Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

Click the orange button to the right to learn more about what you can start doing today.

C-B-D Enhances Velcade (BORT)

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These results showed that Cannabidiol (C-B-D) by itself or in synergy with BORT strongly inhibited growth, arrested cell cycle progression and induced MM cells death…

Is C-B-D useful for multiple myeloma? Newly diagnosed myeloma patients are often told that their cancer is incurable but very treatable.” When I was first diagnosed with MM in early ’94, I was told that too.

Unfortunately, I didn’t understand what that meant for me as a newly diagnosed MM patient. I didn’t know that both C-B-D and chemotherapy both would be important.

Conventional MM oncology talks only about FDA approved therapies- multiple myeloma chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.  When your oncologist tells you that your MM is incurable but very treatable, he/she means that there is a long and growing list of FDA approved MM chemotherapy regimens.

What is equally important for newly diagnosed MM patients to understand is that there is also a long and growing list of evidence-based, non-conventional MM therapies as well. Research has shown that these therapies are cytotoxic (kill) MM and well as can enhance MM chemotherapy to kill MM more effectively.

Unfortunately, while C-B-D oil, according to the study linked below, treats MM, your oncologist will not talk about it. Conventional oncology generally sticks with talking about only conventional, FDA approved therapies.

What have I learned about MM since my diagnosis in 2/94?

Myeloma is about three things:

  1. symptoms (bone damage, anemia, kidney damage, etc.),
  2. side effects from toxic chemotherapy and radiation (bone damage, anemia, kidney damage, etc.)
  3. Monoclonal proteins aka multiple myeloma.

I have researched and written about cannabidiol (C-B-D) for years now. C-B-D is the ultimate complementary therapy for newly diagnosed myeloma patients.

MMers often don’t die from their cancer. They die from health problems caused by their cancer such as bone damage, anemia, kidney damage and/or from the toxicity caused by chemotherapy and radiation.

The solution? Take an integrative approach to managing your multiple myeloma. Enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy and while you reduce the toxicity.

Based on the study linked below, C-B-D can work both on its own and with Velcade (Bortezomib) to induce cell death in Multiple Myeloma cells.

  • C-B-D oil has been shown to reduce anxiety.
  • C-B-D oil has been shown to enhance bone health.

Conventional therapies can help you manage your MM. Evidence-based non-conventional therapies such as C-B-D oil can also help you manage your MM. In my experience and research, MM patients and survivors will need every therapy tool in the MM tool box.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, let me say this loud and clear:

It is critical that you become an active participant in your care. Learn everything you can.

I am alive today largely because I took the time to find out everything I could about Multiple Myeloma and sought out the full spectrum of evidence-based MM therapies both conventional (FDA approved) and non-conventional.

Your decision-making begins by learning about the full spectrum of evidence-based myeloma therapies, both conventional and non-conventional.  Here are some questions you may have right now:

  • Do Multiple Myeloma specialists know more about MM than regular oncologists? Yes.
  • What side effects should I expect from my induction chemotherapy? Prevention is key.
  • What do I do if I don’t reach complete remission? Don’t panic.
  • What therapies can I use that my oncologist won’t tell me about? Triplets are superior to doublets.
  • Does it matter if I wait to have an autologous stem cell transplant? No. Studies show there is no survival advantage either earlier or later. 

The PubMed study linked and excepted below cites the ability C-B-D oil (cannabidiol)  to kill mm cells and increase the efficacy of Velcade (bortezomib).

I wish you all the best on your Multiple Myeloma journey.

Hang in there,
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

The effects of cannabidiol and its synergism with bortezomib in multiple myeloma cell lines. A role for transient receptor potential vanilloid type-2.

“Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell (PC) malignancy characterised by the accumulation of a monoclonal PC population in the bone marrow (BM).

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with antitumoural activities, and the transient receptor potential vanilloid type-2 (TRPV2) channel has been reported as a potential CBD receptor.

TRPV2 activation by CBD decreases proliferation and increases susceptibility to drug-induced cell death in human cancer cells.

However, no functional role has been ascribed to CBD and TRPV2 in MM. In this study, we identified the presence of heterogeneous CD138+TRPV2+ and CD138+TRPV2- PC populations in MM patients, whereas only the CD138+ TRPV2- population was present in RPMI8226 and U266 MM cell lines.

Because bortezomib (BORT) is commonly used in MM treatment, we investigated the effects of CBD and BORT in CD138+TRPV2- MM cells and in MM cell lines transfected with TRPV2 (CD138+TRPV2+).

These results showed that CBD by itself or in synergy with BORT strongly inhibited growth, arrested cell cycle progression and induced MM cells death by regulating the ERK, AKT and NF-κB pathways with major effects in TRPV2+ cells. These data provide a rationale for using CBD to increase the activity of proteasome inhibitors in MM.”

Cannabinoids used in sequence with chemotherapy are a more effective treatment for cancer, say experts

“Cannabinoids -the active chemicals in cannabis – are effective in killing leukemia cells, particularly when used in combination with chemotherapy treatments, new research confirms…

Researchers also found that sequential use of an initial dose of chemotherapy first and then cannabinoids significantly improved overall results against the blood cancer cells. They found that combining existing chemotherapy treatments with cannabinoids had better results than chemotherapy alone, meaning that a similar level of effect could be achieved through using a lower dose of the chemotherapy.

If this were translated to humans, this lower dose of chemotherapy would mean that the side-effects of chemotherapy could be lessened…

“We have shown for the first time that the order in which cannabinoids and chemotherapy are used is crucial in determining the overall effectiveness of this treatment…

“These extracts are highly concentrated and purified, so smoking marijuana will not have a similar effect. But cannabinoids are a very exciting prospect in oncology, and studies such as ours serve to establish the best ways that they should be used to maximise a therapeutic effect.”

Multiple Myeloma Therapy- Medical Marijuana? CBD?

Studies Document the Ability of Medical Marijuana to Manage Cancer Pain, Enhance the Efficacy of Conventional MM Chemotherapy and Kill Myeloma cells-

If you’ve been diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM), you may be overwhelmed with emotion and confusion. The first thing all newly diagnosed MM patients must wrap their brain around is that MM is considered to be incurable by conventional oncology. It is in your best interest to include evidence-based conventional and non-conventional multiple myeloma therapy. Medical marijuana, CBD oil is one such MM therapy.

The mission of PeopleBeatingCancer is to provide you with information about both conventional and evidence-based non-conventional MM therapies. Medical marijuana is one such evidence-based non-conventional MM therapy.

The devil is in the details as they say.

Cannabis is controversial and must be tested and researched. The first link below will take you to an excellent slide show on the topic. The second link will take you to the PeopleBeatingCancer posts on MM.

Recreational marijuana is of no interest to me. I tried it as a teen and became sleepy and anti-social. Back in those days I wanted to be social and awake.

Skip ahead 40 years. I am a long-term multiple myeloma survivor and MM cancer coach. One of the most common questions I’m asked on PeopleBeatingCancer is if multiple myeloma patients will benefit from medical marijuana or CBD oil- “is CBD good for MM?”

I can make arguments both pro and con for the legalization of recreational marijuana but not for the legalization of medical marijuana.

The benefit of medical cannabis is a pure benefit to society. Regulate it, tax it but make it available for MM patients and survivors.

Cannabinoids as medical therapy is still relatively new. The five issues listed below must be addressed before cancer patients, survivors and caregivers can safely use medical marijuana.

  • Dosing,
  • Efficacy,
  • Strain
  • Cannabinoid/THC Ratio
  • Source

For more information on cancer and medical use of cannabis, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply ASAP.

thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

What Is Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana is any part of the marijuana plant that you use to treat health problems. People use it to get relief from their symptoms, not to try to get high.

Most marijuana that’s sold legally as medicine has the same ingredients as the kind that people use for pleasure. But some medical marijuana is specially grown to have less of the chemicals that cause feelings of euphoria.

10 blog posts from PeopleBeatingCancer about medical marijuana, cannabis, or cannabidiol-

The effects of cannabidiol and its synergism with bortezomib in multiple myeloma cell lines. A role for transient receptor potential vanilloid type-2.

” These results showed that CBD by itself or in synergy with BORT strongly inhibited growth, arrested cell cycle progression and induced MM cells death by regulating the ERK, AKT and NF-κB pathways with major effects in TRPV2+ cells. These data provide a rationale for using CBD to increase the activity of proteasome inhibitors in MM.”

Cannabinoids synergize with carfilzomib, reducing multiple myeloma cells viability and migration

“Herein, we also found that the CBD and THC combination is able to reduce expression of the β5i subunit as well as to act in synergy with CFZ to increase MM cell death and inhibits cell migration. In summary, these results proved that this combination exerts strong anti-myeloma activities…”


Leave a Comment:

Joanne Papps says 6 months ago

I would appreciate more information on the use of CBD in MM

Multiple Myeloma Side Effects - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

[…] Evidence-based non-conventional therapies such as CBD oil can also help you manage your MM — as well as adjusting your diet, vitamin C therapy, intermittent fasting, and numerous supplements.  […]

CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil as Multiple Myeloma Therapy- What's the Diff? - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] and MM, is based on studies of cannabinoids and multiple myeloma and not hemp or hemp seed oil. To Learn More about Cannabinoids and C-B-D oil- click now- Let me know if you have any questions Joanne, Thanks David […]

Multiple Myeloma Therapy- C-B-D Becomes F.D.A. Approved AKA Mainstream? - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] To Learn More about Cannabinoids and C-B-D oil- click now- […]

Myeloma, C-B-D oil and Non-toxic Integrative Therapies - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] To Learn More about Cannabinoids and C-B-D oil- click now- […]

Benefits Of CBD Oil On Mental Health & Wellbeing- PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] To Learn More about Cannabinoids and C-B-D oil- click now- […]

Can You Beat Cancer with C-B-D Oil? - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] To Learn More about Cannabinoids and C-B-D oil- click now- […]

Cannabidiol- Multiple Myeloma therapy- CBD Dosage: How Much Is Safe to Take? - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] To Learn More about Cannabinoids and C-B-D oil- click now- […]

Rebecca says a couple of years ago

Hi David,
Can you please send me the cannabis guide you referred to?
Thank you,

Cindy Richetti says a couple of years ago

What dose and what form of cod enhances velcade?! How close in time should the two be taken? What study can I bring to my oncologist?

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Cindy-

    Studies only report “cannabinoids” that enhance the efficacy of velcade. And CBD contains cannabinoids though at very different percentages depending on the strain, dose, etc. If you are comfortable taking a few drops of a high percentage cannabinoids oil, consider nightly dosing before bed as cannabinoids also have been shown to reduce anxiety as well as build bone health.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Criteria - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Chemotherapy- C-B-D Enhances Velcade (BORT) […]

Wendall Chin says a couple of years ago

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to helping all of us with overcoming this complicated adversity!

Sheila Behnke says a couple of years ago

What CBD oil/gummies do you recommend or use

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Sheila-

    I can’t recommend a brand only because I don’t know what state you live in. However, according to research, it is the percentage of cannabinoids IN the CBD oil that makes it most effective to enhance proteasome inhibitors (velcade), bone health, anxiety management.

    The CBD oil sold over the internet aka nationally is made from industrial hemp therefor has a low percentage of cannabinoids.

    I have no experience with gummies.

    Hope this helps.

    David Emerson

Claudia Rivero says a couple of years ago

where can i purchase this.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Claudia-

    Where can you purchase CBD oil? If you live in a state that has legalized medical marajuana then you can go to a dispensary. If not, you can go online and search “CBD oil.” I will email you the cannabis guide.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    David Emerson

      Claudia Rivero says a couple of years ago

      Thank you so much! My mom was diagnosed with MM. her bone marrow is 85% infected. it has not spread to any other organs. She will start Chemo Pills and Infusion. Shes also in tremendous bone pain. Any guide or help with CBD/THC would be extremely helpful. Thank you so much! Claudia.

      Rebecca says a couple of years ago

      Hi David,
      Can you please email me the cannabis guide as well?
      Thank you!

Sandi Schroeder says a couple of years ago

Hi David,
My Dad (also named, David) was diagnosed with MM a few months ago. While chemotherapy treatment seems to be helping, I’m looking into other sources of treatment for him. My Dad is 79 years-old and weighs approximately 200 pounds. He’s open to using canabis, but we don’t know where to start. What type and dosage would you recommend?

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Sandi-

    I replied to you via your email address.

    David Emerson

Christi says a couple of years ago

Hi David. I was diagnosed Dec 29, in 4th cycle RVD. Would like to know more about dosage, strain and ratio. I have a bottle of Full Spectrum provides 66 mg CBD in one ml dropper. How much is necessary to enhance Velcade? Is strain important for an oil? Live in Wa state where it is legal but SO MANY choices! I understand a small amt of THC is needed to ‘activate’, true or not?

Thank you in advance,
Christi Churchill

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Christi-

    I receive similar questions from MM patients and CBD, curcumin, even olive oil and how to either kill their mm or enhance the efficacy of their chemo. Unfortunately, the studies I research citing these non-conventional therapies often do not specify dosing or specific formulas. I have linked a blog post that includes some relavant research below.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Spiro says a couple of years ago

Hello, I have read many of your articles on sites and watched your videos on YouTube.
I would be very interested in your cannabis guide for multiple myeloma.
Was diagnosed at 54 now 59. I opted out for the transplant was frightened. I want to start using cbd but have no clue, on how much? Do I also require THC intake? Living in Greece and marijuana is illegal but CBD is legalized, if I require THC I could find it easily, I’ll try anything to keep the beast asleep.
Lastly congratulations on your journey, you know a lot and have inspired many MM patients.

Thanking you in advance
Kind regards

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Spiro-

    I replied directly to you just now via your email address.

    David Emerson

Sue bradish says 3 years ago

I am being told that csr T cell therapy is safe, but I’m not convinced. Has anyone done this and what was your outcome? Also more info on cbd oil please

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Sue-

    “Safe” is a relative term when talking about MM therapies. Lots of MM survivors have undergone CAR-T therapy and reached remission. The issues are side-effects (serious), length of remission (1-2 years) and possible alternatives to compare to.

    I will email you the cannabis guide.

    David Emerson

      Regina Tse says a couple of years ago

      I am also interested in the CBD information. I live in BC, Canada.

Carmel Harrison says 3 years ago

What dosage for CBD with Velcade and Pomilimide. Also do I take daily.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Carmel-

    Each state differs in availability of CBD in general as well as strains in particular. Therefore, a specific dose would depend on cannabinoids, the IN the CBD oil. Studies I’ve read talk about “time and dose dependent manner” meaning start slow and gradually build up. I wish
    I could provide more info.

    David Emerson

Carmel Harrison says 3 years ago

Hi David, Im about to change to Pomilimide, Dex and Velcade combo. Ive used CBD before and pleases to hear it interacts well with Velcade. What about with the Pomilimide? Would be interested to know. Cheers.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Carmel-

    Studies cite CBD, curcumin, other supplements as enhancing the efficacy of proteasome inhibitors (velcade, Kyprolis (carfilzomib), and Ninlaro (ixazomib). Pomalidomide is a class of chemo called immunomodulator in the same family as thalidomide, lenalidomide. the only nutritional supplement that I have found to enhance is curcumin-

    There may be other integrative therapies for pomalidomide, I just have never found any.

    David Emerson

    Good luck,

Vonda Flanders says 3 years ago

I was diagnosed with MM about 3 years ago. I had radiation and chemotherapy. Luckily for me my niece had read about cannabis and Velcade. My cancer went into remission after approximately 6 months. I am no longer in remission so I am meeting with my doctor to decide the best treatment options. I plan on using cannabis since it was so helpful the first time. I am lucky to live in a state where it’s legal. I am excited to explore this site and learn more. Thank you for sharing your information.

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Vonda-

    Yes, CBD oil (cannabinoids) have been shown to enhance the efficacy of velcade/bortezomib. Further, cannabis has been shown to heal bone fractures, ease anxiety and possibly kill MM cells. The research is thin about that last finding.

    Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson


I was diagnosed with MGUS last year. before the corona stopped the exams.I had then no BENCE JONES PROTEIN ,but 180 mg protein in 24 h urine, 8% plasmocytosis on bone biopsy,kappa light chains were 94-115, (which still remained the same this year 3 months ago , lamda around 15(normal) FLC ratio 6.6-7.4 on different ocasions,I have numbness,tingling,pins& needles in feet ,legs ,now in hands too.I am a concert pianist and an MD graduate.My Hematologist want to treat me like a Multiple Myeloma,I had creatinin at 1.12 and eGFR at 49,but in a more recent blood test creatinin came down to 0.76 and eGFR 78,it means it improoved without any treatment,but my legs and hands are still tingling.I also have a cervical spinal stenosis,so differential diagnosis was a question for cause for neural involvement.I am living in ISRAEL,I bought CBD oil 20% with a good relaiable company which import it from abroad,and want to give it a try,also I intend to use curcumin,and lipoic acid etc.=supplements that you adwised about,I normally purcase my supplements on IHERB,or on SWANSON’s,I am familliar with them ,because I also studied quite a lot in naturopathy. My question is–since mine is MGUS,and I have not even a SMM yet ,and since I read in your posts that CBD+ all the supplements+ an anti-infiamatory \Your tipe of a diet,etc.may treat \prevent myeloma from developing to a full blown MM,or even cause apoptosis to whatever it is there allready,could I treat my condition with CBD and supplements and diet alone,avoiding conventional treatments.? The Hematologist want to treat me with Lenalidomide+ dexametason+ even DARA,and she said she needs to biopsy my surral nerve,because otherwise,if not ”PROOVED”that the paraproteins are setteling and attaching my nerves,the insurance will not pay my treatment which is highly expensive.I found out,that the Linalidomide=revlimide by itself may cause a peripheral neuropathy,which is the reason for me seaking a doctor in the first place…so what is the use of it,…It is causing the very thing that I want to treat…I am now 73 years young,and want still to give concerts,record proffessionaly a vast repertory especially J.S.BACH and I would appriciate very much your opinione on what to do.THANK SO MUCH IN ADVANCE

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Nira-

    I believe you are asking two basic questions below. I cannot speak to any cost/expense issues.

    Could I treat my condition with CBD oil, supplements and diet alone, avoiding conventional treatments?
    Does Lenalidomide/Revlimid cause peripheral neuropathy? Yes, CIPN is a common side effect of this drug. Please see the study linked below.

    Further, Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a common symptom of MGUS. As the study below explains, chemotherapy could cause your PN to become more severe.

    As for your first question, two related but separate issues.

    First, MGUS is not cancer. At this stage, in my opinion, chemotherapy could cause more problems that it will solve. Conventional chemotherapy treatment may well hinder your stated goal of playing the piano, recording, etc.

