Learn how you can stall the development of full-blown Multiple Myeloma with evidence-based nutritional and supplementation therapies.
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Esophageal involvement (barrett’s esophagus) by multiple myelomas is uncommon in the English literature. Here we report an extremely rare involvement in MM/MGUS Hi David- I was diagnosed with Barrett’s
Continue reading“…there exists no evidence to suggest that early intervention in Soldering Multiple Myeloma, even when limited to patients at highest risk of progression to active MM, leads to improved overall
Continue readingRecent studies have shown that early treatment of smoldering myeloma may delay or prevent the progression into full-blown disease, and researchers have been looking for effective treatments to use in these
Continue reading“We and others have shown increased risk of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) in first-degree relatives of patients with multiple myeloma (MM)…” If you are a first-degree
Continue readingmonoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) also have a greater risk of developing these cancers Dear Cancer Coach- I have had squamous cell carcinoma (non-melanoma skin cancers) for the
Continue reading“I would like any information you might be willing to share regarding alternative treatments (for MGUS) and how that factors in with a pesky liver.” Hello David-I just listened to your webinar
Continue readingWhere is it written that chemotherapy must be toxic to be effective against MGUS and SMM? The definition of chemotherapy does NOT say that chemo has to cause collateral damage to kill cancer cells. MGUS
Continue readingMonoclonal Gammopathies of Clinical Significance (MGCS)- what used to be simply MGUS or SMM is now more than that. “Monoclonal gammopathy of clinical significance (MGCS) refers to a recently coined
Continue readingI am still scared to death, even reading about survivors of MM and MGUS such as yourself. I think about my kids and husband daily and hate going in for another diagnosis… Dear David- Thank
Continue readingMGUS stands for monoclonal gammopathy of undermined significance. MGUS is not cancer. It is a pre-Multiple Myeloma (MM) asymptomatic blood disorder. MGUS at a glance- click the illustration below: Symptoms- Bone
Continue reading“The root cause of many cases of myeloma is monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), a blood disorder where white blood cells produce too much M protein. While MGUS does not present
Continue readingLike myeloma patients, Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) patients have abnormal proteins in the blood as a result of defective plasma cells in the bone marrow… Dear David-
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