, chemo, etc.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Kathryn Guillaum says last year

Happy Thanksgiving, David!

Kathryn Guillaum says last year

More Power to you… all of us!✊

Bonnie says last year


Do you include beans? I have thyroid nodules and the biopsy was inconclusive for cancer. About 30 years ago I worked as a nurse and had a patient on a macrobiotic diet. His wife said he and two others went on this diet whom had surgery for brain cancer. The survival rate was 1 year after surgery. She said all three were still surviving 10 years later. She said they do not know what about the diet worked, just that it worked. He was non verbal. May have been organic also.

    Bonnie says last year

    Also, I don’t consider vegan like diets as healthy, but I am considering it temporarily because of my thyroid. I read beans also help with cancer.

      David Emerson says last year

      I don’t know much about vegan diets Bonnie- sorry…

Maree says last year

Hi I would love to see your nutrition guidelines please! Had a large plasmacytoma last year and at the MGUS stage now so I think nutrition is super important along with exercise I have committed to a basic gym routine to try and increase mobility

Marianne roote says last year

I need help

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Marianne- help is what I do. Have you been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? If so, what stage? What symptoms? Have you undergone any therapies?

    Let me know, thanks.

    David Emerson

Isabelita Baldovino says last year

I am 67 year old. I was first diagnosed with MMin 2011. I had chemo and stem cell transplant which put me on remission and was on Revlimid for maintenance for 5 years. I was back to almost 100%, living my life to the fullest, working full time, traveling when I can get vacation and even went back to school for my master. However, I had relapsed by December 2020, had chemo Jan. 2021 and then stem cell transplant on May 2021. Recovery was a lot harder this time, lost a lot of weight, no appetite and fatigued. Finally got in remission a year later (June 2022) but continued weakness and fatigue along with hair loss and skin pigmentation. I am now starting to feel better but still not back to the way I was. I am now retired but have no desire to do pleasurable activities yet. I am on Revlimid for maintenance and my Oncologist said I will take it continuously this time unless I have side effects which I intend to follow. Can you please send me the Diet/Nutrition guide for MM? Thank you.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Isabelita-

    I replied to this post via email. If you did not receive an email from me please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Basil says last year

I recently completed stem cell transplant with good results and am looking for dietary tips to support long term remission

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Basil-

    The post outlining those nutrition/diet guidelines that I follow is linked below. An in-depth presentation of both conventional and non-conventional mm therapies is presented in the MM Cancer Coaching course.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Genetria Hurse says last year

Please help me with the right foods to eat

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Genetria-

    I sent you the MM CC nutrition guide a couple of hours ago. If you did not receive my email please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Sharon Pressey says last year

I was diagnosed with MM 14 months ago. Heading for stem cell transplant next week. I do need to know what to eat. I had decided on the Mediterranean diet. Could you send me your plan please.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Sharon-

    I sent you the MM CC nutrition guide. Check your spam folder if you did not receive my email.

    David Emerson

Andrea Wright says last year

I enjoyed reading this. Diagnosis April 2023, 47 years old female. Started chemo (Dara, velcade, Revlimid) 14 weeks. Could you show me what you eat daily or in a week? Also, if you were diagnosed today, would you still do a stem cell transplant or hold off (I have chosen to see how it goes before committing to SCT) my doctor isn’t saying yes or no. So curious what you think? He said it may not be the answer in future because of new treatments coming available and I’m on a pretty good treatment plan.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Andrea-

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis though it sounds as though you are doing well. My daily diet is focused on fruit, veggies and grains in the form of cereal or flakes. I do eat a small amount of meat though try to keep it lean and I do consume dairy though I also limit this too. If I have a sweet craving at night I will have a chunk of dark chocolate.

    I cannot follow a specific “diet.” I can however, follow basic guidelines. Little or no processed sugar but lots of fruit sugar aka fructose. I exercise moderately each day, get a full 8 hours of sleep though this is more difficult in this heat. I supplement (I consider supplements as an extension of my diet).

    I’ve tried to put the above in the post as fully as I can.

    I would not have had an ASCT if I had to do it all again. You are correct to hold off in my opinion. I believe too that the pipeline is pretty good for current MM survivors.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

      Andrea Wright says last year

      Thank you for the tips. I’m fairly new to this, taking it day by day and looking for people like to help along the way. Thank you.

        David Emerson says last year

        Hi Andrea- you are right to take things one step, one day at a time. Hang in there.

        David Emerson

    Nancy says last year

    I have just been diagnosed with MM and trying to wrap my head around all the information. I am wondering what supplements you take and why you would rethink a stem cell transplant. Thank you

      David Emerson says last year

      Hi Nancy-

      I am sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis. Yes, there is a lot of information to wrap your head around. But you seem to be asking the right questions. I am currently in remission so I follow a low-dose or maintenance approach to my own supplementation. I would have to say that the top four supplements for me are curcumin, resveratrol, omega-3 fatty acids and CoQ10. Keep in mind that I put nutrition at or above supplementation when treating MM.