    Secondly, yes, according to research, non-conventional therapies such as CBD oil, curcumin, antiangiogenic foods, etc. may manage your MGUS for years. These evidence-based, non-toxic therapies may give you the quality-of-life you would like without the risk of side effects caused by chemotherapy.

    You can always choose to treat your monoclonal proteins if you progress to SMM or full MM. MGUS is not SMM or MM.

      NIRA FRIED HIRSHENBERG says 3 years ago

      Dear David,thank you so much for your prompt answer,I am also very inclined to take the road of the alternative treatments, =CBD+SUPLEMENTS + DIET, still I have some questions,if you be so kind,-1)when you say ”chemotherapy” do you consider revlimid(lenalidomide) and Daratumomab(Darzalex) to be a chemotherapy? because i thought only melphalan was real chemotherapy,while dara and lenalidomide were more ”biological therapy”,so when you write ”chemo” do you include Dara and lenalidomide under chemo? 2) in what I read in your expieriance and explenations,CBD and supplements( including curcumine etc.but especialy CBD)was effective in REINFORCING the risponse to lenalidomind,it means when a patient has the conventional treatment,if he takes CBD + the other supplements diet will work WITH the conventional therapy together to give a better my previous question,which you kindly responded me,I asked,if the alternative treatment(CBD etc.) could work by itself,also without the conventional therapy done together with it,to kill the myeloma cells,in case there are there.I just wanted to make sure that I understood ,so I gess you said–In a case of full blown MM,the way to go is conventional=linalidomide velcade, and or Dara and steroides,WITH the adjunction of CBD suplements diet rinforce it,but in the case of MGUS or SMM,the use of the alternatives (=CBD,supp.etc.) should and could be enough to tame the condition,without recurring to the conventional drugs.PLEASE let me know if I understood you the right way, 3)Another question,if taking a course of prednisone\dexametasone without the revlimide dara etc. but together with the CBD + SUPPLEMENTS would be a good idea for me now? BE blessed and take care.I am very impressed by how you help people and answer their questions in their need.By the way,right now I am not ”tingling” my legs and arms and hands are really BURNING, ==like I am on fire!! I am going to begin my CBD to day!!, though I think that I will also take another blood test \bone marrow to see if my kappa,FLC ratio the percentage of plasma cells etc.are still not changed from last blood\bone marrow test. G-D bless you.NIRA

        David Emerson says 3 years ago

        Hi Nira-

        Thanks for your kind words. My main paint to you is that because you are pre-MM (MGUS), toxic treatment is not warranted and may cause more problems.

        Nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle therapies such as CBD oil, curcumin, resveratrol, frequent moderate exercise, etc. should be your first efforts.

        Good luck and keep in touch.

        David Emerson

Paul Martin says 3 years ago

I am a 31 year old Canadian recently diagnosed with extramedullary mm. About to finish my induction regiment, which was 4 cycles comprised of lenalidomide, daratumumab,bortezomib and dexamethasone.

Wondering if there are further studies available since the initial one listed here from 2014. Also any other useful information you may have on CBD, along with other alternative therapies.

Looking to gain as much knowledge and info as possible, thanks

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Paul-

    I will reply to you directly via email.


    David Emerson

Staci Roque says 3 years ago

How do you know which CBD oil to use? Which one is best for MM?

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Staci-

    The short answer to your question is that one doesn’t know which CBD oil is best for MM. The longer answer is that, according to studies, it is cannabinoids IN the CBD oil that synergize with and enhance Velcade/bortezomib. If CBD for medical use is legal in your state or country, the goal is to find a dispensary that carries a strain of CBD with a high percentage of cannabinoids (10%-20% perhaps) and a percentage of THC, the component that makes you high, that you can handle.

    Examples of what I am talking about are listed in this blog post.

    Hope this helps-

    David Emerson

Rick Baldwin says 3 years ago

What is the best spectrum cbd strength to take for mutiple myaloma

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Rick-

    Several things. According to limited research, CBD aka cannabinoids reduce anxiety, build bone health, and can reduce bone pain. However, when you say “best for MM” my guess is that you are asking about the ability for cannabinoids to kill MM cells.

    If so, understand that research is limited on this issue. There are studies that maintain the cannabinoids do enhance the ability of Velcade (bortezomib) as a mm chemotherapy.

    All to say, the best spectrum CBD strength is the strain in your local dispensary with the highest percentage of cannabinoids. That percentage should be above 10% maybe to 20%.

    I hope this helps.

    David Emerson

Steve says 4 years ago

Thank you for this website! Is there a dosage guide? I have smoldering MM and want to arrest it asap. Will be using Mistletoe, mushroom compound and want to include CBD/THC but how?

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Steve-

    The challenge with trying to dose CBD oil is that all strains have different percentages of cannabinoids IN them. It is the cannabinoids that are apoptotic to MM, and synergize with Bortezomib. There are several other nutritional supplements that have been shown to fight MM such as the type of mushroom discussed in the link below, curcumin, others.

    Multiple Myeloma Therapy- Medical Mushrooms-

    Do you know your m-spike monoclonal proteins) and freelight chains? Those two diagnostic markers have been shown to be prognosticators.

    David Emerson

Jose Ramirez says 4 years ago

Diagnosed with MM Oct/2020
No bone, kidney or other damage.
Discover from year to another during yearly physical that showed a spike
Just artes CHEMO
CARFILZOMIB, Decamethasone vía IV twice a week and Revlimid capsule every day.
How can I legally get the correct CBD and dosage in Houston Texas . MD Anderson talking about bone marrow transplant.
Have no damage to kidneys, liver or bones to date thanks to God.
Not familiar about problems or need of transplant.
Please give me your opinion I am 65

Jose Ramirez says 4 years ago

Diagnosed with MM Oct/2020
No bone, kidney or other damage.
Discover from year to another during yearly physical that showed a spike
Just artes CHEMO
CARFILZOMIB, Decamethasone vía IV twice a week and Revlimid capsule every day.
How can I legally get the correct CBD and dosage in Houston Texas .

Joseph Paul says 4 years ago

Hi, I was diagnosed with MM about three years ago. It is stage four. They gave me statistics on life expectancy. I get chemotherapy once a week for three weeks and then one week off. I get carfil, Dara, and Dex The first week. Carfil and dex The second and third week. I am also on pomalidomide. I am currently being prepped to be considered for AUTOLOGOUS Stem cell transplant. Will be getting collection done within a month or so. I recently ran across Tommy Chong’s CBD oil’s. I was wondering if that works in conjunction with The chemo I am getting now. I know it is impossible for the medical community to research CBD oil’s. Tommy claims his prostate cancer is cured. Would it be a good idea for me to try the Tommy Chong CBD oil‘s. I just can’t imagine being on this chemotherapy for the rest of my life. I have side effects for 24 to 48 hours afterwards. How long can I live without a stem cell transplant? I’m not sure I can survive a stem cell transplant. Did you have a stem cell transplant?

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hey JP- I replied to you directly via email.


Nadine Simsar says 4 years ago

Hello. Thanks for the info on your site. My father 79 has just been diagnosed with MM. I sent the link of your site to her doctor and she wants to have the link to the trial you mentioned that proved the benefits of CBD when used with patients with VelcAde. My father lives in turkey at present. Thanks very much for replying to me. I would like to act fast so they can prescribe the CBD to him ASAP as his first treatment started today. I live in New Zealand. Regards.

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Nadine- I replied to your email address directly.


Jaquelyn says 4 years ago

What is the dosage you recommend for CBD/THC.

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Jaquelyn,

    Difficult to dose CBD oil because each strain contains different percentages of cannabinoids and THC. The people I talk to taking CBD oil start slow with one or two drops under their tongue before bed and increase as they see fit.

    David Emerson

Jan Suggs says 4 years ago

I am a nurse, RN and my husband was diagnosed in May with MM. I can across the info about CBD/THC is combo with his Velcsde to help. We r very interested in this. We have taken CBD oil for arthritic pAin and had good results. Ron is 65 and otherwise is good health. He wants to really do all he can to get into remission for many years. Please contact me about how we can obtain this oil.
Thank you

Amber says 4 years ago

Hello! I am currently researching MM so that I can help my dad who was diagnosed two years ago. I would love for him to try the CBD oil and/or a combination of CBD and THC but I am unsure of where to purchase the CBD oil. Do you have any recommendations? I know that in order for him to have a mixture of the two he would probably need to obtain his medical marijuana license. CBD oil is sold in almost every vape shop but I want to ensure it is a quality CBD oil and from a reputable source. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    HI Amber- I replied to your questions directly via email.

    David Emerson

Joanne Glass says 4 years ago

Hi I would really like more information on hemp oil. And also on the therapy you used for your remission. Thanks

Bortezomib (Velcade) Resistance in Multiple Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says 4 years ago

[…] The most popular blog post on PeopleBeatingCancer is about CBD oil enhancing the efficacy of Velcade… […]

Nickita Bahmani says 5 years ago

Hi ,can you recommend witch hemp/CBD drop company and strength is best to take for multiple Myeloma?

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Nicketa-

    Several issues. The research that I rely on to write the blog posts that MM patients read do not name specific brands. All I know is that MM patients must find the CBD oil with the highest % of cannabinoids possible.

    CBD oil purchased over the internet is, by law, very low % of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids, according to research, is what is cyotoxic to MM. You are better off, if you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, of going to a dispensary and buying a strain of CBD oil with a high % of cannabinoids and a low % of THC.

    All state, all discpensaries offer different stains. If your state has not legalized CBD oil then you must go online.

    I am sorry I can’t be more specific.

    David Emerson

Allen Victor cox says 5 years ago

Have been diagnosed with blood bone cancer that I’ve been on Chemotherapy just been told after Bone Marrow removal and now been stopped treatment friend has told me get on cannabis oil but not sure which oil may help my situation my Kidneys have failed. And now on Dyalisis which I would strongly like to get off your thoughts greatly appreciated

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Allen,

    I will begin by stating my assumptions based on your post.

    1) You have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM)- this is your “blood bone cancer?”

    2) The “Chemotherapy” that you say you’ve been on is your induction therapy?

    3) When you say “bone marrow removal” are you talking about “harvesting” your stem cells in preparation of an autologous stem cell transplant?

    And finally, a friend told you to take CBD oil. Several things-

    First, you are correct, a common symptom of multiple myeloma is kidney damage. See the link below- a chemotherapy regimen called velcade may be able to restore kidney function.

    Second, as for CBD oil and your kidney function- yes, CBD oil has been shown to be cytotoxic (kill) MM and can enhance the efficacy of velcade. However, I cannot find a clear answer as to possible effects of CBD oil on the kidneys.

    As for non-toxic therapies for kidney health, please see the article linked below-

    Innovative Strategies to Combat Kidney Disease

    To summarize, consider and talk to your oncologist about velcade, non-toxic kidney therapies (milk thistle, resveratrol, etc.) even lifestyle therapies such as water. I guess what I’m saying is that you must manage both your MM and your kidneys at the same time.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Can Multiple Myeloma Survivors Drink Red Wine??? - PeopleBeatingCancer says 5 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Corina Botha says 5 years ago

My mom just diagnosed with MM can you give me a dosage plan for cbd and thc oils and should she take a tincture or suppositories? Thank you.

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Corina,

    The challenge with CBD oil and MM today is that each state in the US has different regulations and each state has different cannabis dispensaries that carry different CBD strains and each strain can have a different percentage of cannabidiol.

    My point is the study linked in the blog post that you came in on documents the property of CBD to integrative and or synergies with Velcade (bortezomib). I cannot give you info beyond that fact.

    My recommendation is to buy a type or strain of CBD oil from a reputable/trustworthy source with a high percentage of cannabinoids (15% or higher) and how percentage of THC (the stuff that gets you high) and have your mom put a few drops of CBD oil under her tongue before bed each night. This is the dose and method of dispensing that I am told by MM patients who use CBD oil.

    As the same time I encourage you to learn about other evidence-based but non-toxic integrative therapies like CBD. Nutritional supplementation such as curcumin, resveratrol and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to also integrate with MM chemo drugs.

    MM is a difficult blood cancer. Conventional therapies cannot cure it.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    David Emerson

robert stranack says 5 years ago

hi i have myloma and have had chemo ,i take one dose of cbd oil a day but now my paraprotien has gone up to 19 percent and have been offered revlimid and another form of chemo but on checking these out they can cause bad side effects and i feel so well in myself ,should i take cbd oil more often instead ,thanks Bob

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Bob-

    Do you mean “m-spike” when you say that your “paraprotein has gone up to 19%?” Or are you saying that the percentage of myeloma cells in your bone marrow is 19%?

    An m-spike of 19 is really high. I don’t think you mean that. An m-spike of 1.9 is okay because it means that your MM is pre-MM not full blown MM.

    Likewise, if the percentage of myeloma cells in your bone marrow is only 19% then this is also relatively good because again, it is pre-MM not full blown MM (30% is the beginning of full-blown MM).

    Myeloma protein

    I will be able to offer more information if you can clarify your situation with me.

    Let me know, thanks.

    David Emerson

Mark Bonahoom says 5 years ago

I was diagnosed with MM in September 2014. I had a stem cell transplant Feb 18, 2015. I went 2 years with no chemo or treatment. Then my Kappa light chain started to inch up. got to 400 and i was put on 4mg of Ninlaro & Dexamethasone on a 1,8,15 and then off regimen. Last two year I have been on Ninlaro every other week. No Dexamethasone for the last year. Kappa numbers have stayed steady at 35 with a ratio of about 1.3. I just stopped taking the Ninlaro to see if my numbers go up or maintain. My other concern is my kidney function. My kidney capillaries wee plugged up with the MM and i took some stone root for a couple of years to help get them to where they are at right now. My creatinine was 6.9 when diagnosed. It has been down around 3.0 since the stem cell transplant but not much lower. I hae been taking CBD full spectrum 30MG capsules for about a month twice a day. I will continue twice a day until my next lab tests are done at the end of October. Do you think I am on the right track or not. Any information would be appreciated. My spouse is not against the CBD but not really for it Yet.
Sincerely Mark Bonahoom

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Mark,

    I am going to reply to you via your email now.


    David Emerson

s.p morgan says 5 years ago

HI there i was diagnosed with MM in march 2018 with 20 % infiltrate pp 8.1 L/C 240 . LH Went up slowly to 480 consultant decided to start chemo of V/C/D. i have been taking CBD OIL since being diagnosed . I’m am now talking cannabis oil with THC . First set of results looked very promising PP 4 L/C 170 second set PP3 LC240 which was disappointing haven’t had many side effects apart form insomnia from the Dex . Was taking omega 3.. 2,000 mg daily and Turmeric 1200mg daily then it started treatment i stoped because was worried it might somehow stop the chemo working . just wondered what your thoughts were .. I’m 52 fit and heathy otherwise never had any side effects its the mental side thats difficult for me . any advice would be very much appreciated .thanks for sharing your time .Regards Paul

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Paul-

    I will reply to your post via your email address later this am.


    David Emerson

lin says 5 years ago

how much CBD?

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Lin-

    The answer to dosing questions depends on the CBD oil itself- the percentage of cannabinoids IN the CBD oil, (CBD vs. THC), and the strain of CBD oil. If you live in a state with dispensaries you might find a customer service person to help you. If you live in Canada you are even better off.

    David Emerson

Leigh McQualter says 5 years ago

Hi, I have a 60 year old friend just getting tested as to what stage her
MM is and wish to purchase your program. We are in Australia so can you please advise on how we can get this. Thanks Leigh

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Leigh,

    I’m sorry to learn or your friend’s MM diagnosis. For what it’s worth, there are many members of PBC MM Cancer Coaching who live in Australia. When you register, I will send you an invitation to join the closed Facebook group called Beating Myeloma. You will be able to communicate directly with your fellow Australians in the closed group.

    The MM CC program is electronic. Registration will trigger an automatic download to your computer. To order the MM CC program, click the link below. Don’t forget that your coupon code is the word “WEBINAR.” I look forward to working with your friend.

    David Emerson

Cindy Wallace says 5 years ago

Hi on 2/23/19 I was diagnosed with MM, along with acute kidney failure , I’m also a Type 1 diabetic .. all my friends, family are suggesting cbd? My chemo treatment is ; revlimid 25mg daily tablet for 21 days, I then do Velcade injections Monday & Thursday, every Monday morning I take my steroid pills.,what kind of cbd would you recommend ? Oil, plant, gummies,etc…
Thank you

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Cindy,

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. Kidney damage is a common symptom of certain types of MM, especially light chaing MM. My guess is that your oncologist’s immediate goal is to stabilize you aka put you into remission as quickly as possible. Because dexamethasone (high dose steroids) induce insulin resistance, please discuss possible problems with your type 1 diabetes with your oncologist.

    I’m sure that he/she knows about the association between dex. and diabetes. I’m just making sure.

    Further, Velcade has been shown to help kidney dysfunction in MM.

    Rapid improvement in renal function in patients with multiple myeloma and renal failure treated with bortezomib.

    As for your question about CBD oil, several things. The main benefit of CBD oil for MM is to integrate or synergize with your conventional therapy. Cannibidiol has been shown to kill MM itself but the research is thin as this point.

    Both CBD and antioxidant supplementation such as curcumin have been shown to enhance the efficacy of Velcade (bortezomib) and revlimid. The type or strain of CBD oil that will integrative most with your chemo depends on where you live. CBD oil online is usually has a low cannabinoid content.

    I will link a blog post listing high percentage cannabinoid strains below.

    Lastly, I encourage you to “pre-habilitate” now if you haven’t begun your chemo regimen yet. Eating, exercising, supplementing, even putting a drop or two of CBD oil under your tongue before bed each night, all will get you in shape for undergoing chemotherapy. The better shape you are in, the better you will respond. It is the amount of THC in the CBD oil that gets you high. Some people don’t like that feeling. The research is unclear about the percentage of THC in CBD that is most effective for MM.

    Five High Cannabinoid Strains

    I will email the info above to the email address you included as well.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Edward herrera says 5 years ago

hello, my father was diagnosed back in 2015. The multiple myeloma has caused him to have renal failure and heart problems. Just last year he had a quadruple bypass. He has already had a bone marrow transplant of his own cells. The transplant had helped somewhat but now we have noticed him having difficulty raising his arms and even walking. He has never had any pain before and now seems to be in a lot of pain. He complains of his waist and lower body hurting. We are at a road block because we don’t know how to help him. now on the use of cbd oil we as a family are thinking of tying this out. I would like to know what type kid oil should I get for him and the dosage that should be given. I know some oils have parasites and is this something that should be left in the oil or purchased without. we just need a sense of direction. Any advise is appreciated.

