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Articles That Discuss dementia

Deep Sleep Dementia

Does my lack of deep sleep increase my risk of dementia? I am a long-term cancer survivor. I developed a l0ng-term side effect called chemobrain years ago. While my chemobrain  has improved significantly,

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Dementia Prevention, Heal Chemo brain-

Dementia? Mild Cognitive Impairment? Chemo brain? All these diagnoses have similarities. I am a cancer survivor with chemo brain. From what I have read my chemo brain symptoms are pretty similar to those

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Dementia Risk Reduction-

“Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, and it generally affects the elderly. It has been suggested that diet is an intensively modifiable lifestyle factor that might reduce

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Afib- Blood Pressure- Dementia Risk

Blood pressure control <130mmHG was shown to lower the dementia risk with similar benefits for patients aged 50-59 and 60-69 with initially uncontrolled blood pressure at the time of AF diagnosis…” I

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Alzheimer’s, Cognitive Function, Mind-Body Therapy

“These changes also linked directly to improvements in subjective assessments of cognitive function, mood, sleep, and quality of life.” Though Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common type

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Dementia, Alzheimer’s Therapy-

All outcome measures revealed improvement: statistically significant improvement in MoCA scores, CNS Vital Signs Neurocognitive Index, and Alzheimer’s Questionnaire Change score were documented. No serious

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Alzheimer’s Disease – Non-Toxic Therapies

“Alzheimer’s disease constitutes a growing cause of cognitive impairment in aging population. Given that current treatments do not produce the desired therapeutic effects, the need for finding

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Brain Health, Plasticity, Neurogenesis Therapies

“Specific pathologies, aging or some inadequate life habits can deteriorate cognitive functionality…However, there are cognitive stimulation techniques that help us prevent this deterioration

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I Don’t Buy It-“Algorithm Accurately Predicts Cognitive Decline in Parkinson’s Disease”

Cognitive decline is one of the long-term outcomes of PD that has been largely unmanageable, and clinical trials are hampered by the highly varied rates of progression to cognitive clinical endpoints.

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Antioxidants Enhance Brain Health, Reduce Risk of Dementia

Antioxidants may help protect the brain from oxidative stress, which can cause cell damage… Potentially reducing the risk of dementia No, I don’t think we can take a pill (s) to completely

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Life Purpose = Brain Health, Dementia, Mild Cog. Impair. Therapy

“The results indicate that having purpose and meaning in life is significantly associated with a 19% reduced risk for dementia.” One of many long-term side effect sustained from my high-dose

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Folate/B12, Vitamin D3, Magnesium Deficiency = Dementia

I blog about both brain health and dementia. I believe that optimizing brain health is the best therapy to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. I am stating this at the beginning of this post because the studies

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