      In response to your question about an ASCT, first and foremost, my answer depends largely on the patient’s goals and diagnostics results. so my comments are general to the average MM patient.

      But in general, numerous studies cite how an ASCT provides a longer average first remission (PFS) not a longer length of life (OS). Therefore an ASCT is a lot of toxicity for no OS benefit.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

      David Emerson

colette_mark@hotmail says last year

Please could you send me some recipes for meals and cold drinks that I can have

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Colette-

    While I research and write about anti-MM nutrition and supplementation, I know little about specific recipes. I am sorry I can’t offer more information for you.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Roberta Bosco says last year

Thank you for sharing! I was diagnosed in 2022 and now going on maintenance.

    David Emerson says last year

    Good luck Roberta-

    David Emerson

jacqueline keyes says last year

Diagnosed with MM 4 minths ago. This is the best information I have had. Please send your
diet and nutrition. Thank you.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi J-

    I replied to you directly via email.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Christine Melnyk says last year

I’m always tired how can I manage this , I know the morphine doesn’t help but I’ve tried everything I even went private and injections but that didn’t help, so I have to put up with the pain. But I would just like to feel more awake I do exercise to try and help.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Christine-

    Fatigue is the most common, vexing side effect of chemotherapy/radiation ever. All I can offer is what I do- daily moderate exercise, clean diet, 8 hours of sleep nightly… I don’t believe I have ever been 100% since my ASCT in ’95. Please don’t misunderstand me. I feel fine, just not 100%.

    Yes, if you are on meds, especially morphine, you will feel fatigued.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Kathryn Guillaum says last year

I’m starting to not crave sugary things but not completely. I need to eat MORE veggies.
Is there a candy or sweet that is beneficial; besides fruits?

Dawna bartlette says last year

Diagnosed with MM, started chemo treatment in January 2023. Losing too much weight too quick, have no appetite and basically don’t eat much, food tastes are all distorted. My doctors are not happy and want me to put forth more effort to eat. So very difficult for me since also suffer with severe constipation. If you could send flexitarian diet this could be my help. Thank you in advance for all you do❤️

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Dawna-

    I emailed you the MM CC nutrition guide. This is not a diet in the weight watchers sense of the word. It is the guidelines that I follow. I also sent you a post I wrote about smoothies- nutritious, tasty, could be just the ticket.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

      Juanita Saylor says last year

      Could you also send me your MM CC nutrient guide please.? Diagnosed with 2020 MM full of the disease, treated with Valcaid & revlimid, then stem cell treatment, didn’t reach full remission continued with revlimid, then relapsed. Now in treatment pomlyst and darzelex. It has brought the myeloma down dramatically. Of course treatment was started at a much lower level than originally. I hope to reach total remission. I feel good for the most part, exercise and eat well, but would like to learn more. Thank you

        David Emerson says last year

        Hi Juanita-

        I am sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis. It sounds as though you are working hard at managing your MM. Keep it up!

        We have recently upgraded our Resource Center-

        David Emerson

    Diane black says last year

    I fully concur with Dawna. Recently diagnosed and poor diet and loosing weight. Thankyou interested in your diet.

      David Emerson says last year

      Hi Diane-

      I sent you the nutrition guide directly via email.

      David Emerson

Jen says last year

I was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma…Do you still provide the 1 hr. consultations you mention on your website? If yes, do we register on this website (your website)? Thanks.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Jen-

    I replied to your email to me at PeopleBeatingCancer. If my reply is not in your inbox please check your spam folder.


    David Emerson

Albert Calicchia says last year

I been living with MM for 13 years.Please send me info on your diet.Thank you

pete says last year

Hi David – Was hoping you could email the nutrition guide. I am SMM, but have had rapidly rising FLCs and am now pending a BMB. Thank you for the work, insight, and hope you provide. Blessings!

Jennifer says last year

Hi David,

My husband is 58 and just diagnosed with MM last week. I wanted to see of could schedule a consultation with you. I cannot find where to sign up to schedule. Can you assist me with this? Thank you.

Kim Birnbaum says last year

Can you please email to me your diet/nutrition guide. Recently diagnosed with MM. Thank you for all your work and research.

Elizabeth says last year

Is there a hard copy of the diet available? If there is I would like to purchase it. I was diagnosed in 2015 and am doing well but would like to be more proactive in my treatment.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Elizabeth-

    I sent you a pdf file of the nutrition guide. If you did not receive an email from me please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Kristi says last year

Please could you send me nutrition info and supplement info. Thank you!

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Kristi-

    I replied to you via email.

