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[…] Integrative Myeloma Therapies- Eliminate Chemo-induced Heart Damage […]
ReplyHello I have come across your videos while doing research on multiple myeloma. My partner is currently undergoing tests for it. I want to be more informed but not sure I can afford your program. If you could please point me in the right direction. We are looking at integrative approaches alongside the conventional. Looking into essiac tea, curcumin, black seed oil, full spectrum cannabis oil he is currently using the cbd.
Want to know which of the conventional treatments he will need and how to counteract the damage. What supplements are recomended etc.
I understand you charge for this info but if you could just point me in the right direction it will be appreciated.
We dont know for sure but he has symptoms such as tiredness, breathlessness and pain in his lower back, he does have disk problems but this pain is different from his usual sciatica pain.
Warmest Regards.
ReplyHi Kerry,
Myeloma is often missed, as a diagnosis, if the M.D. isn’t looking for it. Be sure to get an accurate diagnosis. A couple of things. I will place a link to the MM Cancer Coaching page below. Further, you seem to be interested in evidence-based, non-conventional therapies that are apoptotic to MM as well as integrative therapies for MM chemotherapy regimens as well as complementary therapies.
We are in the process of updating the MM Cancer Coaching program. I will send you this program at no charge because you are on the cusp so to speak.
Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching Program-
Let me know if you have any questions.
David Emerson
Reply[…] Integrative Myeloma Therapies to Reduce or Eliminate Chemo-induced Heart Damage […]
ReplyI had a MCI in 2004. Was 1st dx’d w/MM in 2003. 15 years later 12/218, I am in my 5th cycle of Kyprolis and Methylprednisolone. Is my MM using me as a trial? I was given a sheet explaining the cardio events to which I called Paramedics on 2 occasions. Prescribed Lisinopril 5mg , 1 then 2 now 3 daily. #’s great response. Not CR yet. Last cycle was a plateau. What should I do. I am 67. TY, TY – Carol
ReplyHi Carol,
I’m not sure I can provide any clear directions. On the one hand, a MCI in ’04 may have damaged your heart. Yet on the other hand, living with MM for more than 15 years is well-beyond the averages. Yes, chemo regimens such as Kyprolis cause heart damage. Yet it also controls your MM. This is the type of decision that only you can make.
Hang in there,
David Emerson
Reply[…] Kyprolis vs. Bortizomib heart damage in Multiple Myeloma […]