
Diagnosed with Cancer? Your two greatest challenges are understanding cancer and understanding possible side effects from chemo and radiation.  Knowledge is Power!

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Search Results for: Prostate Cancer

Rethinking “Cancer”

What do I mean when I propose the idea of “Rethinking Cancer?” I’ve spent years researching and writing about the term that I understand and have lived every aspect of it. In the case

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Treatment-Related Secondary Cancer

Treatment-related secondary cancer is a little discussed but every present side effect of just about every conventional cancer therapy. When I read the article linked below I was inspired to post about

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Reduce Your Risk of Cancer NOW!

All I could think of were evidence-based but non-conventional therapies to reduce the risk of cancer. Several classmates of mine and I were playing poker the other night. As is often the case, the general

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Lung Cancer Screening Complications

I am a long-term cancer survivor whose wife has smoked cigarettes her entire adult life. When I first read about low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) and lung cancer screening I thought that my wife was

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“Cancer Deaths Prevented!?”

What does the American Cancer Society mean when they say “cancer deaths prevented?”  Who is doing the preventing?  How are the cancer deaths prevented!? According to the report in CA: Cancer

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Cancer Misdiagnosis- Second Opinion?

According to the research linked and excerpted below, the rate of cancer misdiagnosis is 11.1%. This finding varies by type of cancer but 11% is a reasonable percentage to use for this blog post. I am

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Prostatectomy- Side Effects?!

Undergoing a prostatectomy can be a nightmare from a short, long-term and late stage side effects perspective. The testimonial below is from a long-time friend who came to me asking about prostate cancer.

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Lung Cancer Prevention

Lung Cancer Prevention takes a different approach to reducing lung cancer deaths than does the article linked and excerpted below. The article below talks about lung cancer screening. Screening for lung

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Pre-cancers- DCIS, Polyps, PSA, Mole, etc.

Pre-cancers are all about risk. That is to say, a diagnosis of a type of pre-cancer is a diagnosis that tells you that your risk of that type of cancer has increased. The diagnosis says nothing about getting

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Genetic Cancer Risk

What is your genetic cancer risk? Or to put this question another way, do your genes pre-dispose you to a specific type of cancer? Yes, genetics can play a role in predisposing a person to cancer. Certain

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Histotripsy as Cancer Therapy

Will histotripsy reduce the side effects that result from cancer therapy? About 30% of PeopleBeatingCancer is dedicated to the adverse events aka side effects that can result from chemotherapy and radiation.

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Bladder Cancer Stage II- Chemo? Cystectomy?

Hi David- I have been diagnosed with bladder cancer stage II. The mass was removed but the cancer may have invaded the muscle tissue. My oncologist wants to go with NCCN  guidelines and recommends the

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