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Ed,

    I am sorry to read of your dad’s MM diagnosis and associated health challenges. Renal failure is a common symptom of MM itself and heart damage is often a side effect of specific chemotherapy regimens. I myself suffer from cardiomyopathy caused by my auto transplant in ’95. Muscle weakness can be caused by dexamthasone (see below).

    As for “He complains of his waist and lower body hurting” that could be something going on in your dad’s spine.

    I encourage you to talk with a pain specialist as well as your dad’s oncologist. The published research about CBD, myeloma and pain is thin. I will link two blog posts on the subject below and email the MM Cancer Coaching guide on CBD oil and Myeloma. As you will se in the CBD guide, I know of no studies that cite specific dosages for CBD and I know of no specific strains of CBD that are uniformly sold everywhere in the U.S.

    As you know, medical marijuana is sold state by state and therefore, strains or types of CBD are local or at least statewide. The blog post and guide at least will tell you what to look for in a CBD oil. I’m sorry I can’t provide better information.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

    >5 High Cannabinoid Percentage C-B-D Oil Strains for Cancer

    3 Things You Need to Consider When Trying to Get the Right Cannabis (medical marijuana) Strains

    Steroid myopathy in cancer patients.

    “We prospectively evaluated 15 adult cancer patients being treated with adrenocorticosteroids (steroids) to determine the frequency and time course of “steroid myopathy.” Nine (60%) developed clinically detectable proximal muscle weakness that, in six, was severe enough to interfere with activities of daily living. Proximal muscle weakness developed within 15 days in eight of nine patients and was significantly related to the cumulative dose of steroid. Eight of nine patients with proximal muscle weakness, and two of six without such weakness, experienced a significant decline in respiratory function, leading to symptomatic dyspnea in four patients of the former group. In three patients who could be followed for more than 3 months off steroids, there was either improvement or resolution of the weakness and, when present, of the respiratory impairment. Steroid myopathy is a common complication among cancer patients receiving steroids. It can often affect respiratory function even when proximal limb muscles remain strong. Clinical recognition is important since steroid myopathy can lead to increased morbidity and may be reversible with reduction or discontinuation of steroids.”

Aileen W. Donovan says 5 years ago

HI David,

Thank you for all the information given here. I am the Caregiver of my 88 year old Mom, I’ve had her live with me here at my home for the past 8 years. She was diagnosed with MM in 2009, started chemo, promptly had a heart attack, had quadruple bypass, then a few months later they put her back on the chemo. She went into remission, came out, went on Revlimed for some time, (that almost killed her she was SO sick on that, and had almost constant bladder infections, up with her at least 5 times per night) I told them her quality of life was nil, and they finally stopped it. She did go back in remission and now several years later, she’s out of remission again. She’s on a 25 mg Fentynal Patch, and a Nitro patch, Her kidneys are really bad, her heart is an issue. Her Oncologist wants her to take weekly (in the tummy shots) of Velcade along with Dex. I know the last time she was on chemo she was 30 pounds heavier (she’s 98 pounds now) and almost 5 years younger. To me, I personally think it would be almost like a ‘suicide’ for her to go on Chemo, frankly she can barely walk now, how in the world will she be able to manage going to the bathroom (which is not that close to her room) when they are saying for the two days of the week she MUST drink 3 litres of water to flush her bladder?!? Plus I have a call into her Heart Doctor because I’m sure he won’t allow her to take 3 litres of water per day when she can only consume small amounts of liquid (demi-tasse cup) at a time. But her Oncologist (Who in her little ol’ European eyes is ‘God’ himself) is pushing the Velcade, so she thinks she should take it. I don’t want my Mom to suffer any more than absolutely necessary. She used to SCREAM in the night with the neuropathy pains! MY hair went white. I would hope (as I would hope for ANYONE) that she spends the rest of her time on earth, as happy and comfortable and content as she can be, enjoying her meals (she already only has a tiny appetite) able to sit out (in the summer) at our farm and enjoy watching the dogs play and the butterflies etc…In fact I got her a medical license (we’re in Canada) to take medical cannabis and I’ve put her on a 1-1 protocol (that is 1 part THC-1 part CBD) as that is the ‘general’ Cannabis protocol for MM patients, plus extra cbd when wanting more anti-inflammatory (like taking a tylenol but without side effects) And while we haven’t hit her optimal dose yet, (only been on for a month with the medical cannabis) I have hope that it will help her greatly, and be much more beneficial to her than Velcade’s side-effects. She has a pain in her hip (probably needs (but cannot get) a hip replacement there, like the other side was done a 20 years ago) and that is WHY she thinks she needs Velcade so in her words, ‘I can walk normal again’…Did I mention she is 88 years old? 🙂 I’m sorry if I am venting…I am feeling SO frustrated! I also have her on other MM alternatives such as nutritional (foods) protocols, wheat grass, Beta Glucan, Black Seed Oil (which enhances the cannabis cancer-cell killing effect) and trying to get her on the Budwig protocol, but she’ll only accept the cottage cheese/flax oil once per day. As well, some Essiac Tea has just arrived for me to start her on. Sorry, my question got lost in my venting I think, but it was, IF IT WERE YOUR LOVED ONE, would you encourage an 88 year old with all these other issues in place, to take Velcade/Dex? She doesn’t remember her past experiences with chemo being ‘bad’…Because she’s lost all memory of that time. The hardest thing for me is hearing my own Mother scream out in pain at night (when on chemo) Am I being unreasonable to want convince her her not to do the chemo again? I honestly think she will lose whatever remaining quality of life she has. What would you do? (again, sorry for the length and ‘vent-ness’ of this post.

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Aileen,

    I am sorry to read of both your mom’s diagnosis as well as all of her side effects. To answer your question, no, I would not encourage anyone over the age of say…75, to have RVd aka revlimid, velcade and dexamethason. In fact, I think your mom’s oncologist did her a tremendous diservice by giving her so much toxicity.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

    My understanding was that the standard of care for those newly diagnosed MMers over the age of 70 to only be prescribed one chemotherapy regimen, Revlimid, with low dose dexamethasone.

    I think that this lower toxicity regimen would have resulted in much fewer side effects.

    You are not being unreasonable to encourage your mom not to have chemo again. Certainly not a triplet such as RVd. But your oncologist can recommend low dose Revlimid and low dose dex. If need be.

C-B-D Strength/Dosing Info for Relapsed Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says 5 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Stephanie says 5 years ago

Hi David, my boyfriend was diagnosed in 2015 with MM he’s had a bone marrow transplant in 2017. He recently got out back on chemo pills because the levels went up a little bit. I want to get CPB oil for him. By suggestions? I don’t know which brand of oil to buy. Can you recommend a good one so I can make him start taking that everyday. Thank you so much

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Stephanie,

    Before I talk about CBD oil, let me make two comments. One is that if your boyfriend is taking low dose maintenance therapy of Revlimid and dexamethasone, several studies cite curcumin as an integrative therapy meaning taking curcumin at the same time will enhance the efficacy of Revlimid. Secondly, the PeopleBeatingCancer MM Cancer Coaching program contains more than 15 supplements like curcumin that have been shown to be cytotoxic to MM.

    Re CBD questions-

    I assume you meant to type CBD not CPB. The challenge you face is each state or I should say the medical marijuana dispensaries in each state carry different “strains” of CBD oil. Strains are like brands because there are no national companies who test, package and distribute CBD oil. While the research is vague at this point, my understanding is that it is the percentage of cannabinoids IN the CBD oil that affects multiple myeloma.

    By comparison, CBD oil purchased over the internet contains less than 2% cannabinoids and I think myeloma patients want a percentage of cannabinoids of 15-20%. THC, the componant that gets you high, is a slightly different issue. You can have a lower percentage of THC and still have a higher percentage of cannabinoids.

    I will link a blog post that lists a high percentage of cannabinoids that you may be able to purchase in your state.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


    David Emerson

      Stephanie says 5 years ago

      Thank you so much David , lol yes I meant CBD oil and he is currently back on Revlimid so I will definitely look into the Curcumin and also check out the link you sent me.

        David Emerson says 5 years ago

        Sounds good Stephanie-

        David Emerson

Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching- Introduction - PeopleBeatingCancer says 5 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Dimo says 6 years ago

Hi David
Hope all is well not sure if you still commenting on the page I thought I would take a chance and write..
I am 37 been fighting MM for four years now I was diagnosed I had two tumors in my spine as a result I had a triple laminectomy removed the one had radiation done on the other which then the tumor ate my whole vertebrae I have disc on disc now back pain is a way of life I then did radiation for a month every day then 6 months chemo after that I had a stem cell transplant unfortunately the cancer came back in my jaw another plasma cytoma after only 16 months it has come back on my tibias and on my sternum I have been on revlimid for over a year now decided to stop it two weeks ago as I’m just fed up I do administer hemp every night however my question to you is how much does one actually take fighting MM for it to make a difference.

Thank you

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Dimo-

    I am sorry to learn of your challenges fighting MM. The research of CBD and MM is minimal as far as I know. Dosing, for example, is a part of what is lacking. I am asked your question frequently.

    The anserw is that there is no set dose, as far as I know. MMers and surivors of other cancers who supplement with CBD tell me that they start with one drop under their tongue before bed each night. Once they feel comfortable with this starting dose, they increase to two drops under their tongue. And so on.

    I wish I could offer more specifics. Good luck.

    David Emerson

Raquel Planas says 6 years ago

Hi David,
I’m a MM warrior. I was diagnosed iOct 13, 2017 . Since then I received chemo treatment, carfilzomid, Dex and revlimid. I had a SCT in May 2018 and relapsed after 7 months. I just started Darzalex a monoclonal antibody. I go for my 2nd treatment tomorrow. I want to start CBD oil but I don’t know the dose to take. Are you familiar with Darzalex?

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Raquel,

    I am sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis though you have a great attitude. While I have no personal experience with darzelex I know of many MMers who have had success with this MM chemotherapy.

    Regarding your dosing of CBD- two issues- the strain of CBD oil that you purchase will vary in its cannabinoid content. This % of cannabinoid will affect the efficacy of the CBD oil.

    Further, your dosing will also depend on the percentage of THC in the CBD oil. It is THC that gets people high. According to studies THC enhances the efficacy of cannabinoids and therefore helps us MMers. But some of us don’t like the sensation of being high.

    Lastly, most everyone I know who has taken CBD oil starts slowly and words their way up. Meaning start with one drop under your tongue before bed for a few days to see how it goes. Increase from there.

    I urge you to consider evidence-based anti-MM nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle therapies as well as conventional therapies.

    David Emerson

5 High Cannabinoids Percentage C-B-D Oil Strains for Cancer - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] of cannabinoids, while still somewhat thin, indicate that C-B-D oil can synergize with certain cancer chemotherapy regimens and may even be cytotoxic to cancer itself. I follow an anti-cancer diet, an anti-cancer […]

Best of Both Conventional, Non-Conventional for Multiple Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Wobenzym N - Integrative Therapy for Multiple Myeloma says 6 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Beating Myeloma-If I Knew Then What I Know Now - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Single Myeloma, Multiple Myeloma Gradual Response Better then Fast Response in Myeloma Therapy? C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Multiple Myeloma Pain says 6 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Blogs as Multiple Myeloma Cancer Therapy says 6 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Complete Remission vs. Overall Survival in Multiple Myeloma- says 6 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

Multiple Myeloma-Reduce Bisphosphonates To Reduce Side Effects - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] C-B-D kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade […]

linda says 6 years ago

how to reduce eievated light chains ive had mm for 2 years

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Linda,

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. To reply to your question, it depends on 1) how elevated your light chains are (both kappa and lambda or just one?) and it depends on what your other blood markers are. I don’t mean to give a vague reply. I’m saying that if your light chains have stayed in a range over the past two years that is, say, 10% above the normal range and your other blood work is normal or also not too bad then you may be managing your MM reasonably well.

    You appear to have been reading about CBD enhancing Velcade. There are many MMers who can undergo chemotherapy, bring their MM to a managable level and then experience a good remission through evidence-based but non-conventional supplementation, nutrition, lifestyle, etc. therapies.

    Are you experiencing any other symptoms such as bone pain/damage, kidney damage, peripheral neuropathy?

    I don’t mean to sound nosy. Just trying to figure out your situation.


    David Emerson

RAPHAEL says 6 years ago


Bob Bussey says 6 years ago

I am post BMT. Low dose (10mg) revlimid was tried. Even low dose made me ill, and we stopped. I am using 25mg CBD daily. Is this a good amount? More? Less? Thanks!

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Bob-

    Some people react negatively to low dose Rev. Yes, CBD oil has been shown to cause apoptosis in MM. It is less about the daily dose and more about what the CBD is made of. Meaning, cannabinoids and THC in a 1:1 ratio is most effective killing MM according to studies. Further, some CBD strains have a higher percentage of cannabinoids than other strains. You want the highest percentage possible.

    Medical marijuana accessibility varies greatly by state.

    There are a host of nutritional supplements that have been shown to kill MM. I am in remission but I take curcumin, resveritrol, green tea extract, omega 3 fatty acids, DHEA, and grape seed extract- all shown to kill MM. I hope to remain in remission for as long as I can…

    David Emerson

Stu Evans says 6 years ago

Do most oncologists have an awareness of Cannabidiol as a supplement for Velcade and/ or Revlimid?

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Stu-

    Studies show that oncologists’ awareness of all things medical marijuana are spotty at best. It also depends on where the MMer lives. I have read that oncologists don’t like it when patients bring internet studies with them to appt.s but I think a patient has to do so in this case.

    David Emerson

Deborah Crosby Haake says 6 years ago

I am trying to get the discount code for $99 off. Please send to me & I will order your package.

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Deborah,

    Please type the word “webinar” into the coupon code box for your $100 discount. Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

AHCC, HPV, MM and Cancer - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM […]

Jerry Cogen says 6 years ago

Hi David,
I am a mmer since beginning of November and am interested in your offer as a coach. Watched your video and you certainly engaged me into doing everything I can to learn more. With that, I did not see the coupon offer for 100 off. How can I receive this. Thanks, Jerry

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Jerry-

    The coupon code is the word “webinar.” Type that word into the box when asked. Let me know if you have other questions.


    David Emerson

CraigL says 6 years ago

My lady (age 62) was diagnosed with MM in Feb 2017, from bone resorption spotting. She then had kidney and respiratory failure, but we recovered the kidneys and she recovered breathing. Pleural effusion was fixed with a PleurX catheter and now she’s totally clear in the lungs (Feb 2018). Her hemoglobin kept dropping, and ProCrit didn’t work. With research, we began methylated vitamin B12 (OTC for around $10) and activated Folate (not folic acid). Within 3 months her hemoglobin is holding steady around 10.7.

Kidneys have been weak but holding steady with Creatinin at 1.2, BUN around 32 and GFR low in the 40s. Albumin has routinely been 2.5. We’ve added in an albumin supplement and waiting to see lab results after 2 weeks of that.

Bones are completely fixed (did research on osteoporosis too). Main thing was to add in silica. We started with diatomaceous earth, then moved towards bamboo extract. 10 weeks after diagnosis, while in a medical transport cab to an appointment, the cab was in a 55mph crash and rolled three times. Her wheelchair was demolished, but seat belts kept her alive with only a shoulder abrasion and scraped knee. Not a single broken bone! Not one! Including the collarbone under the shoulder strap.

We’ve been doing Christian Wilde’s formula for turmeric, 1 cap with dinner every day. Also many other supplements, including NAC (to form glutathione) which is making news as to the healing benefits of many things including bone-marrow and blood.

Free light chains just came back at 550, but we’ll have to see how the albumin supplement works. I’ve looked at CBD oil, but like some comments below, I see nothing about type, dosage, consistency or anything else. She was on Velcade, but decided to abandon it after 4 months due to side effects.

Another missed diagnosis is the constant weight loss and “wasting.” That’s not a cancer problem, it’s Catchexia and happens when the body turns on a protein that stops the metabolism of food. Resveratrol turns off that protein, and now her appetite is back and with exercise (in bed) she’s gaining some muscle. Biggest problem is the edema, and paracentesis isn’t finding pockets of fluid. It’s in the connective tissue, hence the supplements of albumin to keep fluids in the vascular system where it’s supposed to be.

Fingers crossed on the albumin, but for now, passing on the CBD oil. And totally concur that people don’t die from MM, they die from the consequential effects. Halt those effects and it’s a different ball game.

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hang in there, Craig.


Conventional, Integrative and Alternative Cancer Treatments says 6 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM […]

What can a multiple myeloma cancer coach do for me says 6 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM […]

Multiple Myeloma Overall Survival Statistics - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM […]

Multiple Myeloma- Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM […]

Learn, Anticipate and Prevent Multiple Myeloma Treatment Side Effects- PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM […]

Brian says 7 years ago

Hi David,

Have you an email address I could reach out to you on?



Christina says 7 years ago

Hi David,
I’m in need of help. I’m 53 and have had Multiple Myeloma for 9 years. I have been on Velcade and Curcuman the entire time. I have good an bad days. I want CBD & THC, it’s legal in PA, but not available until the Spring. Any suggestions on what I can do? I’m tired and worn out, any advice would be very much appreciated

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Christina-
    I believe that adding curcumin to Velcade has helped you manage your MM for these past 9 years. Now let’s focus on the next nine…

    The CBD that is sold over the Internet reportedly has very low levels of cannabinoids. Not effective for MM. My understanding is that MMers who want high cannabinoid CBD oil must go to states that sell that product legally. Ohio sounds similar to PA. Medical Marijuana is legal but not yet available.

    Please keep in mind that there are a host of evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-MM therapies like curcumin and CBD oil. The complete MM cancer coaching program is outlined in the free webinar on the right of the blog post that you read and if you only want to learn about those supplements that are cytotoxic to MM please click here-

    I supplement with curcumin as well and I add 8 of the supplements discussed in the supplementation guide. I have remained in CR since 10/99. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Cate says 7 years ago

David, my father (71) had been diagnosed with MM. How can I find out more about your program?

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Cate-

    I am sorry to read of your father’s MM diagnosis. If you would like to learn more about the MM CC program I recommend watching the free webinar and or reading the intro. I will email both to you after I send this reply.

    Your main challenge will be to balance quantity of life with quantity of life. By this I mean that conventional (FDA approved) therapies are designed for MMers under the age of 70. All of the issues discussed in the MM CC program are evidence-based, non-toxic therapies.

    I will email the links and documents now. Let me know if you have any questions.


