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Preventive MRI- Pros and Cons

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Will a preventive MRI save your life? Or do more harm than good? Or maybe you will spend $2500.oo on peace-of-mind.

What is a preventive MRI?

A preventive full body MRI refers to a comprehensive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that is performed on the entire body with the aim of detecting potential health issues or abnormalities at an early stage. The idea behind this type of imaging is to identify any signs of diseases or conditions before they cause noticeable symptoms. It is often promoted as a proactive approach to healthcare, allowing for early intervention and treatment.

What is a full body MRI?

A full body MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan is a medical imaging technique that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to generate detailed images of the internal structures of the body. Like any medical procedure, there are both risks and benefits associated with full body MRI scans.


  1. Detailed Imaging: MRI provides detailed images of soft tissues, organs, and structures in the body, making it valuable for detecting abnormalities and diagnosing various conditions.
  2. Non-invasive: Unlike some other imaging techniques, MRI is a non-invasive procedure that does not use ionizing radiation (such as X-rays).
  3. No Radiation Exposure: The lack of ionizing radiation makes MRI a safer option for repeated imaging, as there is no risk of cumulative radiation exposure.
  4. Multi-Planar Imaging: MRI allows for imaging in multiple planes (sagittal, coronal, and axial), providing a comprehensive view of the body.
  5. Contrast Enhancement: Contrast agents can be used to enhance the visibility of certain structures and abnormalities during the scan.


  1. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to the contrast agents used in MRI scans, which can lead to allergic reactions. However, these reactions are relatively rare.
  2. Metallic Implants and Objects: The strong magnetic field of an MRI machine can interact with metal objects, potentially causing injury or damage. Patients with certain types of metallic implants, such as pacemakers or certain joint replacements, may not be eligible for an MRI.
  3. Claustrophobia: The confined space of the MRI machine can trigger claustrophobia in some individuals, leading to anxiety and discomfort during the procedure.
  4. Pregnancy Concerns: While there is no known risk of harm to the fetus, especially with modern MRI machines, pregnant women are often advised to avoid unnecessary exposure to medical procedures, including MRI, during the first trimester.
  5. Cost: MRI scans can be relatively expensive, and in some cases, insurance coverage may be limited.
  6. Time and Accessibility: MRI scans may take longer than other imaging methods, and the availability of MRI machines may be limited in some areas.

The issue of preventive testing for cancer is discussed at length by Dr. Gilbert Welch below. 

As a long-term cancer survivor myself, I’ve been pricked, stuck, swabbed, scanned and undergone just about every diagnostic test there is. Despite all of the diagnostic testing I’ve done over the years, my blood cancer did NOT respond to chemotherapy but did respond to a quack therapy called antineoplaston therapy from the Burzynski Research Institute.

Like all aspects of any complicate health issue, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

In other words, I believe that preventive MRI’s discussed in the article linked below will identify a small percentage of nodes, lump, bumps, lesions, scars, etc. etc. that will mean little if anything. Or to put this another way, a preventive MRI will identify 000’s of lesions in spines that are evidence that you hurt your spine as a kid and that your injury healed.

Or you may identify a node in/on an organ in your body that may or may not cause you harm someday. Should you have it removed? This “peace-of-mind” thing is getting expensive…

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not anti-imaging. I am saying that a whole body MRI that is probably not covered by your health insurance may cause more anxiety than not.

For my money, I live an evidence-based, anti-cancer lifestyle that includes  nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle therapies such as exercise, sauna, etc. all shown to reduce my risk of a host of different cancers such as prostate, colorectal, lung, skin, etc. cancers.

If you have questions or comments about this post or any other post on PeopleBeatingCancer.org don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions or comments- David.PeopleBeatingCancer@gmail.com

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Patients are lining up for $2,500 full-body MRI scans that can detect cancer early

“The day after seeing her Prenuvo results, Santarosa had a follow-up CT scan at a local hospital. The nodule was cancerous. She had it removed the following week.

Curious and concerned patients like Santarosa are flooding Prenuvo’s nine clinics in the U.S. and Canada. There’s so much demand that the 5-year-old Silicon Valley-based company has announced 11 more locations opening by 2024, including one in London and another in Sydney…

Prenuvo CEO Andrew Lacy said he wants to help customers understand what’s going on beneath their skin, which his company’s technology can do by identifying more than 500 conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis and brain aneurysms.

As of now, the scans have a limited audience because they aren’t covered by insurers, requiring patients to pay out of pocket…

Dr. Kimberly Amrami, vice chair of the department of radiology at Mayo Clinic Rochester, said that because of the limitations, patients’ expectations have to be set accordingly. She said it can be challenging to identify lesions in the lungs, for instance, and scanning different body parts like the knee, the pelvis, the breasts and the prostate all require different techniques.

“There’s always a wish to do an exam that’s going to answer every question,” Amrami said in an interview. “It’s just not really the way that it works with MRI in particular, because the way that you evaluate different body parts in different disease states is quite different…”

“Although my lifestyle was impacting my health, there was nothing crazy going on,” Lacy said. “I remember just this incredible feeling of peace of mind.” 



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