According to the article below, bone loss after denosumab discontinuation is a problem. But continuing denosumab forever increases the risk of side effects particularly ONJ. And this expensive drug many
Continue readingWhat causes multiple myeloma? The short answer is that no one knows. The longer answer is that there are a number of factors that increase the risk of a MM diagnosis. It can be argued that spending time
Continue readingWhat do I mean by “low dose myeloma induction?“ I am a long-term MM survivor. Let me take a step back and tell you about my induction therapy in 1995. At the time, the standard-of-care was
Continue readingEngraftment syndrome in multiple myeloma is a fairly common symptom of autologous stem cell transplantation. Sadly, oncology refers to ES by several different names (see below) and therefore tracking ES
Continue readingWhat are the symptoms of chemotherapy-induced heart damage aka chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy(CIC)? When this side effect happened to me, I didn’t notice a thing until I flipped into atrial
Continue readingWhat are the benefits of myeloma telehealth? Accounts of a long-term MM survivor followed by an explanation from an oncologist will give you a good idea of the possible benefits. I was diagnosed 2 months
Continue readingI am a long-term myeloma survivor. I have been ghosted. Meaning, as the article below explains, some of my friends disappeared. Yes, myeloma ghosting happens. I should say that it has happened to me with
Continue readingHow is MGUS bone involvement measured and tracked? Meaning, if an MGUS patient has a serum calcium level above normal, what does it mean? According to the study linked below, of the more than 75,000 patients
Continue readingCan acupuncture enhance immune functions? Yes, according to the meta analysis linked below. I am a long-term MM surivivor living with different types of therapy-induced long-term side effects. I have a
Continue readingHow can myeloma patients manage the high cost of CAR-T cell therapy? I was diagnosed with MM in early 1994. I underwent an ASCT in December of 1995. I relapsed in less than a year. I developed serious
Continue readingWhat is end-stage myeloma? My definition of end-stage myeloma is when the MM patient can no longer control his/her blood cancer. In my experience, the issue is less about a time frame aka terminal cancer
Continue readingBased on the study linked below, I think it is clear that diet increases myeloma remissions. Any diet? All myeloma remissions? I’m going to extrapolate a bit from the specific info discussed in the
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