    David Emerson

    Reply says 7 years ago

It’s great to see more and more information being presented to the public about the health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD)… I’ve read a lot of great testimonies and research articles on the cancer-fighting benefits of this wonderful cannabinoid… let’s hope it continues that way and more people may benefit from “mother nature’s wonder child”. 🙂

charle says 7 years ago

Thanks just got the diagnosis of the MM.I would like to than you and your posting of questions/answers about MM. I’m still spinning, as I’m only 46 with 5 kiddos ,but I have a good wife helping me . So finding that people are trying to help deal with MM with a people to people communications is a wonderful help. Thanks again.

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Charle-

    I am sorry to read of your diagnosis of MM. However keep in mind that MM has a long and growing list of both conventional and non-conventional therapies. This is why newly diagnosed MMers are told that their blood cancer is incurable yet very treatable. BTW, it is perfectly normal to be “spinning.”

    Also keep in mind that all MM statistics are based on the average MMer which are patients in their mid 60’s. Your young age is an asset. Lastly, your family gives you a “sense of purpose.” Excellent.

    I don’t mean to sound nosey but I need a bit more info to get a handle on your situation. What was your stage at diagnosis (!,2 or 3)? Do you know any of your blood specifics such as your m-spike, albumin, etc?

    Are you experiencing any symptoms such as bone pain, anemia (tiredness) or kidney damage? Are you considering undergoing chemotherapy as induction therapy or as an autologous stem cell transplant.

    All therapies have pro’s and cons. My role as a MM survivor and MM cancer coach is to convey your therapy choices and their pros and cons in a completely unbiased manner.

    Let me know. Hang in there.

    David Emerson

Jaoachim Fichtner says 7 years ago


Thomas Swayne says 7 years ago

Is this thread still active?

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Tom-

    The post about CBD and MM is more of a question and answer with me rather than a back and forth thread. I admin. PeopleBeatingCancer and am a long-term MM survivor and MM cancer coach.

    Do you have MM? If so what stage were you at diagnosis? Are you undergoing conventional chemo such as Velcade? Let me know.


    David Emerson

Cannabis and Multiple Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says 7 years ago

[…] is clear that cannabidiol enhances the chemotherapy regimen Velcade aka bortezomib. To learn more about cannabis and multiple myeloma, click now to download the Cancer Coaching Guide […]

dhamraa waleed says 7 years ago

i diagnosed with MM. . now am under velcade i took 6 dosed i need to try cannabidol how can i by this product online or in pharmacy near. i live in Iraq , Baghdad
am a Ph.D student in USM pharmacy school/ Malaysia/ Penang

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hu Dhamraa-

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. You are correct that CBD oil can enhance the efficacy of Velcade though there are several other integrative therapies that also enhance Velcade in MM. Further, CBD oil may not be available in Iraq. The key for you to remember is that CBD from Industrial Hemp produces CBD oil will a very LOW percentage of cannabinoids. Here in the US, CBD made from industrial hemp is legal for shipping and selling. However cannabinoid rich CBD oil is NOT legal to ship.

    I will email you the MM cancer coaching guide that talks about CBD and MM. If you cannot obtain cannabinoid rich CBD oil then you should look to other integrative therapies to enhance Velcade.

    David Emerson
    MM Survivor
    MM Cancer Coach

Justin Smith says 8 years ago

Hi David, My Grandmother was diagnosed yesterday with MM. She is over 80 and the doctors are recommending Radiation to start. I have serious reservations, based on her age, declining physical and mental health. I have known too many killed by the “treatments.” She has hesitation to use CBDs even though she lives in Colorado, because she grew up in the Refer Madness era. What would you suggest we research to show her the best evidence? CBDs, Krill/fish oil, Protandum… what else is natural that she can take? The Dr. has told her to start radiation ASAP.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Justin-

    I am sorry to learn of your grandmother’s MM diagnosis. Your concerns regarding conventional therapies such as radiation are well-founded. The issue for you and your grandmother to think through will be to identify and weigh the potential risks and potential benefits of both conventional therapies such as radiation as well as non-conventional therapies such as CBD oil aka medical marijuana.

    What stage of MM was your grandmother at diagnosis? Specifically, is she experiencing any bone damage? Has her oncologist identified any “hot spots” in her bones?

    Local radiation is toxic and can cause modest side effects. However radiation can be effective in fixing hot spots or bone damage. Measured use of toxic therapy such as radiation can manage your grandmother’s MM short term so that evidence-based, non-toxic therapies such as CBD oil, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) etc. can fight her MM long-term.

    Further, research has identified non-toxic therapies that enhance radiation while minimizing it’s toxicity. Your grandmother can “prehabilitate” before her radiation if she chooses.

    Re your question about research into the benefits of CBD oil, there are several issues that your grandmother should consider. First and foremost, the research specifically into CBD oil (cannabidiol) and MM is minimal. My recommendation will be for your grandmother to undergo several different types of evidence-based, NON-toxic therapies to manage her MM. Secondly, there are strains of CBD oil with NO THC, the psychotropic component of CBD that gets a person “high.”

    As you can see from this long email there are many different aspects to your situation. Let’s take things one at a time.

    What stage of MM is your grandmother? Is she experiencing any bone damage?

    David Emerson

Bortezomib 3.5 mg Powder for Injection Vial says 8 years ago

This is completely informative post. Thanks for raising the importance of bortezomib anticancer medicine.

Amazon Purathrive Turmeric Benefits Curcumin Side | purathrive reviews says 8 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol (CBD) kills multiple myeloma and enhances … – I am currently being treated for multiple myeloma and I have a question regarding the amount of CBD that must be ingested in order for it to be an effective treatment. […]

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi MM Patient-

    Can you tell me the stage at which you were diagnosed? What treatment are you currently undergoing for your MM?

    David Emerson

Amazon Purathrive Turmeric Benefits And Side – Purathrive review says 8 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol (CBD) kills multiple myeloma and enhances … – I am currently being treated for multiple myeloma and I have a question regarding the amount of CBD that must be ingested in order for it to be an effective treatment. […]

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    I have never read a study about CBD and MM that discussed dosing. I just don’t know. Sorry I cannot be more help.

    David Emerson

Purathrive Amazon | Purathrive review says 8 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol (CBD) kills multiple myeloma and enhances … – The effects of cannabidiol and its synergism with bortezomib in multiple myeloma cell lines. A role for transient receptor potential vanilloid type-2. […]

corrina Thompson says 8 years ago

Hi David I am about to try a new product called Turmeric 3D ,I have now finished 8 months of chemo taking dex and velcade once a week as I had mentioned in my other posted I left out cyclophasphamide as I was taking 8 gram of doctors best curcumin a day , canabis oil and a number of other supplements including ashwagandha my treatment went well not a lots of side affects apart from the dex and moods my paraproten came down to 4 from 54 .As I am wanting to keep numbers where they are I am taking what you have sugested in supplements but I have found this Turmeric 3D it has fermented ,ashwagandha, vitamin D3 ,turmeric ,and turkey tail mushroom apparently fermented so easy absorbed so Im about to try this along with IP6 have you heard of any of these supplements .all my other bloods are great so just keeping an eye on paraproten my next bloods are in two months so will see what happens cheers Corrina

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Corrina-

    Great to read that you are doing well. Yes, I know of most but not all of your supplements. I take curcumin. d3, reishi mushrooms, others daily.

    Keep it up.


Adrianna says 8 years ago

I need help with a friend of mine who has been dx with MM stage two with bone involvement. He will not get up because I feel like he just does not want to. I am looking into different herbs and vegetables that I can blend together to make shakes for him for nutrients. Can anyone give me any advice or comment on some things that I can do for him to help him to gain weight and to get energy to walk a little bit. Please.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Adianna-

    I am sorry to learn of your friend’s MM diagnosis. It sounds as though your friend is emotionally depressed. There may be several things going on that effect his mood. A diagnosis of an incurable cancer with bone pain can negatively affect anyone.

    Your main challenge will be to simply get him started. Meaning exercise such as walking will make him feel better so he will walk more so he will continue to feel better. Simply feeding him nutritious foods will not necessarily get him off the couch.

    My personal and professional experience is that you and your friend need a MM therapy plan. Meaning you both need to understand and think through years of living with MM, not simply think about this week’s therapy. My thinking below will sound self-serving. But this is what I do for my own MM so I believe in it. I will try to be concise below. Please ask me any and all questions.

    I am both a long-term MM survivor and MM cancer coach. I believe that your friend must utilize BOTH conventtional oncology AND evidence-based non-toxic therapies such as supplementation, nutrition, bone health, lifestyle and mind-body therapies. All supported by research.

    I believe that your friend’s MM is advanced enough that he will have to undergo enough chemotherapy to put his MM into remission. I will provide evadenced-based integrative therapies to manage his side effects.

    How old is your friend? Does he have any other health challenges? You mention bone pain. Has there been any bone DAMAGE? Any kidney damage?

    Let me know. Hang in there. Please tell your friend that I was first diagnosed in 2/94. Was told that nothing more could be done for me in 9/97. I reached complete remission by 4/99 where I remain today. It has not been easy but managing MM can be done.

    David Emerson

Cannabis Terapeutica – Il CBD uccide il Mieloma Multiplo: lo studio raccontato da un paziente says 8 years ago

[…] dopo aver postato lo studio scientifico, si mette a disposizione delle numerose persone che hanno domande da fare in merito alla sua esperienza, tenendo presente che David è guarito 20 anni fa ed il CBD […]

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    I can’t read this. Can you translate any of this into english?


Elizabeth says 8 years ago

My dad was diagnosed with MM and Non Hodgkins stage 3 lymphoma about 6 weeks ago and has had 1 RCHOP treatment. He is now in a cute renal failure with blood in urine and has been told he may have to stop chemo because the citoxin is too damaging……and at that point this is terminal and progressing quickly…..we are at a loss and the DRs are baffled…….Will this help?!?!

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Elizabeth-

    I am sorry to learn of your father’s cancer diagnoses and accompanying health challenges. In answer to your question, according to the study you read, CBD oil is cytotoxic to MM cells and enhances Velcade. The chemotherapies represented by the letters R-CHOP are extremely toxic. It is no surprise that r-chop causes kidney damage.

    I am not an M.D. and cannot prescribe therapy. Stabilizing your dad’s health is your primary goal at this point. While you are stabilizing your dad, I would continue to try to reduce his MM and NHL through non-toxic therapies such as CBD oil and the many anti-oxidant supplements that studies have shown are cytotoxic to MM and or NHL.

    I would not be surprised if your oncologist thinks differently about this course of action. I am in no way disagreeing with your Onc. I am simply saying that conventional oncology looks at cancer differently than I do. As your dad’s caregiver you are between a rock and a hard place.

    Let me know if there is anything more I can do.

    David Emerson
    Cancer Coach

    Management of Hematological Malignancies in Patients Affected by Renal Failure

    cyclophosphamide (cytoxan)
    doxorubicin (hydroxydaunomycin)
    vincristine (Oncovin ®)
    prednisolone (a steroid).

Steve says 8 years ago

on 1/27/16 I was diagnosed with stage 3 mm. I am 43 and am in good shape for my age. Today I received my velcade shot to start my 2nd session of chemo. As well as taking my decadron, and cyclophosphamide pills. Since starting my chemo. I have become on edge and can’t sleep. I’m trying to stay positive as much as possible.. Being I have 11yr old son I want to do so many things with and want to see graduate. My head goes a 1000mph. Not knowing what or who to believe. I used to smoke all the time (weed) of course. Never smoke a cigarette ever. I have had friends travel and bring me back cdc to try. But it makes me neverous not know if it’s really going to help or effect my chemo… Can you help me out a little and give me some kind of answers. Or even just some type of info that can help me..

Thank you,

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Steve-

    Several things. First and foremost, at 43 you are well ahead of the average MM patient. All statistics that you read or are told by your oncologist are about 65 year olds. On average, you should do better.

    As a long-term MM myself I have come to believe that MMers must look beyond conventional therapies to include nutrition, lifestyle, therapies. I will speak more about this below. Further, I believe that the more you learn about MM, the more confident you will become and the more positive you will feel.

    I will list several replies to your questions/comments below. Overall however, if you pursue a combination of both conventional and non-conventional therapies (all evidence/research based) you should be able to live with MM for years to come. Keep in mind that I am biased. My MM experience includes a spectrum of therapies.

    Decadron is a powerful steroid. As such a common side effect is not being able to sleep(“I can’t sleep.”) Possible solutions may be to take your dose as early in the day as possible. If that doesn’t work ask your oncologist to lower the dose.
    >Decadron side effects–

    As the blog and linked study you read indicates, CBD oil has been shown to potentiate or enhance the efficacy of Velcade. As you can imagine, research into cannabis, CBD oil, etc. and marijuana is limited in the United States. Therefore I cannot cite specific studies about CBD and MM or even Velcade. My understanding is that the cannabinoid content IN your CBD oil is what is synergistic with Velcade. Further, I understand that it is THC in CBD (if there is any) that is directly cytotoxic (kills) MM cells.

    Please understand that there are several “integrative” non-toxic therapies that research has shown also enhance Velcade. Also some that enhance Revlimid if you ever have to undergo Revlimid therapy.

    My point is that MM patients must work with conventional therapies such as Velcade, Decadron, Cyclophosphamide, in an effort to enhance these chemotherapies when possible and at the same time minimize or prevent short, long-term and late stage side effects.

    I underwent cytoxan (cyclo…) as well in ’95. I was able to minimize the damage to my bladder.

    There are many more issues we should discuss. Have you experienced any PN (peripheral neuropathy)? There are non-toxic therapies to reduce or prevent this common side effect of Velcade.

    Lastly, there are evidence-based antioxidant supplements shown to kill MM. There is anti-angiogenic nutrition shown also to kill MM. There are lifestyle therapies and bone health therapies. All that I do or have done as a MMer myself.

    I am a MM cancer coach. I work with MMers of all stages, all ages to help them not progress to MM (if they have MGUS or SMM) or remain in remission as long as possible or manage side effects.

    If you would like to learn more about me, my cancer coaching, etc. Please go to

    My son Alex wasn’t born when I was first diagnosed. For years I wondered if he would have any memories of me. Alex will turn 18 this September. I think my cancer has made me appreciate my son more.

    I would like to work with you. Let me know if you have any questions.

    thanks and hang in there,

    David Emerson

Guiseppe says 8 years ago


I am an Ohio resident, as well. I was recently diagnosed with MM. Kappa 530 Lambda 1.3 Albumin 3.3 IgG 5230 IgM sub 20 IGA sub 31. I started Velcade, Revlimid and Dex this past Friday. My first shipment of Endoca Raw Hemp Oil (about 90mg CBD per half gram serving; approximately 67% CBDa and 33% CBD) will arrive shortly. What are your thoughts on acid vs. decarboxylated CBD? Also, I am curious as to your knowledge of interactions and dosages. Lastly, since Full Extract Oil is not available to us, I am considering supplementing my CBD with some old fashioned THC by way of vapor, in addition to consuming keef crystals. It is my understanding that the cannabinoids work best in concert with each other and this is my only way to incorporate the missing ingredient.

Thank you.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Guiseppe-

    Good to know that you are a fellow buckeye. I am sorry to learn of your MM diagnosis. Though it sounds as if you are well ahead of the pack through your pursuit of both conventional and non-conventional therapies.

    What, if any symptoms are you experiencing? Regarding your questions about CBD oil and Velcade, I have to admit that I am a product of the studies that are available re MM and CBD. As you can imagine, there is little research of MM and CBD being conducted in the US. The usual discussion on social media on the subject often points to CBD, cannabinoids, industrial hemp, and THC. Less about the questions you ask.

    I will say however that there are many anti-oxident supplements that studies have shown are cytoxic to MM and are synergistic with Velcade. I supplement with curcumin to this day.

    Curcumin to treat MM-

    Curcumin to reduce toxicity of Velcade

    Guiseppe, I am a long term MM survivor who coaches myeloma patients. There are a host of evidence-based nutritional, lifestyle, supplement and mind-body therapies that have been shown to help MMers live longer lives with fewer side effects. I have learned through painful experience that conventional oncology is very limited when it comes to MM therapy. People rarely die OF myeloma. They die due to the symptoms and side effects of MM chemotherapies.

    If you would like to learn more about what I do please go to

    Your one time fee to register is a tax deductible donation to PeopleBeatingCancer, a 501c3 non profit organization. Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Corrina Thompson says 8 years ago

Hi David
Just an up date, I am still having treatment coming up for 5months now ,and still responding or thou its slowed down some last month dropped another two, paraprotein IgG kappa from 7 to 5 .I am feeling worried about the toxic drugs Im taking as my eyes and hearing is starting to be affected and wanting to finish treatment but doctor addvised not to said I was still reponding so it could be risky to stop treatment just now ,anyway I continue on with treatment I am taking green tea, curium, and resveratrol, and a number of others .I wonder if its just standed treatment to keep going untill you stop reponding it seems so long on the velcade and so toxic .anyway still going along with it all at this stage and Im grateful for the reponds I have had so far .
cheers for all the info its great to keep checking in

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Corrina-

    Don’t forget that your Velcade therapy is not all or nothing. You can always reduce your dose. For example if you are taking 25mgs, you can reduce your dose to say, 10 mgs. Or take more days off in between Velcade administration.

    Ask your oncologist.

    David Emerson

Tina Apana says 8 years ago

Aloha David,
Glad to find your blog, a lot of useful feed backs. I was diagnosis with mm in 2012 and so far been responding pretty good with velcade and dex. It’s been 1 year from my last treatment, the bone pain is getting bad again and my numbers are all elevated. I started taking cbd oil about 2 weeks now and really like how I feel using it. My question to you is it ok to take along with my velcade and dex, I start next week. My doctor won’t give me any feedback. I’m getting my cbd from Bluebird botanicals. In July I will be able to get here in Hawaii. Mahalo?

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Tina-

    I live in Cleveland, Ohio. It snowed here last night. Hawaii sounds pretty good these days…

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. I am glad that you responded well to your induction therapy of velcade and dex. If you are feeling increase bone pain then my guess is that you have come out of remission (“numbers are all elevated”).

    According to the study linked in the blog post below, CBD oil enhances Velcade and also is cytotoxic to MM (kills MM).

    Cannabidiol (CBD) kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM-

    The real question is what, if any, actual cannabidiol is in the CBD oil. It is cannabidiol that enhances Velcade and THC that is cytotoxic to MM. Just as important is that there are several antioxidant supplements that studies have shown enhance Velcade. I also recommend anti-MM nutrition and anti-MM lifestyle therapies.

    My approach to my own MM is to throw every evidence-based therapy as possible at it. This approach has keep me in complete remission since ’99.

    If you would like to learn specific actionable information, please go to I am a cancer coach and would like to work with you to manage your MM.

