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Search Results for: Heart Disease

Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation- Yoga

According to research linked below, yoga treats paroxysmal atrial fibrillation effectively. I have first-hand experience with atrial fibrillation. I am a long-term cancer survivor. One of the late stage

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Early, Non-relapse Death in Myeloma

Early, non-relapse death is possible for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM). Even at diagnosis. According to research, infection is a leading cause of death for myeloma patients. Further, the average

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chemotherapy-induced atrial fibrillation

I am a proud survivor of the late stage side effect chemotherapy-induced atrial fibrillation. Atrial Fibrillation or arrhythmia is frequent in patients with multiple myeloma when they receive ASCT. Meaning,

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Lung Cancer Prevention

Lung Cancer Prevention takes a different approach to reducing lung cancer deaths than does the article linked and excerpted below. The article below talks about lung cancer screening. Screening for lung

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Melatonin Promotes Kidney Health

Melatonin promotes kidney health. A common symptom of my blood cancer, multiple myeloma, is kidney damage. Multiple myeloma sometimes produces tiny proteins called freelight chains that can gum up the

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AYA Cancer- Mental Therapies

AYA cancer survivors have more severe depression and anxiety than non-cancer survivors? Gee, remarkable findings. You mean that after living with short, long-term and late stage side effects AYA cancer

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Sorafenib for Liver Cancer- Integrate?

Sorafenib is a multikinase inhibitor used for the treatment of uHCC 10 Two Phase III studies (SHARP and Asia-Pacific) demonstrated significant improvements in overall survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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Elderly Myeloma

Elderly myeloma patients, according to research, fare worse, on average, compared to younger patients, when diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Duh!  Of course they do. But why is this and how does it factor

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Cardio-Oncology Rehabilitation

  I had to figure out my own cardio-oncology rehabilitation program.  My diagnosis of a blood cancer called multiple myeloma in early 1994  led to  the standard-of-care, FDA approved, safe and

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Aortic Aneurism-Size Matters

“Aortic aneurisms are of concern because of their potential risk of death. The likelihood of a mortal event occurring has been linked historically to aneurism size.” I have an aortic aneurism.

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Deep Sleep Dementia

Does my lack of deep sleep increase my risk of dementia? I am a long-term cancer survivor. I developed a l0ng-term side effect called chemobrain years ago. While my chemobrain  has improved significantly,

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Cyclophosphamide Cytoxan Damage

Will I die of cyclophosphamide (cytoxan) induced cardiomyopathy someday? Or maybe die of hemohorragic cystitis that leads to bladder cancer? Impossible to predict. I can say, however, that the chemotherapy

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