    David Emerson

Joey says last year

Please email information regarding diet for M. My wife has just started treatment. They say she is at the very beginning of it and was caught early.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Joey-

    I replied to directly via email. Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Sylvia Murillo says last year

I would like to know more about nutrition and CBD. I had a stem cell transplant September of 2021.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Sylvia-

    I replied to you directly via email. If you don’t have an email from me in your inbox, please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Carol says last year

Could you please send diet/nutrition for MM

Thank you!

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Carol-

    I emailed the guide to you- please check your spam folder if you don’t see an email from me.

    David Emerson

Elaine Wright says last year

This is most informative article I have been able to find since being diagnosed with MM 3 months ago. Please send me the nutrition information you have. Is there a charge? Thanks

Shirley Hahs says last year

Very interesting info.

    David Emerson says last year

    Thanks Shirley-

Doug Smith says last year

Just finished a year of treatment that achieved remission after relapse. Would like the diet information and guide. Thanks!

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi doug-

    I sent the nutrition guide to you via email. Check your spam folder if you don’t see me in your inbox.

    David Emerson

Marilyn says last year

I presently have MGUS. Please send me the diet I should have to hopefully not advance to myeloma. Thank you so much. Bless you.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Marily-

    I sent you the nutrition guide via email. If you don’t see an email from me in your inbox please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Linda says last year

Found out I have fibromyalgia in November of 2022. I started eating vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of green tea. I’m trying to figure things out. Don’t want to get stem cell transplant. And don’t want chemotherapy or radiation. Prefer diet change lifestyle and God. I’m not good at technology either. Don’t know what website is. But would like any input I can get. And foods to eat. And diet plan. Thank you. Blessings on you.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Linda-

    Question- you mention fibromyalgia as your diagnosis but you also mention a stem cell transplant. Have you also been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? Or have you been diagnosed with pre-myeloma- MGUS or SMM? Also, what symptoms if any? Diet, supplementation, lifestyle therapies are important but different depending on your diagnosis.

    Let me know, thanks.

    David Emerson

Stuart Graham says last year

I’ve been battling MM and CLL for 7 years. Not dieted as no info given. Do you have a diet regime I can follow please

Sharon T says last year

My husband was diagnosed almost 5 years ago. Could you please send me the ebook & diet plan? He also has a lot of bone pain…any advice on how to control that other than opiods?
Thank you.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Sharon-

    I just replied to you directly via email. If you don’t receive my email, please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Loretta Boyce says last year

Please share your MM diet with me. I’m going on my 4th in remission and would like to be serious on what I eat. I’ve read up on nutrition but am not good in understanding much that is said. I’m more of a follower of a given diet list.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Loretta-

    I sent you the nutrition guide via email. Please check your spam folder if you did not receive an email from me.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Debra Nelms says last year

Would love to get the flexitarian book. 20 year survivor
Thank you

    David Emerson says last year

    Debra- I replied to you via email.


Rosemary says last year

Had an autologous stem cell transplant August 2022. I am in remission. Would like to receive the flexitarian diet
plan that you wrote about in this article.

Thank you

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Rosemary-

    I replied to your post via email. If you do not receive and email from me please check your spam folder.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Betty boult says last year

Please send the e book. Thanks

    David Emerson says last year

    HI Betty-

    I sent the e-book to you via email. If you have not received it please check your spam folder.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Ginny says a couple of years ago

Hi David, thank you for sending the e-book to me very interesting reading. Please can you email the Diet Plan and advice to me. I have been diagnosed with MGUS (about 5 yrs ago) & monitored (blood tests) every 3-6 months) light chain ratio tends to go up & down & hope correcting my diet may help. Tks v much

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Ginny-

    I sent the nutrition guide to your email. If you don’t receive my email please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Dot says a couple of years ago

What are your symptoms? My hematologist at MDAnderson has diagnosed me with possible MM but never treated me. Says my anemia is stable and labs are okay.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Dot-

    I currently have no myeloma symptoms. I have been in remission since ’99. Typical symptoms for the pre-myeloma or full myeloma patient vary widely. If your oncologist diagnosed you with “possible myeloma” but did not treat you, my guess is that you have a type of pre-myeloma. The diagnostic categories for pre-myeloma are

    single plasmacytoma of bone (SPB)
    monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and
    smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM).

    Conventional oncology considers these as “blood disorders” that may lead to myeloma someday but do not require treatment.

    There are evidence-based, non-toxic, non-conventional therapies that can reduce your risk of full myeloma such as diet, exercise and nutritional supplementation.

    David Emerson

Helen Robinson says a couple of years ago

Would like book and/or diet info

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Helen-

    I sent the info to your email inbox. If you do not find them in your inbox please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Joy Hopkins says a couple of years ago

Hi David
Please could you send me the MM diet please

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago


    I replied via email- if you don’t see my email in your inbox please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

James D. Harlan says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed in Aug. 2020 with Multiple Myeloma. Hard to not eat meat and sugar.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago


    I agree with you. With all that you probably have going on with your health, people are giving you all sorts of rules about diet, therapies, etc. I will be honest and admit that the studies about MM and nutrition are thin, My blogs are what I do and what studies I’ve found. I do eat meat but a lot less than I did before my MM diagnosis. Sugar is in everything. I eat as little as I can without driving myself crazy.