    Thanks and hang in there,

    David Emerson

Pino says 8 years ago

Dear David, I realized reread the post I made a mistake with regard to the dose of THC that use the CBD with the exact formula is: Oil CBD (CBD 5% + 0.2% THC) Hello you soon. Pine

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Okay Pino- thanks for the clarification- David

Pino says 9 years ago

Dear David, yesterday I started taking the oil CBD (CBD 5% + 2% THC) so my friend that the pharmacist prepares advised me, this to strengthen the effect of the oil CBD.
For a week 5 drops morning and evening, the second week 10 drops morning and evening and the third week 20 drops morning and evening, this to find the right dose. Pius begin with curcumin and Omega 3 + resveritrol. I will keep you abreast of all the way and so I hope that they were maintaining disease.
A big hello from ‘Italy to you and to all our friends. See you soon, I always read hello.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Dear Pino-

    Knowing the exact percentages of both CBD and THC in the CBD oil that you are taking is essential- thank you. Many myeloma patients contact me asking about CBD oil as therapy for their MM. If you keep track of your CBD oil therapy I will be able to inform and educate fellow MMers. Thank you very much.

    As you may know, THC may have a direct anti-myeloma effects as well. Also, curcumin, omega 3 fatty acids and resveritrol all are cytotoxi to MM cells.

    Yes, please keep me abreast of your progress. Thank you again and good luck.

    David Emerson

ikbal dhorat says 9 years ago

Hi David i just posted a comment /question ..
can i ask that you use my first name only- if it had to be on the postings


thanking you

Ikbal Dhorat

    David Emerson says 9 years ago


    Your full name and email address will not appear anywhere that can be read by the general pubic.


ikbal dhorat says 9 years ago

hi im 64years and was diagnosed with Plazma cyetoma/MM oct 2014
had ear pain which was traced to lower jaw bone degeneration /destruction which then led to investigation of the tumor in the bone -left lower jaw bone- biopsy malignant –

had intro chemo- not sure what- and then radiation to jaw for month
markers mprotein and free licht chains at time of diagnoses were m= 7 and flc=34

after radiation dropped to 4 and 17 … subsequently onc suggested further chemo — decided to delay – have delayed it for iyera..

bloods in oct show m protein up to 5 – and flc- up to 26
started on prgramme of cutting out sugars – eating veg – frsh juices

daily curcumin 2 teaspoons with black seed oil and pure honey 3 times day – added to this cottage cheese and flax seed oil twice day —

vit c tabs – currently 1 tab 2xdaily 500mg

zinc- 17mg – once day – plus celleniam 1 tab daily

daily smoothies – dates /avocado/ flax seed ground/pumpkin seed ground/goji berries ground / plus 1 teaspoon moringa powder plus some oats plus some barley powder.

in day some fresh juices and green tea(lemon grass) with cinnamon bit of fresh ginger and small piece of fresh tummeric

can you advise on your experience and recommendations ..

also as far as resvertrol – i was also considering salvestrols – which i believe was discovered and recommended over “resvertrol” by the same MD- in UK—

hemp oil and hemp powder is available locally but not canna oil .
was considering adding grape seed oil —

any advice on quantity of curcumin and anything else.

thank you very much

south africa MM_ 2016

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Dear ikbal-

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. Though it appears that you are doing well. When you say “Plazma cyetoma/MM” I understand you to mean that you were diagnosed with a SINGLE lesion or plasmacytoma. A single lesion indicates that your active MM was at a low or reduced stage.

    Further, I understand you to say that local radiation to your jaw bone reduced your Mprotein and FLC markers lower. You chose to not undergo chemotherapy at the time for about one year.

    About three months ago, last October your m protein and FLC markers began to slowly increase. So you are wondering what therapies, both conventional and non-conventional therapies you might begin to best treat your Myeloma?

    The diet and supplementation you outline above (curcumin, cottage cheese, flax oil, smoothies, etc.) are an excellent start.

    Based on my experience (what I do) and numerous studies I would recommend the following.

    1) anti-angiogenic diet- While the juices and smoothies you mention are excellent nutrition, I have found a specific anti-MM nutrition to be essential.

    2) anti-cancer and anti-myeloma anti-angiogenic, antioxidant supplementation- in addition to curcurmin and resveritrol- while resveritrol is a salvestrol and is well documented for it’s anti MM action, I need to research the anti MM efficacy of salvestrols. This class of fruits is controversial as a cancer therapy. I need to confirm before I recommend it.

    3) lifestyle therapies shown through research to change genetic expression, or epigenetics-

    4) CBD oil has been shown to enhance the efficacy of Velcade but as you point out, CBD oil made from industrial hemp does not. Yes, I can recommend anti-cancer supplements- grape seed oil has been documented to kill certain cancers but not MM.

    In short ikbal, there are many therapies, both conventional and non-conventional, for you to learn for use now or in the future. We still need to talk about conventional chemotherapies and if you may undergo them. Some of the supplements I will mention work integratively with anti MM chemotherapy.

    If you would like to pursue a formal cancer coaching relationship, please click now to register-

    Thank you for your interest.

    David Emerson-
    Cancer Coach PeopleBeatingCancer

Maria says 9 years ago

Hello I have had multiple myeloma for 6 years right now I am on Velcade but it is not working as well anymore that you mentioned to donna The reservitol is it better to have that naturally in like wine or eating red grapes? Or is taking a pill ok? And how much CBD do I need everyday? And any other supplements that may help me I would appreciate knowing thank you

Kathleen says 9 years ago

My husband was recently diagnosed with MM. He had plasmacytoma 10 years ago and then another one this past summer in his kidney. They treated that one with radiation and thought he was in the clear. At the end of radiation he had more pain and had a ct done and revealed more soft tissue tumors. We don’t believe there has been any bone involvement. I know this seems like a unusual circumstance but this is the case. They started him with Chemo, Kyprolis, Revlimid and Dexamethasome. Can he take the CBD oil. Will it interfere or aid. The tumors seem to be growing at an alarming rate. Any advice is appreciated.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Kathleen,

    I am sorry to read of your husband’s MM. I too presented with a single plasmacytoma. Living for 10 years before other signs of MM appear is a positive. Further, the chemo cocktail your husband is taking is linked below. The studies and articles about this regimen indicate that this chemo cocktail is effective for relapsed MM.

    In general, yes, your husband’s MM history is a bit unusual. However, your onc. seems to be treating your husband as if he has relapsed which is the norm.

    Regarding your question “Can he take the CBD oil. Will it interfere or aid?” There are two issues to discuss. First, the CBD oil for purchase in the United States (where marijuana is illegal at the federal level) is made from industrial hemp. This form of CBD oil aka hemp oil has only a small percentage of cannabinoids that have been shown to be anti-MM. This is my understanding anyway. The CBD oil researched in this study has a greater percentage of cannabinoids.

    Secondly, Kyprolis is a relatively new and therefore untested chemotherapy. I have not been able to find studies that talk about CBD interaction.

    If your goal is to minimize possible side effects of conventional chemotherapy, please consider antioxidant supplementation such as curcumin, revlimid, omega 3 fatty acids, and genistein have been shown in studies to kill myeloma while reducing chemo toxicity.

    I can link studies for you to read if you are interested.

    Kyprolis, Revlimid and Dexamethasone


    David Emerson

Pino says 9 years ago

Dear David,
I answer to your question exactly, he is back with MGUS result of the analysis.
The analysis of the current situation is: Hemoglobin 13.2 Reference – (13.0 to 17.5) 8.9 Range (11.1 to 18.8) LDH 374 (400) 0.8 PCR (0-5) A / G 1.48 (1.10 to 2.40). I wish I could also please, what is nutrition anti MM?
I analysis of control every 3 months.
But in your opinion, how do I know if I do occasionally conventional therapy, I hate that chemotherapy? I think that 5 months I still problemio of peripheral neuropathy that is slowly going away, but it’s really a real nuisance,
I’ll let you know all evolution rest in touch, I always read.
Happy New Year to everyone.
Hello Pino

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Pino-

    Happy New Year to you as well. To answer your questions, “how do I know…” Yes, we all had chemotherapy. But you seem to respond well to chemo and your MM numbers appear to respond very quickly. If you keep track of your MM levels, as you say you do every three months, they you and your oncologist decide if you should undergo more chemotherapy.

    I don’t follow any single anti-cancer diet. I saw Ted Talk given by Dr. William Li several years ago and I follow his recommendations for a diet to cut off the blood supply of cancer. Click the link below.

    I too suffer from peripheral neuropathy. This is a common side effects of many chemotherapy regimens. If this side effect is “slowly going away” then you are doing well. I recommend daily moderate exercise (taking a brisk walk daily…) in addition to nutritional supplementation.

    click here to read about Alpha Lipoic Acid and PN-

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    David Emerson

Pino says 9 years ago

Dear David , I came across your bloog that I find very useful and interessante.Per 10 years I had MGUS and in January 2015 went to MM plasma cells with 7% , my oncologist friend suggested I do a treatment without waiting for the plasma to go forward , so I started early for 4 weeks with Velcade and thalidomide cortisone , almost immediately disappeared altogether and are now back in MGUS . I wonder if I can use cannabis oil , curcumin and haughty to keep the situation under control and above all the doses that should be used , I live in Italy , a warm hug to all . Hello Pino .
If you need more information from me , I can send them to your emai

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Pino-

    Let first congratulate you for maintaining pre-MM (MGUS) for 10 years.

    If I understand your email, you are saying that in January ’15, you progressed to full blown MM when your plasma cells increased. You did not have a formal diagnosis of MM but you decided to start chemotherapy anyway.

    Your MM responded well to your induction chemotherapy and your MM has returned to MGUS? Again, if I understand your email you know this because of blood testing?

    To answer your question ” I wonder if I can use cannabis oil , curcumin and haughty to keep the situation under control and above all the doses that should be used…

    The overall issue you are asking is referred to the “Cure vs. Control” debate in MM. In short the debate is whether it is best to “control” one’s MM through a combination of chemotherapy and non-conventional therapies such as cannabis and or curcumin or is it better to try to “cure” one’s MM through aggressive high-dose therapy such as an ASCT.

    Though I do not know enough about you and your MGUS to be able to recommend dosages I can say that yes, you can “control” your MGUS through non-conventional therapies such as cannabis, curcumin, resveritrol, omega 3 fatty acids, frequent, moderate exercise, anti-MM nutrition, and other therapies to try to manage your MM.

    Let me add that it is important to undergo regular MM testing (which is seems as though you already do) in order to keep an eye on your MM levels. It is possible that you may want to undergo conventional chemotherapies from time to time in order to manage your MM.

    Since you live in Italy I must refer you to the queen of anti-oxident supplementation, Margaret, of Margaret’s Corner. Margaret lives in Florence. She is very knowledgable about non-conventional MM therapies such as curcumin. The link to her website is below.

    Let me know if you have any questions-

    David Emerson

corrina Thompson says 9 years ago

Hi David could you tell me please how much cur cumin ,resveratrol and green tea you take . I have just brought a supplement with all three in it so not sure how much to take ,I am still on chemo my bloods are all good but Im still responding para protein is now 8, onc is very happy with the way treatment has gone .so I am now thinking about what to take after chemo
cheers Corrina

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Corrina-

    I don’t mean to sound vague but the doses of your supplementation will depend on several factors. First and foremost, I take a daily maintenance dose of the supplements you mention. I do so because I have been supplementing for years and have been in CR for years. Those with active cancer or minimally active cancer in your case may take more but I can’t tell you how much for to take.

    Lastly, curcumin, resveritrol and green tea are synergistic with each other. Or at least studies show that green tea potentiates curcumin. You can either go by the label or work with a naturopath to think through how much you want to take.

    BTW- undergoing chemo to get you into a situation where your “bloods are all good” is great news. You are well on your way. Now your focus is remaining in remission. Keep in mind frequent, moderate exercise such as a brisk walk daily, swimming, etc.

    Please keep me posted with your progress-


ruth says 9 years ago

What an amazing website ! I am so glad to have come across it. Thank you for that!

My husband has this year been diagnosed with a blood disease that is pre MM, I believe it is called light chain proximal tubulopathy – not sure how close to smoldering MM it is. But from what we understood it seems to be the stage before MM. His level was 10% which we were told was on the cusp but not quite MM yet. However other doctors like to class it as such.

This was discovered purely by coincidence, as he was hospitalized for another reason, which now has him on anti coagulants too. His kidney createnine levels were high and further investigation through biopsy and subsequently a bone marrow biopsy, we were lead to the cause. There were no other parts of the body affected by this other than the kidneys. These are expected to stabilize if not improve and do not pose a risk as they are, even though the kidney function is not great.

He is not in his 6th week of cyclosphamide 300mg weekly, bortezomib weekly, dextamethasone 40mg weekly. He is also taking anti viral and anti biotic tablets throughout the week. He was told to continue for 2 cycles pass complete response. Thankfully he is not suffering an side effects and is continuing life as normal. I, on the other hand, am going insane with panic. Only thing is that he does not sleep on the night he takes the steroids, although he takes them in the morning.

I am trying to get him onto the raw food diet, he loves his food so this is really hard, but trying to give him at least 50% raw! He is undergoing weekly healing sessions as I am a firm believer of emotional root causes. And also going to start using homeopathy to boost his immune system. My homeopath is currently putting something together for him. Chemo scares the days out of me, knowing all the other possible damage it could be causing. However it was his choice to start the chemo, as he could not risk any further kidney damage.

I was researching cannabis oil and supplements and that is in fact how I came across your site. I have finally managed to get hold of cannabis oil and was not entirely sure if he should take this whilst undergoing the Chemo, however, from what I have read, it seems it should be ok. I would like to do this under our doctors supervision (however hard that is going to be) would you by chance have some information/ clinical trials or anything of the sort I can pass on, other than the ones you already shared?

Another question, would it be ok to start him on the supplements you mention as well as the cannabis oil and the chemo? and would you take these supplements on the actual day of the chemo or miss that day and take on subsequent days? And what dosage would you recommend ? And would I need to run by someone professional vis a vis taking the supplements and him being on anti coagulants. ?
Apologies that was 4 questions not 1 !

Lastly, I blast Tumeric in most of his food too – heard that is good for him too.

Thank you for your time and help and please keep up your great work which is appreciated by many.

I look forward to hearing form you,

Best regards,

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Ruth-

    I am sorry to read of your husband’s pre-MM diagnosis. Though I have to begin by saying that if a person is going to be diagnosed with cancer, then pre-MM is the way to go. It will help me to list your questions below.

    1)”My husband has this year been diagnosed with a blood disease that is pre MM, I believe it is called light chain proximal tubulopathy – not sure how close to smoldering MM it is…”

    “Light chain proximal tubulopathy is an increasingly recognized though still uncommon renal complication of myeloma almost exclusively related to light chain kappa [1].”

    Yes, there are two separate health issues if I understand your email. First, you husband has been diagnosed with pre-MM. Second, there is kidney involvement associated with MM. The LCPT is related to MM but a separate diagnostic issue. If this makes sense to you.

    2) “I am trying to get him onto the raw food diet, he loves his food so this is really hard, but trying to give him at least 50% raw! He is undergoing weekly healing sessions as I am a firm believer of emotional root causes. And also going to start using homeopathy to boost his immune system. My homeopath is currently putting something together for him….”

    All good. I never could get used to a 100% raw diet. Yes, my diet has improved greatly over the years (tiny bit of alcohol, little sugar, little animal protein, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains…). Don’t be too hard on your man. Gradual. MM is a long-term experience. Consider moderate daily exercise such as going for a brisk walk daily.

    3) “I have finally managed to get hold of cannabis oil and was not entirely sure if he should take this whilst undergoing the Chemo, however, from what I have read, it seems it should be ok….”

    As an illegal drug in the US, (on the Federal level) cannabis, CBD, etc. is not well-researched. Therefore I have a very difficult time finding evidence-based studies. I do not want to promote only what people say on the internet. My current understanding is that 1) it is the THC in cannabis, if any, that is cytotoxic to MM cells (kills MM). And 2) it is CBD that enhances Velcade (bortizomib) against MM.

    I don’t know what effect, if any, cannabis oil may have on cytoxin (cyclosphamide). The study from PBC that you refer to documents CBD oil ENHANCING velcade against MM.

    On this issue- both curcumin and resveritrol have shown the ability to enhance velcade against MM. I will link studies below.

    Curcumin and Velcade-

    Resveritrol and Velcade

    4) “I would like to do this under our doctors supervision (however hard that is going to be) would you by chance have some information/ clinical trials or anything of the sort I can pass on, other than the ones you already shared?”

    My experience is that conventional oncologists are not comfortable with ANY therapy that is not approved by the FDA. While curcumin and resveritrol are over the counter supplements they have not been approved by the FDA for any use. Likewise CBD.

    If you choose to talk with your onc. about non-conventional therapies such as CBD, curcumin and resveritrol yes, show him/her the pubmed studies linked above.

    5) “Another question, would it be ok to start him on the supplements you mention as well as the cannabis oil and the chemo?

    I am not a board certified MD so I can’t prescribe any therapy. If I, as a MM, relapsed, yes, I would take supplements such as the one’s above. I do supplement with maintenance doses of several supplements and have for years.

    6) “and would you take these supplements on the actual day of the chemo or miss that day and take on subsequent days?”

    You must decide for yourself. I think it is a fair compromise to not take a supplement on the day of chemo administration. But again, it is up to you.

    7) ” And what dosage would you recommend ? And would I need to run by someone professional vis a vis taking the supplements and him being on anti coagulants?”

    Curcumin does have a modest blood thinning affect. You should talk to your onc. about this. Omega 3 fatty acids as well.

    I take a lower maintenance dose as my MM is not active. Dose of curcumin (turmeric) is also up to you as dose depends on body weight. You should consider working with a naturopath in your area.

    Studies I have read talk about therapy being in a “dose dependent manner.” My understanding of that phrase is that the more you take the more MM is killed. If you are interested I can suggest MM forums for you to participate in. Learning what other MMers do may help.

    Thank you for your kind words. I hope I have helped. I have found that the more we learn about MM, therapies, anti MM lifestyle, etc. the better we feel.

    Please consider frequent, moderate exercise. Your hubby will feel better, sleep better, etc.

    Please let me know if you have other questions. Hang in there.

    David Emerson

barry says 9 years ago

Can any body let me know how many ounces are required on a monthly basis in order to make RSO for an MM sufferer. An approximation for a late stage sufferer who is currently in remission after his transplant.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Barry-

    I don’t have an answer to this question.


