Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.
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You’ve been diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM). You are interested in participating in a multiple myeloma clinic trial. Do you care if your oncologist has a financial interest in the MM clinical trial? Is he/she getting paid by the pharmaceutical company sponsoring the MM clinical trial?
Several years ago I wrote a blog post about clinical research. Research has clearly shown bias when clinicians are compensated in any way by organizations sponsoring drug research.
While MM clinical trial research is different than general MM research, the issue is bias. Does compensation change the results of clinical trials for MM patients?
MM patients shouldn’t be surprised if their chemotherapy doesn’t work. Disappointed certainly but not surprised.
The bottom line is that oncologists should be required by law to tell patients if they are getting paid by a drug company. Patients deserve to know. Myeloma patients can then make the decision to participate in a MM clinical clinical trial or not.
For more information on both conventional and non-toxic, non-conventional cancer therapies scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Thank you,
David Emerson
Financial ties between researchers or medical centers and companies whose drugs are being tested have come under increasing scrutiny.
RESULTS- More than 90% of patients expressed little or no worry about financial ties that researchers or institutions might have with drug companies. Most patients said they would have enrolled in the trial even if the drug company had paid the researcher for speaking (82% of those interviewed) or consulting (75%) or if the researcher had received royalty payments (70%) or owned stock in the company (76%).
Similarly, most patients would have enrolled in the trial if their cancer center had owned stock in the drug company (77%) or received royalty payments from the company (79%). Most patients believed it was ethical for researchers to receive speaking fees (81%) or consulting fees (82%) from the company.
However, a substantial minority of patients wanted disclosure of the oversight system for researchers (40%) and of researchers’ financial interests (31%); 17% thought no disclosure to patients was necessary.
CONCLUSIONS- Most patients in cancer-research trials were not worried about financial ties between researchers or medical centers and drug companies and would still have enrolled in the trial if they had known about such financial ties. A substantial minority wanted to be informed about the oversight system to protect against financial conflicts of interest and about researchers’ financial interests.”