    It’s a cliche but one day at a time…

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Sandra Edson says a couple of years ago

Would like to have a copy of the diet for MM. Was diagnosed in May 2022. Not doing the stem cell transplant because of my age. I am 64

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Sandra-

    I emailed you the MM CC nutrition guide this am. If you did not see it in your inbox please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Julia stevenson says a couple of years ago

I have MDS and would like to try this diet.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Julia-

    I sent you the nutrition guide via email. Please check your spam folder if my email is not in your inbox.

    David Emerson

Liz Towns says a couple of years ago

I would love to have the diet to help me in my struggle to survive MM many thanks

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    I will email the ebook to your email inbox- if you don’t receive it shortly, please check your spam folder-

Cindy Brosius says a couple of years ago

Can you please send you diet for MM. Thank you.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Cindy-

    I sent you guides via your email address. If you do not receive my email, please check your spam folder.


    David Emerson

Margaret Gillespie says a couple of years ago

Can you please forward diet for MM. My husband would require this. Thankyou.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Margaret-

    I replied to you via email. If you don’t find my email in your inbox please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Hyacinth castelino says a couple of years ago

Can this be used for follicular lymphoma too?

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Hyacinth-

    To be honest, I haven’t studied follicular lymphoma so I can’t say.

    David Emerson

Anna Suzan says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed with MM three years ago. I also have kidney failure at same time so I am on dialysis. Please send me diet information. It seems some good food for MM is not compatible with the renal diet.

Nadine Pekarek says a couple of years ago

What is. A good site for the flexatarian diet. I am in treatment and have reached remission. Want to stay there. Help!

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    HI Nadine-

    The source I used to learn about the flexitarian diet is-

    David Emerson

    Vonnlee says a few months ago

    Hi David,
    I would like your MM diet please. Thank you very much!

Willie says a couple of years ago

I would like your diet for mm

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Willie-

    I sent you the MM CC nutrition guide directly to you via your email address. Check your spam folder if you do not receive my reply.

    David Emerson

Novlette says a couple of years ago

I am a MM patient fighting for 7 years now..would love the MM diet pkz

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Novelette-

    I sent the MM CC nutrition guide to you via email. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive it.

    David Emerson

Marie murphy says a couple of years ago

Bowel cancer diabetic fattyliver damaged liverwould like to know about diet also oestoprosis gut problems underactive thyroid ta

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Marie-

    The post that you read is about nutrition for patients with a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. I don’t know much about nutrition for
    the health issues that you list. I wish I could help you.

    David Emerson

Susan says a couple of years ago

Diet info please

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Susan-

    I emailed you the MM CC guide. Check your spam folder if you didn’t receive it.

    David Emerson

Masha K says a couple of years ago

I am private, please. Would love your diet. Kindly, send

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Masha-

    I sent you guides directly via email. Check your spam folder if you didn’t receive them.

    David Emerson

Jacqueline says a couple of years ago

I would like the diet. I am in remission for 1 1/2 years

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Jacqueline-

    I sent you the guide via email. Check your spam folder if you didn’t get my email.

    David Emerson

Jamesetta Edwards says a couple of years ago

I’m 73 and was diagnosed 2019. I take 10mg. Revilmide. Would like diet info to like longer.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Jamesetta-

    I sent you the MM CC nutrition guide directly to you via email. If you don’t receive my email please check your spam folder.

    David Emerson

Liz douglass says a couple of years ago

I would like your guide on eating

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Liz-

    I sent you the nutrition guide via email. Look in your spam folder if you have not received it.

    David Emerson

Marina Bass says a couple of years ago

Would like a guide on what should and should not eat

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Marina- I sent you information directly via your email in box. If you don’t receive my email then please check your spam folder.


    David Emerson

Jessie says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed in August of 2021 with Smothering Myeloma. I would like to know more about your diet please. Thank you.

Jonathan lampkin says a couple of years ago

hello I have had MM for 4 years I am not able to receive a transplant due to cell damage from the chemo therapy I am actively takin blue seed oil tablets what can I do or take to hlp fight against the MM an is takin black seed oil tablets beneficial

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Jonathan-

    According to research, yes, Black seed oil aka thymoquinone, is cytotoxic to monoclonal proteins aka MM. The challenge is finding a supplement with a decent amount of black seed oil in the capsule.

    I recommend both anti-angiogenic nutrition and supplementation.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Kate says a couple of years ago

Husband age 49 diagnosed with MM in August- would like nutritional information.