Matt Clary says 9 years ago

CBD oil will not necessarily kill cancer. However, whole plant extract such as Rick Simpson Oil will KILL the cancer cells. I am 37. In Aug. 2015 diagnosed with lung cancer. Oct. 2015, went to stage 4 as it metastasis went to hylar lymph nodes possibly mediastinal. I was in the middle of the medianstioscopy when the onc called my wife and told her they found a tumor in my right frontal lobe. I am floored and very shocked, as I use cannabis often. The problem with that is, when the bud is smoked, most of the medicinal value goes up in smoke literally! Not to mention the carcinogens. I am a huge activist for the plant, so I come educated on the issue. I began using RSO one week ago.
The standard of care is what they want to do. Tomorrow at 1pm cst, i will undergo cyberknife to try to “downstage” me. They are talking to me about a possible right lung reduction, removing the emphysema and tumor hylar lymph nodes, or total lung removal, which is scary as hell! Then chemo. I did read an article where cannabis oil made some chemo drugs more responsive, I cannot find it now to paste…grrrrrr….. I got a second opinion, it basically the same, 4-8 months, 1yr with treatment, blah blah. Only, he thinks the time between scans has been too long and is concerned of more metastasis and if so, not candidate for surgery. I have lost several family members to cancer and know what I am up against. They all did these treatments, they all died. I have no mutations, so no immuno. Surgery scares the hell out of me for fear of spreading like wildfire in an oil plant. I know the cannabis will kill the cancer, i have to do the cyberknife now due to where the tumor is in my brain and my daily functions are now affected. Looking for some input. I really don’t want to be cut on anymore. Thanks.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Matt-

    I am sorry to read of your lung cancer difficulties. My knowledge and experience with CBD oil and medical marijuana is limited to those studies that a published in the literature. Many cancer patients contact me looking for info about CBD but I am limited. As you know, your situation is serious. I encourage you to pursue both conventional as well as integrative therapies at this point.

    If you are interested in pursuing “integrative” therapies, supplementation that enhances specific chemotherapies I will research info for you. You must tell me what chemotherapies you may take for me to do the research. An example would be oxyplatin. Curcumin and resveritrol have both been researched and shown to enhance this chemo while reducing toxicity.

    Let me know what you want to do.

    Thanks and hang in there-

    David Emerson

corrina Thompson says 9 years ago

Hi David
I was just wondering about Pamidronate I haven’t had pamidronate as yet Im taking lactoferrin .
But I am just thinking weather this could be of benefit to me or not
My calcium leaves are fine and have always been that way but I want to really make a informed decision on this . I had a read up on this and there seems to be a few side effects with it ,So did you take pamidronate while you were having treatment and did you have any side effect with it .Also David I am hoping to go on a maintenance treatment soon My paraprotein IgG 11 down from 14 last month so a slightly slower desend everything else is pretty much normal now . what did you do for maintenance and for how long and what are you doing now ,Thanks again for your input

Cheers Corrina

Amayel says 9 years ago

Many Thanks for all this information.
My dad is coping with MM and had been treated with Velcade and now switched to Revlimid.
I just heard about the good effects of hemp oil and would like to know if it is compatible with Revlimid.

Many thanks in advance

Best regards

Victor chico says 9 years ago

Hi David ,
I’m taking Velcade and 20 mg of dexamethaxone on a weekly chemo . I am drinking an extract of fresh buds of cannabis var name Girl Scout cookies at two tablespoon 4 x a day. I wonder if this will help the efficacy of the chemo treatment. Just started my first week . Also where can I buy cannabis oil and the dosage for this.
I am really very appreciative of your very informative site on this mmers patients and survivors.


    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Victor-

    Your question “I wonder if this will help the efficacy of the chemo treatment,” if the extract you are drinking is CBD oil then yes, according to the study linked in the blog post that you came in on, CBD increases the efficacy of Velcade. Another study elsewhere on PBC cited THC’s cytotoxic action to multiple myeloma. Please keep me posted on your progress. Many MMers who read PBC will want to learn of your progress.

    As for your other question “Also where can I buy cannabis oil and the dosage for this.” Buying CBD oil depends on where you live, what state you live in if you live in the United States.

    Also, there are two other antioxidant supplements that studies have shown are cytotoxic to MM. Curcumin and resveritrol. I will link the studies below. I will also link what brand I take.

    Remember, resveritrol kills both MM and enhances Velcade- see studies

    Curcumin, MM, Velcade

    This formulation of curcumin is the most bioavailable-

    This is the brand/dose of resveritrol that I have taken for years-

    Also consider regular, moderate exercise- walk around the block each day…

    Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks

    David Emerson

Barry says 9 years ago

I’m having a difficult time getting my MM suffering cousin to acknowledge any natural remedies for his condition. He never has been too open minded to what he perceives as hippy nonsense. His MM has affected his spine and he has lost about 4 inches in height. he undergoes treatment in the hospital and sleeps a lot of his time off. I can’t even get him to read up anything and he just seems to blindly trust the chemo loving hospitals. I actually feel like I’m bothering him when I suggest anything to him. I basically live on the other side of the world and it is really difficult for me to try to have any influence from here. Any advice from anyone? Has anyone been in a similar situation? I think his MM was caught late.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Barry-

    The situation you describe is difficult for all involved. The primary difficulty is that alternative or complementary therapies are NOT well researched. This fact means that many people will not believe in them (I was this same way when I was first diagnosed so I can relate).

    I can and do research and provide many MMers with research-based studies that cite “integrative” therapies. Antioxidant supplementation such as curcumin, vitamin d3, resveritrol, etc. that ENHANCE the efficacy of chemotherapies such as revlimid and velcade.

    Another approach might be to gain your cousin’s trust by first researching and providing info about bone strengthening therapies. He might be more comfortable with me after I talk about conventional bone strengthening therapies such as bisphosphonates (aridia, zometa, etc) and then provide studies about integrative therapies such as magnesium and metatonin both to increase bone density.

    Bottom line is you can’t MAKE him do anything he doesn’t want to do. We can start slowly and help him along…

    Let me know how you want to proceed.


    David Emerson

      barry says 9 years ago

      Thanks for your help David. I don’t think he is interested or he wants someone else to do everything for him. It’s difficult being so far and kinda helpless. I did send a link to him to read this forum and he promised he would but I haven’t heard anything since. I doubt he has even looked at it. He has no contact with any other MM sufferers. I don’t know what to do.

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Barry-

        We can provide information but it is the cancer patient who must act.


nora says 9 years ago

I am in a legal state doing oil. I have had mm for 11 years and prefer not to take any more chemo (if at all possible). I have seen one of the top pot docs in the Rockies, and also one in Cali. Juice raw pot, the entire plant is medicinal. Then oil needs to be fifty fifty thc/cbd. I use a scale and put the oil in capsules. I use a gram scale to weigh the caps. One gram divided into 3 doses…. Cannot stand the taste! The oncologist I see has my labs done monthly, and I see him also, to go over the labs. It took a bit to get started, but finally am seeing better numbers.

    Barry says 9 years ago

    Yea, we are in the UK, so it isn’t as easy I don’t think. Just wish the backwards British would see the light and allow medical marijuana.

      David Emerson says 9 years ago


      The med. marj. issue is heatedly debated here in the states as well. Opinions differ dramatically across America.



        Barry says 9 years ago

        No brainer if u ask me!

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Nora-

    Your input is GREATLY APPRECIATED. I am asked frequently about this exact issue. Some MMers want to know about CBD oil as therapy alone and some MMers want to know about CBD oil as an integrative therapy for Velcade. I published a study citing this study.

    Further, I encourage you to consider those antioxidant supplements that have are cytotoxic to MM as well. I have supplemented with these of years and continue to do so. I believe this supplementation combined with lifestyle therapies, diet, etc. keep me MM free.

    Let me know if you would like to read the studies and what I take, doses, etc.

    PLEASE keep in touch as many MMers are interested in your experiences. Thanks very much.

    David Emerson
    MM survivor, Director PBC

      Barry says 9 years ago

      I’d be very interested to hear about the supplementaries and dosages. Thaks in advance. Greatly appreciated.

        David Emerson says 9 years ago


        We were talking about CBD enhancing Velcade. Antioxidant supplements 1) curcumin, 2) green tea extract 3) resveritrol and 4) omega 3 fatty acids also kill MM and enhance chemo. See the studies below.

        According to the study linked and excerpted below, Green tea or EGCG acts synergistically with bortezomib aka revlimid. EGCG and revlimid work better together to KILL MM cells.

        Potentiation of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate-induced apoptosis by bortezomib in multiple myeloma cells.

        “Our results demonstrated, for the first time, that the treatment of the KM3 cell line with EGCG inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis, and there is a synergistic effect when EGCG and bortezomib are combined…”

        Further, according to the study linked below, Curcumin also kills MM and enhances the efficacy of revlimid.

        Curcumin enhances cytotoxic effects of bortezomib in human multiple myeloma H929 cells: potential roles of NF-κB/JNK.

        “Combined curcumin and PS-341 treatment has been reported to enhance cytotoxicity and minimize adverse effects through ERK and p38MAPK mechanisms in human multiple myeloma cells.”

        Omega-3 fatty acids, according to this study makes MM cells more sensitive to chemotherapy.
        Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA induce apoptosis and enhance drug sensitivity in multiple myeloma cells but not in normal peripheral mononuclear cells.

        Lastly, resveritrol, another antioxidant supplement has been shown to kills and sensitizes MM cells.
        Resveratrol inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis, and overcomes chemoresistance through down-regulation of STAT3 and nuclear factor-kappaB-regulated antiapoptotic and cell survival gene products in human multiple myeloma cells.

        Barry, I supplement with all four antioxidants, Green Tea Extract, curcumin, Omega 3 fatty acids and resveritrol. I have been doing so for years now. I truly believe that I remain in complete remission because of my lifestyle (moderate, regular exercise), diet and supplementation.

        I can send you the brands, amazon links, etc. if you are interested. thanks.

        David Emerson

          Barry says 9 years ago

          That’s great stuff David. Thanks.

          David Emerson says 9 years ago

          thanks Barry. Keep in touch-

Barry says 9 years ago

For the treatment of mm, does the oil need to have a THC content or is an oil with high CBD sufficient? My cousin has been diagnosed and I believe the oil could help him but I’m unsure how to proceed. I understand CBD oil can be purchased legally in the UK.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Barry-

    I am sorry to read of your cousin’s MM diagnosis. Regarding CBD oil and MM, the evidence is not clear (to me at least). The studies seem to conflict when using the terms “cannabinoids” and “CBD oil” Based on what I have read if you use CBD alone against MM you must have some
    THC in order to slow or kill MM cells. However, I believe that, according to studies, CBD with no THC enhances Velcade against MM.

    I would also recommend the other nutritional antioxidant supplements that evidence based research also cites the efficacy of anti MM chemotherapies such as Revlimid. There are several of these supplements that are relatively inexpensive and over the counter. I can recommend specific brands and doses if you are interested.

    My point is that MM is a tough blood cancer and I would throw every non- toxic therapy that is supported by research at it. At least this is what I have done and it has worked well for the past 20 or so years.

    4724 Cannabinoids As Antimyeloma Agents: a New Approach for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma

    “CONCLUSIONS: Cannabinoids have a very selective antitumor effect against MM cells. This effect involves activation of apoptosis processes and alterations in the composition of membrane sphingolipids (ceramides). In vivo studies confirmed the efficacy of these agents in the treatment of MM. This study lays the groundwork for the design of new anti-myeloma therapies.”

    CBD and Velcade

    Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like more information.


    David Emerson
    MM survivor PBC Director

      Barry says 9 years ago

      “Based on what I have read if you use CBD alone against MM you must have some
      THC in order to slow or kill MM cells. However, I believe that, according to studies, CBD with no THC enhances Velcade against MM.”

      thanks for your reply. Very much appreciated. however, the above quote has left me more confused than ever! Seems like a case of your damned if you do, and your damned if you don’t.

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Barry-

        A post I received this A.M. may shed some light on the issue. See the excerpt below. The comment is talking about CBD oil BY ITSELF as a MM therapy. The comment points to ” oil needs to be fifty fifty thc/cbd.” This comment points to the difference if CBD is used as an INTEGRATIVE therapy with Velcade. The studies I have read cite CBD oil as enhancing the efficacy of Velcade.

        “I am in a legal state doing oil. I have had mm for 11 years and prefer not to take any more chemo (if at all possible). I have seen one of the top pot docs in the Rockies, and also one in Cali. Juice raw pot, the entire plant is medicinal. Then oil needs to be fifty fifty thc/cbd. I use a scale and put the oil in capsules. I use a gram scale to weigh the caps. One gram divided into 3 doses…. Cannot stand the taste! The oncologist I see has my labs done monthly, and I see him also, to go over the labs. It took a bit to get started, but finally am seeing better numbers.

        Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

        David Emerson

          Barry says 9 years ago

          So in your opinion which would be more effective? Using CBD to enhance velcade or using 50/50 to kills cells?
          Do you think it is feasible to use both types at the same time?
          Sorry, completely new to this!

          David Emerson says 9 years ago

          Hi Barry-

          Assuming you have access to both CBD and 50/50 CBD,THC, it would depend on how aggressive my MM was or my stage at diagnosis. I want to minimize toxicity when I can. If my MM were diagnosed at an early stage I would begin supplementation with curcumin, green tea extract, resveritrol, omega 3 fatty acids and begin taking relatively low doses of CBD with THC before I went to bed.

          I have been told that people who take a little CBD with THC before bed sleep like a rock.

          I would check my MM diagnostics for a few months and depending how I was doing I would continue or reassess.

          What do you think?

          David Emerson

melanie says 9 years ago

Hi David,

I would love some guidance if possible. My 62 year old mum has just bee diagnoised with Stage 1 MM. I don’t have all the stats as its all very new but do know she has a bit of damaged in her shoulder and a tiny bit in about an inch of her skull. She does have rib pain which they may blast with radiotherapy. She is going on a Glod standard trial in the Uk of cyclophosphamide (a type of chemotherapy), dexamethasone (a type of steroid) and a new drug called carfilzomib along with Revlimid. Its a 4 month 3/1 week cycle then possible autogolous SCT. I have been looking at Curcumin 2-8mg daily to help the Revlimid and just started looking at cannabis oil but have no idea where to start. Any advice would be amazing.

Sending positive thought for your MM journey.


    melanie says 9 years ago

    Also she has no kidney damage

      David Emerson says 9 years ago


      This is good. Also bodes well for your mums long term success.


    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Melanie-

    I am sorry to learn of your mum’s MM diagnosis. You are smart to begin the learning process. Yes, there is lots of medical jargon to learn for the two of you to try to make the right decisions. I am not a certified M.D. I’m just a long-term MMer who has learned a lot along the way.

    There is a lot of info below for you to read and digest. Please ask me if you have ANY questions.

    Several things. Conventional therapies. My assumptions are that at 62 your mum is young (as MMers go) and with a diagnosis of stage 1 she is in pretty good shape. A low stage at diagnosis relates to a much better prognosis. Yes, chemotherapy will cause collateral damage aka side effects. The key is to take those steps to minimize damage as much as possible.

    Regarding bone involvement (skull, rib, and shoulder)- the goal is for your mum’s therapies to kill the MM and reduce or completely stop the bone pain. Therapies for bone strengthening are bisphophonates, calcium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K. It is important for your mum to do moderate, regular exercise. You take her for a daily brisk walk, that kind of thing. Bonding is good for her mind/body health too.

    In any case, the chemo regimen of cyclo, dex, carf, and rev. The goal is for your mum to “respond” to this chemo cocktail. The better she responds, the better the odds are that the MM can be controlled for years to come.

    I encourage you to enhance the efficacy of this chemo cocktail through integrative anti-oxidant supplements. Yes, curcumin is an excellent start. Start with a small daily dose and increase slowly. Some people get stomach indigestion, gas, etc.

    I use Super Bio-curcumin (400mg) (3 Pack)” target=”_blank”>Life Extension Super BioCurcumin as this formula has been shown to be more “bio available” more gets in the blood. I take 400 mg daily as a maintenance dose though MMers with active disease take between 2-4 grams. 1000 milligrams = 1 gram.

    I will link studies below talking about a supplement and MM for you to consider. I can’t tell people what to do. I can only point out possible therapies. I do or have done everything I recommend.

    Resveritrol- also enhances revlimid (bortizomib) and is cytotoxic to MM.

    I supplement withLife Extension Optimized Resveratrol with Synergistic Grape-berry Actives 250mg, Veggie Caps, 60-Count (Pack of 3)” target=”_blank”> Life Extension’s brand of resveritrol

    Vitamin D3 also with bortezomib-

    I take 1,000 mg of Life Extension Vitamin D3 5,000 IU 60 Softgels – 3-Pak” target=”_blank”>Life Extension vitamin D3 3 times daily. You should get your mum’s blood serum vitamin D levels checked. Please consider taking more than I do daily. Also, try to go for walks in the sunshine :-).

    The last nutritional supplement that I think is essential for anyone going through MM induction therapy and beyond is omega 3 fatty acids aka fish oil. Please read the studies linked here-

    The brand I have been taking for years isLife Extension Super Omega 3 Epa Dha (2 X 120)” target=”_blank”> Life Extension Super Omega 3– capsules help to eliminate fishy taste, burbs, etc.

    The science is weak on this but there is some thinking that the above supplements are synergistic. They work together to enhance the efficacy when taken together. I take all four, at lower doses, and have remained in complete remission from my MM since ’99.

    I’ll be surprised if you are still reading this reply so I’ll end here. I can offer addition info on conventional bone strengthening therapies. Tell me what is covered by NICE and I can send you the pros and cons.

    I can provide info about CBD aka medical marijuana as well. Let me know what questions you have.

    hang in there, best to your mum.


    David Emerson

      melanie says 9 years ago

      Wow thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I will read all the links and manage them to my mum. She starts next Thursday and has an appointment Wednesday so we can go in armed with more questions. I will checkout NICE guidelines and let you know.

      What a wonderful person you are helping others deal with this scary diagnosis. I hope your remission continues for many years and you stay strong.

      Thanks again,

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Melanie-

        Thank you for your kind words. Keep in mind that you and your mum are at the beginning of a long journey. As you confront issues feel free to contact me again.

        This might sound odd but I derive a sense of satisfaction by working with cancer patients, survivors and caregivers in a effort to manage their “scary diagnosis” as you say. There are a growing number of studies that cite this sense of purpose as being an important piece of our health.

        thanks and hang in there.

        David Emerson

corrina Thompson says 9 years ago

Hi David
I have seen my new Hemo Doctor and am happy with the way the appointment went .I found him to far more understanding as far as my tailored treatment goes and he explainded things a lot better . yes he said I have had a good reponds so far .
So I will wait and see what my next bloods do and go from there .I do seem to struggle with the dex , I had a week off them and I felt unwell I wonder if it was withdraws not sure what was going on very hot but no temp but Im ok now .

Cheers Corrina

Barry Van Heerden says 9 years ago

Hi David,

Thank you for all your efforts in helping cancer sufferers.

