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Social Security Disability Insurance- Myeloma

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I am a long-term survivor of an incurable cancer  multiple myeloma-(wait…what!?). When I was first diagnosed, I was your typical young (34) working person. My cancer diagnosis turned my world upside down.

  • Fortunately, I had  Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and applied for my disability benefits.
  • I’ll be direct- SSDI payments aren’t going to make you rich. But they help. The payments can help with the general issue of financial toxicity.
  • Long-story short, the process of SSDI can be a pain. I’m writing this post to give newly-diagnosed cancer patients a leg up. 

Social Security Disability Insurance is designed to provide financial protection in the event that you become unable to work due to a covered illness or injury. If you receive a cancer diagnosis, disability insurance can be an important source of financial support, as cancer treatments can be physically and emotionally draining, making it difficult or even impossible to continue working.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a crucial federal program designed to provide financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to a qualifying disability. Among the myriad of disabilities, cancer stands as a significant contributor to SSDI claims. This essay will delve into the complexities of the relationship between SSDI and cancer, examining how this safety net aids those grappling with this formidable disease.

The Burden of Cancer

Don’t kid yourself- cancer is a formidable adversary, affecting millions of lives worldwide. Its physical, emotional, and financial toll on individuals and their families is profound. For many diagnosed with cancer, the ability to maintain employment becomes a Herculean task due to the demanding treatments, side effects, and overall debilitation that often accompany the disease.

The Role of SSDI

SSDI serves as a lifeline for individuals with cancer. To qualify for SSDI benefits, applicants must demonstrate that their medical condition prevents them from performing substantial gainful activity and is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death. Cancer often meets these criteria, as its treatments can be physically taxing and the recovery process is often prolonged.

Moreover, SSDI provides not only financial support but also access to Medicare, which is a critical component of cancer treatment. The high costs associated with cancer care, including surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, and prescription medications, can be astronomical, rendering SSDI a vital resource for individuals and their families.

Navigating the SSDI Application Process

While SSDI offers invaluable assistance, navigating the application process can be daunting, especially for individuals already grappling with the physical and emotional challenges of cancer. The process typically involves gathering extensive medical documentation, providing evidence of disability, and adhering to specific timelines. Many applicants benefit from enlisting the help of legal or advocacy services to ensure a smoother application process.

Challenges and Controversies

Despite its many benefits, SSDI is not without its challenges and controversies. Some critics argue that the application process is overly stringent, leading to lengthy delays and denials. Additionally, there are concerns about the sustainability of the program in the face of an aging population and rising healthcare costs. Striking a balance between providing crucial support for those in need and maintaining fiscal responsibility remains a complex issue.


I have a love/hate relationship with SSDI. I sure am glad that I was forced to pay for it but the application process and monthly payments aren’t much. But access to health insurance aka Medicare has made a huge difference in my life.

To learn more about my SSDI saga click now-

Have you been diagnosed with cancer? What type? What stage? What are your goals? Let me know.

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

How to file for Social Security disability benefits if you have cancer

Living with cancer may mean you aren’t able to perform some of the activities you enjoyed in the past, and this may even require taking a break from your job. In certain cases, you may be eligible for government disability benefits, so it’s important to know how to file for those, which disability benefits may be available to you and how much disability programs pay to qualified applicants.

This article will focus on government Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, administered through the Social Security Administration (SSA), specifically for cancer patients. We’ll explain the eligibility criteria, how to file for these benefits, what to expect if you do qualify and how to appeal a negative decision…”

Diagnosed with Cancer? Social Security and Triage Cancer Can Help

“The good news is that there are organizations and programs that can help. If you can’t work due to a cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible for financial support from two Social Security programs. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provide financial support to people with disabilities unable to work. These benefits can help you focus your time and energy on what’s important to you.

These disabilities include certain types of cancer. Some cancers qualify for expedited processing by Social Security under its Compassionate Allowances program. These are cases where individuals have medical conditions so severe that they obviously meet Social Security’s disability standards. This allows Social Security to process the cases quickly with minimal medical information…”

Workplace Protections for Individuals Impacted by Cancer

“If you or a loved one has cancer, workplace protections including job protected leave and protection from discrimination help ensure you can prioritize the time and care needed for recovery without worrying about job security. For cancer survivors, workplace protections may help as you address challenges from lingering physical and mental impacts.

The Department of Labor is committed to providing workers living with cancer, their caregivers, and cancer survivors with resources to understand their rights during this difficult time.

In this guide, you’ll find more information on:

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