Marco Chow says a couple of years ago

Hi, just diagnosed with MM at 32, please send me your nutritional food plan thank you.

Rose berkey says a couple of years ago

Recently diagnosed MGUS. But kappa light chains keep going up and kidneys are great. Please send diet info. Going to check out your reading recommendations and video. Thank you

Carol says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed with MM in 2021. I am very interested in your nutritional food plan.

Autumn says a couple of years ago

Diagnosed with MM 2021 just had partial kidney removed on revlimid. Please send me your nutritional food plan.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Autumn-

    I replied directly to you via email.

    David Emerson

Diane says a couple of years ago

Got multiple Malom2021 got stem cell replaced bone marrow my own September 2022 I was taking 5% Relival only lasted till August 2022 Now back on chemo for 15 weeks. Please help…

Edith Nobles says a couple of years ago

MM since 2013,please send diet plan.Thanks

Wendy says a couple of years ago

May I have information on the nutritional benefits and diet/lifestyle? I also have had a kidney transplant (9 years) and some CHF problems but am hanging in there. Would like to get into complete remission and if diet will help then I’m all for it. Thanks.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Wendy-

    I replied to you via email. Good luck,

    David Emerson

Rebecca Streuter says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed with MM in 2017, had SCT and on 10 mg Revlamid. I had a relapse in 2019 but have done great since then. I’m turning 65 soon and I’m very interested in Diet and Nutrition info.

Sally Volpe says a couple of years ago

I am recently dx with plasmacytoma on R hip and starting radiation soon, bone marrow biopsy just done and do not know results, I’m very fatigued and lots of pain, I am very interested in diet with foods and supplements to improve my nutrition to help me improve the quality of my life, I would appreciate any information you can guide me with, I believe proper nutrition can help. Thank you

Multiple Myeloma - Stage 3 - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] anti-myeloma nutrition […]

Maria says a couple of years ago

My husband was diagnosed with mm in 2017, had a sct and is currently on 10mg of revlimid as maintenance. I am concerned about his eating habits and would like some information on how I can guide him in the right direction. His oncologist doesn’t say much about diets.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Maria-

    I sent the MM CC nutrition guide to your email in box.

    David Emerson

Frances cullen says a couple of years ago

I would like to get your info. Thanks. I’m on revlimid and doing well.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Frances-

    I sent you the nutrition guide via your email address.

    David Emerson

Judy Kopp says a couple of years ago

I had a stem cell transplant in June 2021. I am doing well on Revlemid. Please send me the diet information.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Judy-

    I replied to you via your email.

    David Emerson

      Judy says a couple of years ago

      David, I did not receive diet info. Could you please send it again? Thank you. Judy

        David Emerson says a couple of years ago

        Hi Judy-

        I sent the guides again. Also check your spam folder.

        David Emerson

Cheryl Maffet says a couple of years ago

Hello. Just recently diagnosed with MM. Not sure about stages as oncologist didn’t say. Told me that my bone marrow biopsy shows “5 to 10 %” MM. I’m being treated with radiation right now on an area of my rib that the oncologist labeled “ plasmacytoma. Any info you can provide will be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Cheryl-

    I replied to your post directly via email.

    David emerson

Gina Evans says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed in May 2022 w/smoldering myeloma.
Have progressed to MM as of September 2022.
Very interested in your books & diets!
28 years in remission WOW!
Good for you—love to learn from you. (Just turned 67)

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Gina-

    I will reply to you directly via your email.

    David Emerson

Catherine Murphy says a couple of years ago

I’m 86 yrs old just diagnosed w MM myeloma just wondering about the pAin I will be experiencing in the future months. If I over due I get pain in my back and neck fatigue yes. Look forward to hearing from you🙏☘️☘️🙏

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Catherine-

    I will reply to you directly via email and send you the MM CC nutrition guide.

    David Emerson

Prognosis For Multiple Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Anti-angiogenic nutrition […]

Multiple Myeloma Survivor Diet - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Diet- Before, During, After Therapy Myeloma Diet in Three Easy Steps Multiple Myeloma Diet Multiple Myeloma Diet- Flaxseeds/Budwig […]

A Long-Term Myeloma Survivor's Diet- PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Myeloma Diet, Supplement – A How-To Guide Multiple Myeloma Survivor Diet – Multiple Myeloma Diet- Before, During, After Therapy Myeloma Diet in Three Easy Steps Multiple Myeloma Diet […]

Rebecca Brown says a couple of years ago

Diagnosed with stage one in August 2022 after four years with Smoldering MM. Now in treatment. Can you send me the Flex diet? Thank you!!