My beloved bride of 40 years was diagnosed with MM 6 months ago. She has completed 4 cycles of Vecade, Dex and Endoxan. After a chaotic start to chemo in the 1st cycle, we put her on 4 gms of curcumin a day after her 2nd cycle and she improved daily. She is currently in remission (in record time).

Her lambda light chain reading was 76 at diagnosis, then 40 after the 2nd cycle, and currently they are 12. The problem is the bone damage done to he spine.

A comparison of her 1st MRI in March and the one just taken indicate a degeneration in C6 & C7, as well as progressive collapse at T12. She has also lost 3cm in height.

Do you have any advice other than the 3 options we have been given:
Surgery, Bondronbat or Radiation?

We would prefer a natural route if we could.

Our appreciation in this matter is beyond words.

Thank you.

by grace, Barry & Wendith

(still on honeymoon after 40 years … and we’d like another 40 if possible?)

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Barry and Wendith-

    I am sorry to read of Wendith’s MM diagnosis though I am happy to read that she has responded so well to a combination of conventional and integrative therapies- VDE + curcumin. A rapid and effective response such as Wendith’s indicates that she will likely respond well in successive rounds should they be necessary. Please consider continuing curcumin as maintenance therapy. Please let me know if you are interested in learning more about other anti-MM anti-oxidant therapies.

    For the record, I along with a number of long-term MMers that I know have been supplementing with curcumin at various dosages, for more than five years now.

    As for Wendith’s bone involvement. By using the term “collapse” for Wendith’s spine damage I take you to mean that T12 has collapsed meaning that T11 is resting on T13 causing the loss of 3cm of hight. Since I am not a board certified MD I cannot give medical advice, I am simply offering my personal experience combined with what I have learned over the past 20 years of MM research.

    My original MM situation was almost identical to Wendith’s. My C5 had collapsed causing my C4 to rest on C6. I chose to undergo a combination of surgery and radiation. Surgery to remove the lesion along with remaining bone (c5) and radiation to irradiate any MM left over. The surgeon used a chunk of my left hip to screw into C4 and C6. My neck has aged pretty well. I recommend physical therapy post surgery.

    The pros-

    1) I have not lost any height.
    2) my neck continues to function normally 21 years post surgery.

    The cons-

    1) my MM relapsed after about a year post radiation
    2) radiation to the spine can cause side effects- I got away with minor dry mouth since the radiation field was near my head but this is manageable.

    Please consider anti-oxidant supplementation that has been shown to prevent or reduce collateral damage from local radiation. I can provide studies, brands and doses if you are interested.

    I underwent intravenous bisphoshonates post-surgery and radiation. Bondronbat is a bisphosphonate. My research indicates that this bone strengthening drug therapy should be at least as effective as the standard of 20 years ago. I underwent Zometa. Ask your onc. but I think the two are similar.

    So you see Barry, the main challenge that you and Wendith face, a diagnosis of MM, is the real issue for you. Since you chose an integrative past and responded EXTREMELY well, I think you have chosen wisely. The challenge of bone involvement to Wendith’s spine, while significant, should be manageable. I do not mean to minimize the importance of Wendith’s spine damage.

    I hope my feedback helps you and Wendith think through your choices. Please let me know if you have any questions. Please consider further anti-oxidant supplementation, diet and exercise.

    David Emerson

Zahra says 9 years ago

Hi David
My mom is stage 4 stomach cancer with bone metastasis. She was under chemo with1_ oxaliplatin & Epirubilin and plactitaxol & syramza and now syramza alone.during these 8 months scans didn’t change Butshe is very weak now. And as soon as stopping chemo she suffers. I want to know if any kind of treatment can work for her to increase survival chance thank you

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Zahra-

    I am sorry to read about your mom. Yes, aggressive chemotherapy can weaken the patient. The best therapy for your mom, based on evidence based research, is to consider integrative therapies for your mom. In other words, anti-oxidant supplementation that may enhance the efficacy of your mom’s chemo while it reduces the toxicity of the chemo. If you are interested please send me the name of the chemo regimens that your mom is on.

    thanks and hang in there,

    David Emerson

Corrina Thompson says 9 years ago

Hi David
My last lot of blood results
haemoglobin 117 normal
wbc 3.5
total protein 71 normal
albumin 42 normal
globuilin 29 normal
paraprotein size 16 down from 30 Everything else is normal range .I am happy with the way things are going for now altho I am keen to get off the dex and velcade at some stage
I see a new therapist next week so looking forward to a second opinionI haven’t had treatment this week as I have a chesty cough so having a week off
I will keep you posted on my second opinion
Cheers Corrina

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Corrina-

    Excellent news. To confirm, your numbers have continued to trend to normal with minimal conventional chemotherapy? I will assume that you are experiencing no side effects, bone involvement, etc. Yes, please keep me posted on your second opinion.


    David Emerson

Corrina says 9 years ago

Hi David here are my last results

Total protein 71 normal
Paraprotein size 16 was 30
Haemogloblin 117 normal range
wbc 3.5 Everything else is all in normal range .
Im happy with these results so far I see another therapist next week ,Im hoping we may beable to work better together as I have felt that Im not getting the support i need to bet this .Im also having a week off treatment as I picked up a chesty cough .
Cheers Corrina

Lucia Liu says 9 years ago

Hello David,

Thought I would pass this on to your readers, I have MM with no CRAB, 70% plasmacytoma and am an anomaly according to my oncologist….he has suggested triple therapy chemo or Revlimid with stem cell transplant if my hemoglobin dips below 100….am at 123 and my Mprotein is at 54…I am on a gluten and lactose free diet after having lots of digestion problems and after reading about what Monsanto does to our North American wheat ( spraying with Roundup after harvesting to increase yield) …I figured that MM must be due to what we are doing every day….so I stopped eating anything that had to do with flour…. a World Health organization warning came out in July 2015 warning about the effects of glysophate and cancer….I feel a lot better since I eliminated gluten and lactose from my diet. Less inflammation and bone pain diminished entirely. I have normal WBC and RBC so far and am functioning relatively well except for fatigue and knee pain…take probiotics ( the one in the fridge) every time I am on antibiotics for infections that crop up so that the digestive system is always balanced…So now looking with interest at research into MM and cannabidoil….be hopeful out there and stay strong.

Patty says 9 years ago

Hi David,

Any information regarding cbd oil and revlamid?

Thank you

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Patty-

    I have never been able to find a study studying revlimid and CBD/med. mar./etc. You would think research would be conducted once studies where done with CBD and Velcade appeared. But no, I can’t find any studies. There are questions about rev. CBD in forums and such but no studies that MMers can base their therapies on.

    However I should mention that there are integrative therapies for Revlimid such as curcumin. If you are interested in learning more these I can forward the relevant research. Let me know.

    Forum discussion about CBD, Curcumin and MM-

    Take it easy,

    David Emerson

Sonya Monroe says 9 years ago

Sorry for my typo…I will now increase my Omega 3….
The “not” was an error.

Sonya Monroe says 9 years ago

Hi David, I found these recent issues very interesting! You might recall that I attended the Burzynski Clinic also, beginning in 2003. I discontinued going in the last year or so, but am considering returning. I have been on Velcade and Rituxen therapies for several years, taking them periodically according to Burzynski and my local oncologist. I also work out, try to eat right, and have utilized many integrative therapies. I have been off the periodic Velcade subcutaneous injections (based on Danish research with patients over 65) with Dexamethasone, and have done quite well with them as well as periodic Rituxen infusions. I take vitamins and will not increase my Omega 3, Curcumin, and therapies along with other vitamins. The caution regarding Vitamin C was good information for me. I have an infrared sauna and will be doing that on a more regular basis! The article on Cannabanoids was very interesting, and I will be talking with my oncologist about this. I am wondering what brand and dosage of Cucumin you take. I usually feel quite well; but due to a career as a runner in the past I do have pain in my right knee and have been thinking about cortisone injections. The rooster comb Hyaluronic Acid injections did not work for me about five years ago. Wonder if you have any joint pain and if so, how have you treated it. Thanks so much for this wonderful website.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Sonya-

    Several things. Increasing your omega 3 and taking curcumin in addition to supplementing with Wobenzym N may help your knee pain according to the article linked below. Click the link to read the studies.

    Knee Osteoarthritis Relief-

    Your lifestyle therapies, conventional therapies, supplementation, etc. all sound good. As for joint pain, no, I don’t have any. Keep in mind that I can’t run anymore due to nerve damage from my bmt years ago. But I do use an elliptical so I do get moderate exercise.

    Further, I attribute my absence of joint paid to be due to anti-inflammation supplementation. Curcumin, omega 3, green tea extract, Wobenzyme N, etc. Yes, I know that you take many of these as well.

    The brand and dose of curcumin that I take it LEF Super Bio Curcumin. I have read many studies and take this formulation because I think it is the most bioavailable. The dose is 400mg per tablet. Also, I think a maintenance dose (me) should be lower than a loading dose or someone with active cancer.

    If you have time, please reply with your cancer story- how are you doing?


    David Emerson

Corrina says 9 years ago

Hi David Cheers for the reply I have no bone pain at all . Its so awesome to get positive feed back ,I do believe I am on the right track I feel very clear in my head . Thanks again I am so grateful for your support I don’t feel that Im alone in this. cheers Corrina

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    thanks Corrina and stay in touch-


CORRINA says 9 years ago

Hi David Just got my numbers for the month Im happy with them but my therapies belives they should have improved more than they have , And is wanting me to start on cyclophosphamide.These are my bloods
Paraprotein IgG kappa is 30 down from 54
Total protein 86 was 112
Haemoglobin 106
WBC 4.0
As I pointed out in my earlier post I have oppt to leave the cyclophosphamide out of the mix as Im using CBD, curcumin, with valcade .

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Corrina-

    I must be honest with you. If I see numbers that are trending in the right direction like your numbers are then I am reluctant to do anything, take any therapy, that increases toxicity to the body. In other words, you can continue your current therapies, Velcade, curcumin and CBD, have your blood work taken again in a month and you, me and your onc. will reexamine your situation.

    But I am anti-toxic anything. Are you experiencing any symptoms such as bone pain that you believe would be reduced through taking more chemo? Any decision about therapy and your body is your decision and your decision only.

    I like following your situation so please keep in touch, whatever you do and keep me posted. Thank you.

    David Emerson

kare says 9 years ago

Hi David,
I’ve been a smoldering MM person since 2013. No treatment yet. My daughter a big weed advocate is yelling at me to look at marijuana as a treatment. So, what’s the harm in research. This is all so hard to understand. Help me out here. What do i need to know if i want to try cannabis oil as treatment for MM? When should i start using it? Are there any cancer doctors that advocate this type of treatment? Where do i go to get it? I live in CA. Help

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Kare-

    I am sorry to learn of your SMM diagnosis but applaud your efforts to learn more about possible MM therapies.

    Your daughter is correct in that there is a lot in the media about the possible uses of medical marijuana. CBD is one such possible use. The excerpt below is taken from one of the studies cited in the blog post about CBD and MM.

    The difficulty is that CBD as a possible MM therapy is new and relatively unstudied. I frequently read comments and question cancer forums from cancer patients, survivors and caregivers wondering about Med. Mar. CBD and various cancers. And I know of several people using CBD.

    Keep in mind however that at this point it is difficult to talk about specific brands, formulas, dosages, etc. Everything that MMers need to know when talking about chemotherapy or even nutritional supplementation. CBD and med. mar. has been referred to as the Wild West of cancer therapy.

    My point is that I can’t offer any specific information about CBD and MM or even SMM. CBD may help or not, I just haven’t found studies one way or another.

    If you are interested however, I can offer studies and specifics about other nutritional supplementation that has been proven to kill MM. I take low doses of several supplements daily to remain in remission from my MM.

    Let me know if you are interested. Thanks and good luck.

    David Emerson

    “CONCLUSIONS: Cannabinoids have a very selective antitumor effect against MM cells. This effect involves activation of apoptosis processes and alterations in the composition of membrane sphingolipids (ceramides). In vivo studies confirmed the efficacy of these agents in the treatment of MM. This study lays the groundwork for the design of new anti-myeloma therapies.”

      karen carter says 9 years ago

      Thanks for your reply. Yes, I would appreciate info on nutritional supplements.

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Karen-

        To confirm, you are smoldering and learning about therapies that may keep you from full blown myeloma.

        I consider you to be in my position. Though my MM was diagnosed in ’94 and I reached complete remission from MM in ’99, I work to remain in complete remission. We are both trying to avoid a full blown MM diagnosis.

        I take the nutritional supplements linked below. All have be studied to kill MM. All are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at your local health food store or online through I will link the studies so you can decide for yourself.

        I also exercise frequently but moderately (30 mins of easy exercise 6 days a week), eat lots of fruits and veggies and get plenty of rest. Below the studies I will link the brands that I take.

        Curcumin and MM– Margaret is a blogger living with SMM- for years now…

        Resveritrol and MM

        Green Tea extract and MM

        Omega 3 fatty acids and cancer

        Curcumin brand

        Resveritrol brand-

        Green Tea Extract

        Omega 3 fatty acids

        Let me know if you have any questions Karen.



          karen carter says 9 years ago

          Thanks David. I currently take herbs and tonics from Dr. Morse’s cellular botanicals and currently a reluctant fruitarian. (i do cheat w/vegan food). I’m reading more and more that i should be eating more meat protein? I don’t eat processed sugar, flour, meat or dairy products. I’m in perpetual detox all the time eating fruits, juices, and herbal teas. I work out with weights and cardio 4-5x a week. Need more protein for weight work but detox coach forbids protein powders, etc. Any thoughts on the vegan diet and MM?

          David Emerson says 9 years ago

          Hi Karen-

          The consumption of red meat and myeloma is a tricky issue. Yes, there are books, studies, etc. by knowledgable people who say that some MMers need to consume red meat. General nutritionists have always maintained that animal protein is to be minimized, as far as I have read.

          I need to re-read a book on this issue called “Eat right 4 your blood type.”

          Which leads me to a general discussion of nutrition. I’ve read a great deal over the years about nutrition for general health, nutrition and cancer and nutrition for MMers. And as you know, some of the guidelines conflict. I have never been able to stick to a stick to a strict diet (vegan, raw, paleo, etc.)

          I am not a vegan or even a total vegetarian. Though I do adhere to much of what you do yourself. As for lifestyle in general for MMers, I think that your practice of 1) perpetual detox and 2) 4-5 x weekly work outs is as important as diet.

          After years of no alcohol, I allow myself a glass of wine 2 or 3 times per week. The further I get from my original cancer diagnosis in ’94, the less disciplined I am.

          I think you are doing most, if not all things right. Please keep me posted on your progress.



Corrina says 9 years ago

Hi David just update on progress so far, I have had 4 weeks on Velcade and Dex with Curcumin 8gm ,Eating cannabis leafs everyday ,Thc oil at night ,ashwagandha ,lactoferrin ,D3 .multi vit .after the frist week my Haemoglobin went up to 100 it was 83 before I started and it hasn’t been that high in two years also white blood cell normal ,not to many side effect at this stage have trouble sleeping after treatment but the oil helps with that .next week I will know what my numbers are like but I feel great good energy I feel its all going very well so far . Will keep you posted on results .Cheers Corrina .

    David Emerson says 9 years ago


    It sounds like you are doing well. Do you take Dex in the morning? My mood went through the roof when I took Dex. If you take it in the AM then it may wear off by bedtime.

    Please let me know what your numbers are next week. Thank you very much for your input.

    David Emerson

Gary Mason says 9 years ago

My name is Gary Mason and I’ve just been diagnosed with MM. Im supposed to start a regiment of velcade, pschophosphamide and some steroid for about six months when I get some kind of stem cell replacement procedure. The costs for these drugs is beyond belief … But Im working on that. My main question is are there any alternative treatments for MM? CBD oil? And I watched a movie last night about a cancer doctor out of Texas named Dr Burzynski… He’s had a lot of success with antineoplastons which are non toxic. Apparently the FDA hates him and has tried to even put him in jail. I feel like the system doesn’t really care about me… they just want to sell me their drugs.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Gary-

    I will itemize each issue that you’ve raised in an attempt to address each issue. I have linked info about both alternative MM therapies and integrative MM therapies. If you are interested in integrative therapies let me know and I can email the brands that I use and why. Antineoplaston therapy is a complicated topic. If you want to learn more we should talk on the phone. The biggest hurdle to ANP is cost. It is not covered by medical insurance. Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to know more about any individual therapy.

    David Emerson

    1) First to all, regarding your induction therapy- you feel like the system doesn’t care about you because oncology is still about hospitals standardizing on FDA approved regimens for different cancers at different stages. This is a one-size-fits-all approach. My experience over the past 20 years points to the importance of minimizing toxicity.

    2) I will link studies below citing “integrative” therapies for velcade. Like CBD enhancing velcade, other supplements also kill MM cells while enhancing the efficacy of velcade while minimizing toxicity.

    3) Autologus Stem Cell Transplant- ASCT. Yes, standard of care for newly diagnosed MMers. You must understand that while Onc’s can and do recommend therapies, you are the final say. Instead of velcade and cytoxan (marketing name for your drug) you can elect to just take velcade, less toxicity, less money- coupled with the integrative therapies linked below. See how your myeloma responds to this therapy before you decide on the next step, to ASCT or not. You can save this aggressive therapy for years before you may need it.

    4) I will link integrative info below. I link studies in every blog post so be sure to scroll down the page. Bortezomib is Velcade…

    Velcade and Omega 3 fatty acids-

    Velcade and Curcumin-

    Velcade and Resveritrol-

    Velcade and CBD– This therapy depends what state you live in or near-

    If you are truly interested in learning more about alternative therapies, therapies that a non-conventional, I can offer info on antineoplastons, intravenous Vit. C, or vitamin c with trisenox- The excerpt below is Ralph Moss talking about Arensenic Trioxide.

    “Arsenic trioxide
    Treatment of cancer with arsenic is something that has been around for hundreds of
    years, but the discovery that arsenic trioxide had distinct anti-myeloma effects is a
    relatively recent one. The combination of Vitamin C and Trisenox (arsenic trioxide) has
    been shown to have a very effective action against myeloma cells in the laboratory. In
    clinical trials, the worst side effect of Trisenox has been low blood cell counts, and this
    has largely been managed by administering growth factors (colony stimulating factors)
    simultaneously with treatment.”

Laura Kruchten says 9 years ago

My mother has MM and is being sent home from the hospital to be put on hospice care.
She is very weak and the doctors said they can no longer help her. Could cannabis oil assist her to heal or prolong her days? She has such an immense will to live.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Laura-
    I am sorry to read about your mom’s situation. However, you should understand that whatever therapies you choose to pursue in the future, that you are correct to discontinue toxic chemotherapy.

