
Diagnosed with Cancer? Your two greatest challenges are understanding cancer and understanding possible side effects from chemo and radiation.  Knowledge is Power!

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All posts by David Emerson

Chemo-induced Cardiomyopathy

“Traditional chemotherapeutic agents and newer targeted therapies for cancer have the potential to cause cardiovascular toxicities. These toxicities can result in arrhythmias, heart failure, vascular

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Multiple Myeloma Survival- Dark Chocolate, Heart, Brain, MM

“Studies of subjects who increased their daily intake of flavonoids from chocolate found that their LDL-cholesterol levels dropped, their blood vessels relaxed, and blood-clotting tendencies were

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Regression DCIS

“…and offers evidence that CAM therapies may be of value in preventing progression of DCIS to invasive breast cancer…” Many women diagnosed with DCIS wonder if their diagnosis increases

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Treating Cancer Cachexia

“Cachexia is a condition characterized by loss of body mass — including muscular atrophy — that is usually accompanied by severe weakness and fatigue.” Most cancer patients don’t

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Nutrition, Supplementation as Multiple Myeloma Therapy

Should we treat patients with myeloma with multidrug, multitransplant combinations with the goal of potentially curing a subset of patients, recognizing that the risk of adverse events and effect on quality

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Can You Get Multiple Myeloma On the Job???

According to the WHO, there are as many as 107 classified chemical agents, mixtures and exposure situations which are carcinogenic-some for multiple myeloma Can you get multiple myeloma (MM) on the job?

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Multiple Myeloma Therapy- MGN-3, Curcumin

This synergy was characterized by an 87% decrease in cell number and a 2.6 fold increase in the percentage of apoptotic U266 myeloma cells. Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a rare (1% of all cancers), incurable

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Melphalan Flufenamide- Risk of Death!?

How much damage (death) must a chemotherapy do to patients before oncology stops prescribing the drug??? Is death from chemotherapy part of the “risk/reward” thinking of conventional oncology

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The Role of Recruitment Agencies in Pharmaceutical Staffing

There are several factors that contribute to the success of a business or an organization. Some are beyond the control of the business; these are known as external factors. They include things like government

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Cancer Risk- Lifetime Sexual Partners

“The more sexual partners an individual has had during their lifetime the greater their risk of a cancer diagnosis, potentially due to a higher likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections

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Breast Cancer Diet- Foods that Kill Breast Cancer

“but a new study looked at how two specific compounds found in food could treat women who have the most fatal type of breast cancer” Let me begin by stating that I am not talking about silver

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Myeloma- CAR-T Cell- Not Ready

“Toxicities associated with CAR-T cells include cytokine-release syndrome, different types of cytopenia, infections, and neurotoxicity. Although some subsets of patients have sustained responses

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