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Rebecca-

    I replied to this post directly via your email address. Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Multiple Myeloma Diet- Organic vs. Conventional - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] To learn more about your Myeloma Diet as a therapy click now- […]

Multiple Myeloma Diet- Eat? Not Eat? - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Diet- Before, During, After Therapy Myeloma Diet in Three Easy Steps Multiple Myeloma Diet Multiple Myeloma Diet- Flaxseeds/Budwig […]

Myeloma Diet, Supplement - A How-To Guide - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] To learn more about your Diet as a Multiple Myeloma Therapy click now- […]

Kevin says a couple of years ago

Thanks for being willing to share your journey and wisdom! It is inspiring to know there are people who significantly outperform the statistics out there. I’ve been diagnosed with SMM and would like to slow progression to MM for as long as possible. Please send your nutrition guide.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    I replied to you via email Kevin.

    David Emerson

Stefania says a couple of years ago

Hello. I am 54 and I have been diagnosed in March 2021, chemo for 1 year and in remission now. Only 5 mg Revlimid per day. Also morphine and gaba for my pain.
Can u email me a nutrition guide please. My oncologist said nothing about how important is the diet. Thank you

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Stefania-

    I sent you the nutrition and CIPN guides via email.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Fides Sirakis says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed with MM March 2022, been on Revlamid, Velcade, Darzalex and dexamethisone since, and going for SCT end of September. Please send me your diet details. Thank you!

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Fides- I replied to this via email.

    David Emerson

Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Criteria - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Diet […]

Kathryn Guillaum says a couple of years ago

I’ve switched from store bought milk, to organic goat milk from a neighbor who sells it ( full fat); also, his eggs. I don’t drink alcohol, soda, commercial juices; mostly water. The goat milk is for cooking and cereal
I try to stick to fruits and veggies, but I have a sweet tooth and I bake quite a bit

    Kathryn Guillaum says a couple of years ago

    May I have the flexible diet emailed to me also,David?

Linda Lukin says a couple of years ago

I am interested in learning more. I have had two stem cell transplants and I still have evidence of disease albeit a smaller amount than prior to the transplants.

Cranberries- Heart, Brain, Bladder, Immune Health - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] For example, I may talk up the basics of my anti-cancer diet and the general benefits of the Mediter… […]

David Joy says a couple of years ago

Please can you send details on the
diet. Many thanks.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi David-

    I sent you the MM CC nutrition guide via email.

    David Emerson

Mary Leatherman says a couple of years ago

Please send me information on the Flexitarian Diet.
Thank you

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Mary-

    FYI- I sent the nutrition guide to you via email-

    David Emerson

Marlene says a couple of years ago

Like nutritional info

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Marlene-

    I sent you several PDF files via email. Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Azucena Martin says a couple of years ago

I need to know in regards to the flexitarian diet

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Azucena-

    What do you need to know? Are you a patient? Caregiver? Are you about to undergo chemotherapy? Induction? ASCT? Have you concluded therapy and looking to detoxify? I don’t mean to complicate things. The more info I know about your situation, the more info I can provide.

    Let me know.

    David Emerson

Judy Northup says a couple of years ago

I have been in remission for 71/2 years after a stem cell transplant. Would you send me the nutrition diet.

Sue says a couple of years ago

I have MM. had stem cell transplant In Sept. 2021 and am now in complete remission. Please send nutritional guide. Stomach doesn’t tolerate many foods except carbs. Thank you.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Sue-

    I sent the MM CC nutrition guide via your email address. Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Ajit Sharma says a couple of years ago

Hi, have been diagnosed with MM in June 2021 and on derma infusion since June 21 . Progress is good . Would like to know more from you about diet , etc on how to beat this disease. Am 72 with no other prior diseases.

Marla says a couple of years ago

I would like to know more about The flexitarian diet. I would also like to know more about the coaching program.
Thanks so much

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Marla-

    I will send you the MM CC nutrition guide as well as the Introduction to the program via email. Let me know if you have
    any questions.


    David Emerson

Peter Stelmach says a couple of years ago

I would like to sign up. Please send me whatever forms you need. And who to write the check to.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Peter-

    According to our records you have recently registered for the MM CC Program Course. I will send you the welcome email and invite you to an invitation to Beating Myeloma now.

    Thank you,

    David Emerson

Robert Abruzzo says a couple of years ago

I live on Ritz crackers and chocolate milk and ensure Suplement for the last 9 months. Any other food makes me nauseous, just the smell of food cooking makes me vomit. I’m very weak and tired all the time.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Robert-

    I too love to eat Ritz crackers and I love the taste of chocolate milk. Unfortunately for us, there is little nutrition in these foods and as MM survivors we need nutrition. Consider trying a smoothie with chocolate flavored Ensure as well as fruit, powders, etc.

    Maybe even add some ice cream in the smoothie- anything to combine flavor with nutrition.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Fatima says a couple of years ago

Hi there!
My husband was diagnosed 5/2021 with MM. He is status post SCT. Not quite 30 days yet. In his medical notes I saw deep vgPR1 after 7 months of VRD. What diet should I start him on to keep him in remission. He is igG lambda. Im still reading and trying to understand this cancer. I appreciate any advice.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Fatima-

    I replied to you via email.