    As for non-conventional therapies for multiple myeloma, there are several. As for the article you came in on, CBD was cited as enhancing Velcade against MM. Cannabinoids have been cited as also killing MM cells but the research is new and I don’t know of resources, where to get cannabis oil, etc. There are anecdotal accounts of a therapy called Rick Simpson oil but again, I don’t know much about it.

    Curcumin, Resveritrol and Omega 3 fatty acids all have documented MM killing ability. All can be purchased through Amazon or your local health food store. I take all three daily.

    Medical Marijuana has also been touted for it’s ability to manage cancer pain if your mom is dealing with any bone pain.

    I hope this helps and be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

      Kim M Smith says 9 years ago

      I have a dear friend, Ray, that was just diagnosed with stage two multiple myeloma. I have been researching CBD oil. The sources for it are very confusing. What do you think of Earthscience (this one does not need a medical marijuana card). I also received information from Constance Pure Botanical extracts. There program is rather expensive but also seemed very intensive with excellent product. This does require a medical marijuana card. We are in California. After reading the information on your site I have ordered curcumin and resveratol for Ray. I watched a program that showed that dairy protein increases the growth of cancers significantly so Ray has cut out all dairy protein. He has always been athletic and eats almost no processed food.

      I got some CBD oil for my mom who had brain cancer. She did not want to use it and honestly I was doubtful of it working. She passed three months after diagnosis. Months later my very old dog had a return of his skin cancer. He had some large bloody lesions in several places. I started putting the CBD oil mixed with coconut oil on them. They went away and the hair grew back. I am now a believer.

      I cannot accept Ray dying soon. I would take out of my retirement to pay for treatment for him if I knew they were legitimate. I decided to ask you for help. Please.


        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Kim-
        I am sorry to learn of Ray’s MM diagnosis. It is important to note however that both conventional and non-conventional MM therapies have come ALONG way in the past decade or so. Ray has lots of options.

        As for CBD, yes, studies cite CBD’s ability to kill MM cells either by itself or integratively with Velcade (bortezomib). I too find the information confusing about different brands of CBD oil. I cannot help you with this. Living in CA as you and Ray to you have a great many more options than I do living in Ohio as I do.

        I will say however that Constance Pure Bot. Extract has an nice website with supporting content. Med. Mar., CBD, etc. are all too new to be well researched at this point. I wish I could be more help.

        While we are talking about the subject of “integrative” therapies, please also consider both curcumin and resveritrol as integrative therapies with Velcade. Velcade should work more effectively for Ray and he should experience reduced toxicity.

        Ray should also moderately but frequently exercise, get plenty of rest and eat lots of organic fruits and veggies.

        Let me know if you have any questions.


        David Emerson

Corrina says 9 years ago

Hi David Thanks for the reply .I have just talked to my Doc and they have agreed to drop the cyclopasphamid this month , (thank goddness )they are not to happy about it as there has been a lot of presser on me to start taking chemo and I have held off as long as I can So happy we have come to a compromise will meds ,This is my system so i have a smoothy with cannabis leafs a handfull plus blueberrys ect I have these every day I start the oil after lunch One small dose under my tongue ,then another about 5pm then the last dose before bed a large amount. I take 8grams of cucumin split into two lots a day .Hopfully with this working all together we will get results Cheers Corrina

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Corrina-

    Please remember that you must be comfortable with your therapies. It is your body. Good luck with both your conventional and integrative therapies. Please be sure to contact me if you have any other questions.

    thanks and be well-

    David Emerson

Joan Zambetti says 9 years ago

Hello David,
I am on Velcade maintenance 7 months post ASCT. The twice monthly Velcade shots have started to induce neuropathy – so Ive been off of Velcade for 3 weeks and neuropathy has subsided. I take Curcumin and want to start Omega 3-6. If Neuropathy continues they want to start back in Carfilzomib which I was on for 2 months post transplant. Last bone marrow showed negative m-spike and zero myeloma but my bones have that deep ache that you speak of but no longer have. What are your dosages of
Circumin, Omega and resveritrol? Thank you for being a bright light of information and
Support. Diagnosed in January 2014 at 58 yrs. old after months of back pain- 9 fractures were found when I had the Khyphoplasty at t11-12 in Jan. 2014. Crazy road sifting through the copious information, new drugs hitting the market, etc. Best, Joan

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Joan,

    Yes, it is a ‘crazy road sifting through copious info, drugs, etc. but your post reads as though you are doing a great job navigating the world of MM.

    If you are in complete remission “Last bone marrow showed negative m-spike and zero myeloma” you are doing well although I read your feeling of “deep ache” as one of those symptoms that can scare us. Lower back pain causes concern in my head years after active MM.

    To a large extent I (PBC) is a product of the research that I find. There is a lot of research on velcade as it is older than carfilzomib by about 10 years. Further, I believe strongly in taking an “integrative” approach to MM as it is incurable if only conventional therapies are used.

    So when I read that you are on and off velcade for maintenance I think that curcumin, omega 3 fatty acids and resveritrol all have been researched to exhibit enhanced benefit or reduced toxicity. I just don’t know as much about carfilzomib.

    In addition, there are two integrative methods to reduce peripheral neuropathy which I will link below. My point is that you may want to read the studies and consider continuing velcade (low dose) coupled with curcumin, omega 3 and resveritrol supplementation.

    Read the studies carefully as the idea of reducing chemo resistance is mentioned. Before I link info I will address doses of each.

    I take 400 mg of curcumin, 250 mg and 4 capsules of the omega 3 daily- please keep in mind that this is what the labels say to take. I take a “maintenance” dose as I have been taking these supps for years and intend to continue taking for more years.

    A “loading” dose is different. I have read MMers talking about taking upwards of 4 GRAMs of curcumin (1000 MG = 1 GRAM). I have read that 8 grams a day is safe. Please start slowly.

    Omega 3 fatty acids like fish oil thin the blood. If you are on a blood thinner you must talk to your doctor before supplementing.

    I will post a second time to you about those supplements that are PN protective-

    let me know if you have any questions



    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Joan-
    Peripheral Neuropathy-

    The Mayo Clinic info linked above talk about both omega 3 fatty acids and alpha lipoic acid as protecting against neupoathic pain. There are several different kinds of neuropathy and I think MMers can consider PN globally.
    Vitamin B for treating peripheral neuropathy.

    This study mentions several different vitamin Bs as therapy. When I was working through PN I took a vitamin B spectrum. But not high dose, only what the label said.

    Super BioCurcumin is said to be more “bioavailable” than even curcumin with bioprene. This is what I take.
    Omega 3 fatty acids-


    This is the ALA that I take- dose on the label-

    As before, let me know if you have any questions.


Loretta Cameron says 9 years ago

Hi David

Had precursor (monoclonal gammopathy) to MM for years before actually being diagnosed with MM January 2012. Was on Velcade, Pamidronate, Cyclophosphamide and Desamethasone til February 2013. Have been well since but levels are slowly increasing and oncologist talking about chemo again but talking about Revlimid (side effects sound bad). Have you heard from anyone on this?? Also I am not familiar with CBD Oil or supplements such as curcumin, resveritrol, etc. Anything you can educate me with would be appreciated. I live in Vancouver, B.C. I am a very young 75 who is active and feels wonderful … trying my best to stay that way.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Loretta-

    If I understand your history, you had MGUS for a while, progressed to full blown MM and then underwent the chemo cocktail that you mentioned. I will assume that you responded well to V,P,C,Dex but your MM is slowly coming back. Your Onc. wants to start you on Revlimid.

    Yes, I know of Revlimid as it is common for MM here in the states. Yes, I on MM forums I read many MM patients who post about their Rev.experiences Yes, there are side effects as with all chemotherapies. I will post evidence-based research studies below that cite the benefit of “integrative” therapies such as curcumin and resveritrol. The studies linked below talk about integrative therapies to both ENH
    ANCE the efficacy of a chemotherpy as well as reduce the toxicity aka side effects.

    For the record, curcumin and resveritrol are nutritional supplements that are over the counter supplements. Similar to vitamin supplements that you may take each morning. I’ve am a long term MMer who has been taking a variety of supplements for years now. I credit them with helping me stay MM free.

    The two blog posts below each contain links to studies about Myeloma and 1) curcumin 2) resveritrol 3) green tea extract and 4) omega 3 fatty acids aka fish oil. I take each daily. Further I will link the brands I take- have you ever purchased through Amazon?

    The “non-transplant eligible patient” in multiple myeloma
    Multiple Myeloma in complete remission- Revlimid maintenance?
    Green Tea extract
    Omega 3 fatty acids

    Loretta- please exercise moderately but frequently, eat lots of fruits and veggies and sleep well.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    David Emerson

Bridi says 9 years ago

Hi there,
My mum has mm and she was told today her treatment is no longer working and they will need to change it..she’s had it approx 4yrs now..I’ve always told her about the benefits of cannibis oil but we love in ireland ands it’s you know if she travelled to somewhere medical cannibis was legal could she get treatment?
Many thanks

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Bridi-

    I have to assume that since you were reading my blog post about multiple myeloma that this is the cancer that your mum has. If this is incorrect, please let me know.

    1) when you say “I’ve always told her about the benefits of cannibis oil” do you mean CBD by itself of with Velcade?
    2) when you say that your mum’s “treatment is no longer working”, what chemotherapy will she take instead?

    I am asking these two questions because there are several “integrative” therapies that work with conventional chemotherapies such as velcade and revlimid.

    CBD aka cannabis is available in Canada. CBD enhances velcade
    omega 3 fatty acids enhance velcade
    Curcumin, nutritional supplement, enhances both velcade and revlimid
    Resveritrol also enhances both velcade and revlimid

    Bridi, I can provide more info and research if you can clarify your questions and let me know what you are asking.

    I hope this helps.

    thanks (give my best to your mum)

    David Emerson

      Bridi says 9 years ago

      Hi David,
      Many thanks for your reply! To answer your 2 questions..I’ve just been telling mum about the benefits of cannibis in general..she was on velcade treatment before..they are now going to start her on carfilzomib in the next couple of weeks
      Thanks again

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Bridi-

        Just to follow up on our conversation about your mom’s MM. Cafrfilzomib aka kyprolis is the next generation of Velcade. The study linked below talks about the possibility of curcumin and other “natural” supplements enhancing carfilzomib as well as Velcade.

        Just thought you might want to know.

        Clinical development of novel proteasome inhibitors for cancer treatment.

        Good luck

        David Emerson

Rachel Peterkin-Smith says 9 years ago

I am writing because my 35 year old sister was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2012. We live in the UK where there is no possibility of precribed Marijuana use but I don’t feel like that should hold us back from getting her a treatment that could potentially save her life.

I have not done as much reading as I would have liked to on the benefits of Cannabis oil when dealing with Myeloma and I would really appreciate some information and any evidence you have on how it can help with treating this disease.

She had one round of Chemotherapy and a cell transplant roughly 1.5 years ago which took the para proteins down some but they are now rapidly rising again and I just want to find a way to help.

Please get back to me as soon as you can.

Thanking you in anticipation.


    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Rachel-
    I am sorry to read of your sister mm diagnosis. However at 35 your sister is a very young mmer and therefore will outperform all the metrics. This is good.

    I don’t know much about what the NHS provides as myeloma therapy. The CBD study that you refer to is for cannabidiol in conjunction with Velcade. If your sister is considering velcade, revlimid or thalidomide then there are antioxidant supplements that show similar synergistic effects.

    In other words, are you/your sister considering integrating chemo with supplements or are you only asking about non-conventional therapies? The antioxidant supplements discussed below are anti-MM by themselves but are more effective when combined with velcade or revlimid.

    I link studies below about curcumin and resveritrol but I can provide more info depending on what, if any, chemotherapy you are considering. Please reply with the specifics. thanks.

    Curcumin and resveritrol, both supplements that can be purchased online or at your local health food store both work with velcade, revlimid and thalidomide. I will link the studies below. If your sister is consider different chemo the please reply with the specifics and I will research accordingly.
    MM and resveritrol
    Curcumin and velcade-
    Curcumin and thalidomide

    David Emerson

ryan says 9 years ago

CBD Oil can be taken in what methods? is it safe to take while patient is on other meds? patient is currently on a trial drug for myeloma

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Ryan-
    I am sorry to learn of the patient’s mm diagnosis. On the one hand I share your thinking about supplementing conventional mm therapies with CBD (“patient is currently on a trial drug for myeloma”) on the other hand medical marijuana/cannabis/CBD is relatively new and I can only go by research studies and several cancer coaching clients who talk to me about their experiences.

    Meaning, my experience is anecdotal. The article and study that brought you talks only about CBD and Velcade. The cancer coaching clients also are taking velcade and CBD. I have no other experience with integrative CBD with conventional mm therapies.

    The mmers that I know of are currently supplementing with CBD oil, putting the oil under their tongue doing so with small doses at night before bed.

    The practice of taking antioxidants, for example, with conventional mm chemotherapies is controversial. Personally I believe that taking supplements such as curcumin, reseveritrol and whole food supplements enhance convention chemo but again, this issue is heatedly debated.

    I am sorry I can’t be more help to you.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    David Emerson

David Emerson says 9 years ago

I am posting this comment from a myeloma caregiver who is using CBD oil.

Good Morning David,

A quick note to say hello, and send some notes on our CBD oil experience to date. it’s been about a week.
He started at .2 ml for 2 days, then went to .3 for two day, then .4, then .5 ml last night. the goal is to get to 1 ml / day

He has a combination of high CBD AND high TCH. I’m not sure if this is the best, but we had to start somewhere. The producers of the oil insist that the high TCH is crucial for cancer folks as it makes them sleep and promotes healing. Teh research you and I have reviewed says high CBD for MM… hence, the producer made a special blend of both for us to try to satisfy both sides.

It’s very difficult to know who to trust on line, but so far, our experience has been very good. The company has provided excellent support each step of the way.

Last night, my dad went to sleep at 9:30 p.m. and got up at 8:30. He only got up to go to the washroom 3 times- he was VERY happy. normally he’s up every 1-1.5 hours. If the oil does nothing more than help him get restful sleep at night, we’ll be thrilled.

our April blood test results showed a decrease of m protein by 5 points, but we hadn’t started the oil then. we have been doing a homeopathic type strategy for the last 2 months…. it could be helping.

that’s it for now. I’ll keep the notes coming so we can document this experience

Dorothea says 9 years ago

I am starting my second round of chemo – Velcade – for MM – have been off chemo for 15 months – interested in CBD.

Started chemo 20 months ago – took it for 5 months – paraprotein count went from 45 to 1.50 but had heart problems and kidneys were close to failure; bone marrow test originally indicated 55% MM; 15 months chemo free but now paraprotein count has risen to l8; I am booked for more Velcade May 25th. PS my kidneys recovered thanks to ND and supplements plus am on mistletoe injections. I am Canadian.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Dorothea-
    I am sorry to learn of your mm diagnosis but encouraged to read that you responded well to your first round of chemo. Your remission was not as long and you would like but you now have confidence that your mm responds of therapy. Please consider living with mm for a long time-meaning treating your mm to keep your cancer at acceptable levels while you also keep side effects manageable.

    I will try to address your comments in your post below- let me know if I miss something or if you have more questions-

    1) “Velcade – for MM – have been off chemo for 15 months – interested in CBD” I added an article to the post you posted on about CBD and its effect on MM by itself. If I understand it, CBD kills mm cells plus it enhances the mm killing effect of Velcade. Velcade also is okay for kidney involvement.

    2) “but had heart problems and kidneys were close to failure” Please read the studies linked below about curcumin and omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil) to both enhance Velcade as well as minimize toxicity.

    Curcumin as a protector for normal cells during bortezomib therapy.

    Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA induce apoptosis and enhance drug sensitivity in multiple myeloma cells but not in normal peripheral mononuclear cells.

    3) “my kidneys recovered thanks to ND and supplements plus am on mistletoe injections” keep working with you ND, continue to focus on quality of life.
    4) ” I am Canadian.” Not sure how medical marijuana works there but I think you will have an easier time finding high quality CBD. I hope so.

    If possible Dorothea, please let me know how your CBD/MM experience goes as many MMers ask me about CBD and MM and I would like to provide patient feedback to them.

    thanks and good luck

    David Emerson

      Dorothea says 9 years ago

      Many thanks for reply; ND has me on curcumin, essential oils and also mistletoe ‘shots’ self admin. This regimen started AFTER I halted the chemo – will now go into Velcade with above support plus pith of citrus (do not have product yet so don’t know name); ND said it was imperative I take this ‘pith’ as it protects healthy cells. Medical Cannabis – am searching for an MD to sign a form saying he/she approves my taking it to deal with symptoms – one then takes form and registers as a “club” member and has access to all that is available. The “club” says “Phoenix Tears” is preferred form of cannabis – an oil – TCH – will ask about CBD for MM. By the way, mistletoe is used extensively in Europe especially Germany and prescribed by oncologists there to work in tandem with chemo – lessens side affects etc. Will keep you posted but first have to find an understanding MD – spinal pain is becoming intolerable but no lesions to date just deterioration.

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Hi Dorothea-

        You and another cancer coaching client are both myeloma patients that are taking CBD oil. Please keep me posted about your results- cost, dosage, side effects, resourcing, anything else that you can think of.

        thanks very much for your input.

        David Emerson

      Kevin Estis says 9 years ago

      David….regarding your comment….. If I understand it, CBD kills mm cells plus it enhances the mm killing effect of Velcade.

      A PubMed report pretty much says just that, however, as my oncologist pointed out when I showed her the report, it was based on cell lines (lab work) not on humans.

Ask the Cancer Coach-“M spike is 5.01, IGG is 7000- what’s next? | PeopleBeatingCancer says 9 years ago

[…] Cannabidiol (CBD) kills multiple myeloma and enhances Velcade against MM- […]

Tamra says 9 years ago

David, I hope this note finds you well.

We are at a bit of a stressful cross roads. My dad continues to look and report feeling good. We just did full skeletal xrays again and all came back clear of any sign of lesions. However, his M protein level continues to climb slowly. Back in the summer when he was diagnosed, it was 17. now it’s 28. Apparently his free light chains (normal is 20) started at 700 in the summer and are now 2300. His WBC count for the first time reached nice normal levels, but platelets remain low, and hemoglobin hovers around 104 (his baseline was 143). Princess Margaret oncologist says the burden on his body has doubled and she wants him to start a clinical trial that he was denied for back in September (we started with Dr. Gonzales October 2, 2015). The clinical trial includes 3 drugs taken via pills-its free in Canada, vs the only other option would be valcade taken intervenously once a week for who knows ho