Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.
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Myeloma treatment led to more than 16 different long-term and late stage side effects. The most challenging being chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy (CIC). As of early 2022, I am managing my heart health without any toxic, conventional heart meds.
How you ask?
I was diagnosed with chronic atrial fibrillation (A-Fib) and chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy in late 2010. I chose not to take conventional blood thinners such as warfarin, Eliquis, Xarelto or Pradaxa because of the risk of long-term side effects. My chronic A-fib resulted from chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy (CIC). The two are central to a long story. But my point is that I have managed my AFib, CIC, BP, HR, etc. through evidence-based, non-conventional therapies. And I have done so without any toxic heart or blood meds since late 2010.
My read of the article/study linked an excerpted below is that it is thinner blood that reduces my risk of stroke and dementia not taking conventional FDA approved anticoagulants that reduce my risk of stroke and dementia.
Let me direct. There are risks on both sides of this issue. I run risks by going the natural blood thinning route alone and there are risks by going the convention blood thinning route as well.
I take omega 3 fatty acids, nattokinase, curcumin and digestive enzymes for a variety of health reasons. All of these supplements have been shown to thin a person’s blood.
I take and recommend Life Extension Super Omega 3 fatty acids, and Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin. Both have been evaluated and approved by and both formulas have been shown to be more absorbable than conventional formulas.
Please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Thank you,
David Emerson
“New research published in the European Heart Journal suggests that blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin may protect not only against stroke (Chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy), but also against dementia in people who have atrial fibrillation…
But the precise role of anticoagulant, or blood-thinning, drugs on dementia risk is not yet known and has not been sufficiently investigated, explain the authors.
One theory suggests that, since anticoagulants prevent stroke by protecting against large blood clots, they should also prevent dementia by protecting against the small blood clots and microinfarctions that characterize it…
The researchers also wanted to see whether or not the type of anticoagulant made any difference — such as whether newer blood thinners had a different effect on dementia risk when compared with old ones…
To this end, Friberg and Rosenqvist reviewed the history of 444,106 Swedish patients with A-fib between 2006 and 2014. At the beginning of the study, 54 percent of these patients were not taking oral blood thinners. During the study period, 26,210 of all patients developed dem.
A-fib patients who were on a blood-thinning treatment at the beginning of the study were 29 percent less likely to develop dem than those who were not.
Also, an “on-treatment analysis” revealed that patients who continued to take the anticoagulants had a 48 percent lower risk of dementia.
Parkinson’s disease, alcohol abuse, and the absence of a blood-thinning treatment seemed to be the “strongest predictors for dem.”
The findings provide strong evidence that oral blood thinners may prevent dem in patients with A-fib. “In order to prove this assumption,” they explain, “randomized placebo controlled trials would be needed, but […] such studies cannot be done because of ethical reasons.”
“It is not possible to give placebo to [A-fib] patients and then wait for dem or stroke to occur,” write Friberg and Rosenqvist.
Finally, the study found no difference between warfarin — which represents an older generation of anticoagulants — and newer ones.”
” Stress is clearly understood to be psychologically taxing, but evidence is piling up that points to its physiological effects as well. One clear example is the way in which chronic levels of stress impact your heart and cardiovascular health overall…
That effect is amplified if you already have a cardiovascular condition (Chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy). For people with heart arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation, or afib — the most common form of heart rhythm abnormality — stress may trigger or worsen episodes. An estimated 2.1 to 6.7 million Americans have afib, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and this number is expected to rise as the population ages…
“People who are under stress are more likely not to eat well or take care of themselves and are prone to the kind of conditions that lead to afib,” says Dr. Rashba, adding that responding to everyday stress by, say, drinking to excess, can bring on an episode of afib, as alcohol consumption is a known trigger for the condition…
n a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, researchers looked at 400 people who had experienced an initial episode of afib. Via cognitive tests and patient interviews, they found that acute stress led many to make lifestyle changes, such as overeating and overconsuming coffee, that may have precipitated their episode…
Finally, just having afib, particularly for the long term, leaves many sufferers more depressed and anxious than their same-age peers, found a study published in 2018 in the journal Cardiology Research and Practice…
Yoga-In a small study reported in March 2013 in the American Journal of Cardiology, people with paroxysmal afib who practiced yoga twice a week experienced a reduction in afib episodes. Immediately post-training, their blood pressure and heart rate were lower, and overall the participants had less anxiety and improved overall quality of life…
Biofeedback- This approach can be used for the management of afib, particularly to control ventricular rate. In a small report published in February 2015 in the Journal of Thoracic Disease that compared the usefulness of various alternative therapies in treating afib, biofeedback training got high marks for its ability to help people decrease their heart rate and potentially manage afib…
Meditation- Recent research published in May 2018 in Frontiers in Physiology, jointly undertaken by the University of North Texas and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory… The study concluded that although various forms of medication are effective at reducing stress in the immediate term, the long-term practice of meditation made positive physiological changes permanent…
Exercise- “Blood pressure, in particular, when it’s uncontrolled puts increased pressure on the heart over time, causing the muscle to become stiffer and the atrium that’s affected by afib to stretch, and the more that happens, the more often the heart goes into and stays in afib.”
But exercise that relieves stress also may have the benefit of helping you make other, healthier habits, such as drinking less and quitting smoking.
“Anxiety symptoms and disorders are highly prevalent and costly. Prospective studies suggest that physical activity may prevent anxiety development; however, this body of literature has not been reviewed comprehensively…
Studies measuring physical activity at baseline and anxiety at a designated follow-up at least 1 year later were located using MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL Complete through June 2018…
Conclusions-Available evidence suggests that engaging in physical activity protects against anxiety symptoms and disorders. However, notable challenges in the current evidence base include issues regarding exposure and outcome measures, consistent adjustment for putative confounders, representativeness of samples, and attrition bias, which warrant further research…”