    David Emerson

Carol Davoli says a couple of years ago

Could you please send nutritional guide. Thanks so much!

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Sent via you email address Carol-

    David Emerson

Josie Coleman says a couple of years ago

Please send guide and if you have book provide info on how to get. I want to read it all!😊 Thank you

Angie Yetzke says a couple of years ago

Hello. A friend has MM and CKD. Please send nutrition guide. Thank you!

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Angie-

    I sent you both the nutrition guide and the kidney guide to your email inbox.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Patricia Diane Zang says 3 years ago

I was diagnosed with MGUS in April 2021 – I’m interested in learning how to better take care of myself

Becky Campbell says 3 years ago

Just found out husband has stage 3 MM, please send any information, thank you

Dan Riston says 3 years ago

I have MM. Please send me your nutrition guide.

Marilyn says 3 years ago

I am retired nurse ,have researched & found pts with MM require increased amts of vitamin B12 .Eating only small amts of red meat will cause iron & vit b12 deficiency which is essential for DNA.heart ,nerve & blood maintenance.Vegans & vegetarians are at high risk of vit B12 def which not diagnosed early & treted results in Pernicious Anaemia.I have a friend MM diabetic,under-treated for b12 def ,treated with chemo now 12 mths when told originally 6 wks .She is has had 2 iron infusions in last 6 mths..I would be interested to hear your views & if you have every been tested for genetic mutation MTHFR .

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Marilyn-

    You are correct. Blood testing does identify some newly diagnosed MM patients as being B12 deficient.

    I do not know if any MM patients who have been tested for the MTHFR mutation.

    David Emerson

MaryAnn says 3 years ago

Hi, I was diagnosed in June 2021 with MM and am currently receiving RVD. SCT when my numbers are where my doctors would like them.
Would you please send me your nutrition guide.
No one ever emphasizes how important diet is.
Thank you!

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi MA-

    Replied to you directly.

    David Emerson

Stevonmfl says 3 years ago

Very informative and realistic. Please send nutrition, cannabis and intro guides.

Pat says 3 years ago

How do I get Long Term Nutrition Plan

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Pat-

    I sent your email the nutrition, cannabis and intro guides.

    David Emerson

Dawn says 3 years ago

Recently diagnosed mm, started RVD, possibly SCT. I would love your nutrition guide.

David Shak says 3 years ago

Hi David,
Please email me the nutrition guide. Thank you and God bless.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi David-

    I sent the nutrition, cannabis and intro guides via your email address.


Sadie Williams says 3 years ago

I had stem cell transplant January 2020. Currently in remission. Please send me the MM nutrition guide.

Maria Del Rio says 3 years ago

Hi David. I was diagnosed with MM on June 2020. Had a bone marrow transplant in December 2020. On remission at this moment. Can you send me a copy of MM nutrition guide? Thanks.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Maria-

    I just sent you the guide via your email.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Jennifer says 3 years ago

Thank you. Was never told that nutrition was important as a myeloma patient. Can you send me your nutrition information.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Jennifer-

    Nutrition, supplementation, etc. are not studied by the FDA and therefore not discussed, positively or negatively by conventional oncology. I will email you the MM CC nutrition guide via your email.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Jennifer says 3 years ago

Thank you. Was never told that nutrition was important t as a myeloma patient. Can you send me nutrition information.

normandbriault says 3 years ago

Is ASA good to take?

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Norman-

    If you are asking about “aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine” I have no experience with this supplement.

    David Emerson

Sukh Gill says 3 years ago

Thanks for this great information David. Can you please send me the MM CC nutrition guide.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Sukh-

    Sent via email.


David Reynolds says 3 years ago

Very good contribution to better lifestyle..copy of your information wold be welcomed. Thank you.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi David,

    By “copy of your info” not sure what you are asking for. I can send you the MM CC nutrition guide is this is what you mean.

    David Emerson

Dominique says 3 years ago

Good afternoon and thank you for the informative information. May I have copy of your diet and CBD related recommendations. Thank you.

Mary Ann DElia says 3 years ago

I would like a copy of the diet.Being tested for MM

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Mary-

    I sent several guides directly to you via email.

    David Emerson

Pat says 3 years ago

Is there a charge for you to email me a plan. I have SM and bounce with MM

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Pat-

    If you are wondering about joining the Pre-Myeloma Program, yes there is a registration fee. The pre-MM course is separate from the consultation. If you purchase both at the same time you will receive a discount.

    The page below will explain the Pre-MM Program.

    David Emerson

Karen jolley says 3 years ago

Hi, I would appreciate a copy of your dietary recommendations. I was diagnosed SMM 2years ago but some weird things happening to my body..
thank you.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Karen-

    I replied to you directly via email.

