“These data point to the potential possibility of use of resveratrol in preventing and/or treating both obesity and diabetes…”
You have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Perhaps you are normally a bit overweight but after dexamethasone/prednisone therapy you have really put on some pounds. Further, your blood glucose levels has increased dramatically. An evidence-based, non-toxic multiple myeloma therapy to consider is resveratrol.

When I was first diagnosed with MM in early 1994 I was 210 lbs. Two years later, post induction chemotherapy, and an autologous stem cell transplant I tipped the scales at 240. Being a tall guy, I just put weight on all over.
I am now 203 pounds. Further, I am living with a host of long-term side effects. I manage my side effects through nutrition, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation. I’ve been supplementing with Resveratrol
(RES) for over 5 years for several reasons.
- I firmly believe that Resveratrol
supplementation helps me stay in complete remission from multiple myeloma, an incurable blood cancer-
- The many health benefits of resveratrol are evidence-based, well-researched studies –
- Resveratrol
supplementation aids in my side-effect management including prevention of secondary cancers, maintaining heart health and protection against aging, aging-associated diseases, neurodegeneration, and more-
Not only has RES shown the ability to kill cancer cells, it has shown the ability to both enhance certain traditional chemotherapy’s efficacy as well as reduce chemo toxicities.
- may treat multiple myeloma,
- may lower bad cholesterol,
- may reduce levels of inflammation,
- may improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics,
- may help memory function and
- may help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Life Extension – Optimized RES with Synergistic Grape-Berry Actives is approved by ConsumerLab.com and passed it’s Quality Certification Program (you must be a member to access the report).
Why should you supplement with LEF Optimized Resveratrol?
- RES is well-studied, well-researched for its many health benefits-
- LEF Resveratrol is cost-effective compared to other ConsumeLab.com resveritrol banks in the evaluation range)
- Amazon offers free shipping for this product–
- 5% of your Amazon purchase will be donated to PeopleBeatingCancer to support cancer patients with research and education-
I take Life Extension – Optimized RES with Synergistic Grape-Berry Actives because I believe that is the most effective form of this supplement available.
Thank you,
David Emerson
- MM Survivor
- MM Cancer Coach
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
“In a new study published in Cancer Letters, American University researchers show how, as body mass index increases, so does the growth and spread of the blood cancer multiple myeloma, which accounts for about 10 percent of all blood cancers in patients.
“Once a person with cancer is out of the normal weight category, their BMI is contributing to multiple myeloma growth and progression,” said Katie DeCicco-Skinner, associate professor of biology at American University and lead study author.
DeCicco-Skinner and her colleagues examined the BMI of normal, overweight, obese and morbidly obese patients, and the effects on multiple myeloma. Little research into multiple myeloma examines varying patient weight to see how cells encourage cancer growth. Even fewer studies examine cancer and the morbidly obese — a fourth weight category DeCicco-Skinner said was important to study, as more overweight individuals today have the condition.
“Numerous beneficial effects of Res described in the literature involve cardioprotective, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. Recently, this broad spectrum of effects is enlarged by new data demonstrating a great potency of this compound in relation to obesity and diabetes..
The accumulating evidence also indicates the benefits of Res in diabetes and diabetic complications. It is known that Res affects insulin secretion and blood insulin concentration…
These data point to the potential possibility of use of Res in preventing and/or treating both obesity and diabetes…”
“Moreover, the present report focuses on the actions of resveratrol treatment in combating diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease, and other age-related ailments…”
Moreover, the present report focuses on the actions of resveratrol treatment in combating diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease, and other age-related ailments…”