    David Emerson

Barbara. Cochran says 3 years ago

Please send me the guidei

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Barbara-

    Have you been diagnosed with MM? If so, what stage, symptoms? I will email the guide to your email inbox.


    David Emerson

      Barbara Cochran says 3 years ago

      I am in stage 2. Of MM

        David Emerson says 3 years ago

        Hi Barbara-

        I am sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis. Do you have a question?

        David Emerson

        David Emerson says 3 years ago

        Hi Barbara-

        I will send you the MM CC nutrition guide via your email address.

        David Emerson

Richard Solarz says 3 years ago

Please send me the guide.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Richard-

    I sent the guide to your email in box.

    David Emerson

Karen Bass says 3 years ago

I am a caregiver for my 86 year old mother diagnosed with MM, she is on dialysis now because of it, please tell me what foods are best for her. Thank you for this article…..God bless., Karen

Tim warden says 3 years ago

Please send me the guide

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Tim-

    I will reply to your questions about CBD as well as the nutrition guide directly via email.


    David Emerson

Laurie Jacobs says 3 years ago

I would like to receive the MM CC nutrition guide

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Laurie- The nutrition guide is in the MM CC Course that you purchased. One of the lessons.

    David Emerson

Lily Marais says 3 years ago

I would love to know more about MM Nutrition Dieet🙏

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Lily-

    I emailed you directly.


Dave Hugg says 3 years ago

Please send the MM CC nutrition guide. I am fairly recently diagnosed, and have received absolutely no support from the doctors regarding nutrition or diet. I would appreciate anything you could share at this point. Thanks. Have a beautiful week. Dave

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Dave-

    I am sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis. I will send you the MM CC nutrition guide to you via your email address. Please understand that conventional oncology prescribes only FDA approved therapies. Since nutrition is not a strict FDA approved therapy, your onc. will not discuss it.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Ginette robitaille says 3 years ago

I am very happy to learn about your diet. I am almost done with my treatments of mm. 3 mores weeks. And I know that diet is very important but we have to know what to eat and not eat. So thank you again . I will do my best to read about it . My cancer came back to normal after 7 months but the doctor want to do the treatments for a year for controlling it better.i hope you can understand my English because I am from Quebec Canada. But I leave here for many years but I do speak French still a lot with my family. I am 74 years old. My cancer was in my spine only whe we begin the treatments. I am on revlimid.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Ginette-

    Your English is great. Good luck with your MM, anti-MM nutrition, anti-MM nutritional supplementation and anti-MM lifestyle.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Julie Smith says 3 years ago

I’m newly diagnosed and am learning as much as I can. Can you please share the diet you’ve developed with me? Thank you for your encouragement.

Lynn says 3 years ago

Hello, I have just been diagnosed with MGUS and very much appreciate your mention of Dr. Li’s work. I would be grateful for any information you might share about your own nutritional wisdom. Thanks

Yolande Paine says 3 years ago

Hi David. I am a 9 year survivor having been diagnosed with SMM. I had a AST five years ago and relapsed 3 years later. I am currently in CR. I am fit and eat a pretty good diet but would appreciate a copy of your flexarian diet. Thanks so much.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Yolanda-

    Below is a link to the explanation of the Flexitarian Diet. I have to say though that the diet is a sort of starting point for me as a MM survivor. It is adding anti-mm supplementation and anti-angiogenic nutrition
    that I believe is important to us MM survivors. Congrats on a long mm survival BTW.

    David Emerson

Lilyana I another a says 3 years ago

hopefully that product will be nice

Kathryn Guillaum says 3 years ago

David is my coach and has shared his experiences and suggestions for me and many others. He does his best to support MM patients. He is a Living example of successful fighting

Rob says 3 years ago

Hi David. I’m 52 and was diagnosed with SMM a year ago. I’m IgA Kappa and have an m-spike of 0.9 and 0.2. (Total of 1.1). I was working with a nutritionist who had me on the “Mitchell Page Diet and a daily routine of over 70 pills/supplements. My numbers have remained stable but did not go down as the nutritionist said they would with the regime he had me on. I am now seeing a new nutritionist. I’ve only had my initial consult, but the gist is that I’ll do the AIP diet for a month along with food sensitivity testing and a select and more targeted supplement intake. After a month, I will be able to add back certain foods I was able to eliminate so long as I don’t show an inflammatory response. I would love to learn more about your program to make tweaks. Thanks in advance for sharing your potentially life saving protocol.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Rob-

    Several things. Depending on your other diagnostic info, stable numbers are a positive. Remember that the prognosis for an early stage MM patient (if you every progress) is excellent.

    As for non-toxic pre-MM therapies, I will email the nutrition guide to your email address. In general, I focus on anti-angiogenic foods and nutritional supplements such as curcumin, resveratrol, etc.

    Let me know if you have any questions. Hang in there.

    David Emerson
