Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Myeloma Symptoms- Kidney Disease, Immune Hepatitis-

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“…Because Multiple Myeloma is such a difficult cancer to treat, what alternative therapies work the best or have had the most success for long term survival?”

Hi David- I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in April 2013. A few months later was also diagnosed with myeloma symptoms of kidney disease and auto immune hepatitis.

I’ve always been a strong believer in alternative medicine so I tried the curcumin protocol, other supplements and homeopathic remedies but after a year it was greatly affecting my kidneys so I reluctantly went on chemo to get my numbers under control.

I also started acupuncture along with herbs and have continued it ever since. After 10 months I was in remission and opted not to continue with maintenance chemo but continue with acupuncture and herbs, which I feel has helped me to stay in remission since October 2014.

My question is, because Multiple Myeloma is such a difficult cancer to treat, what alternative therapies work the best or have had the most success for long term survival? Ann

Hi Ann- I normally begin cancer coaching replies by telling the patient how sorry I am to learn of their cancer diagnosis. You, however, appear to have managed your cancer and your other health challenges well. And since you came in on the “Conventional, Integrative, Alternative”  blog page, it is clear that you understand the need for all forms of therapies, conventional, integrative and alternative.

I’ll try to be more specific. To address your question “because Multiple Myeloma is such a difficult cancer to treat, what alternative therapies work the best or have had the most success for long term survival?” I think we MMers must do exactly what you have been doing.

Conventional– we can agree that conventional toxic chemo should only be used when a MMer really needs it. It looks like your numbers increased (your MM increased…) so you underwent a chemotherapy such as Velcade to come back into remission. Velcade has shown the ability to kill MM while helping kidney function.

Integrative- to continue talking about Velcade, if you need to use this chemo again someday, I will link studies below that cite curcumin and omega- fatty acid’s ability to ENHANCE Velcade anti-MM action while minimizing toxicity-

Alternative– you are correct- myeloma is a very difficult cancer to keep in remission and therefore die of old age. I agree with you to employ acupunture, homeopathy, nutritional supplements (curcumin, omega 3 fatty acids)  in order to manage your MM, side effects as well as other health challenges.

I continue to supplement with curcurmin, omega 3 fatty acids, milk thistle, etc, daily and I have been in remission since 4/99. I do NOT consider myself to be cured. I work to remain in complete remission through lifestyle, diet, supplementation, detoxification, etc.

Please watch the video below to learn more about the evidence-based, integrative therapies to combat treatment side effects and enhance your chemotherapy.


Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and hang in there,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

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Autoimmune hepatitis

Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks liver cells. This immune response causes inflammation of the liver, also called hepatitis. The disease can be quite serious and, if not treated, gets worse over time, leading to cirrhosis of the liver and/or liver failure. Autoimmune hepatitis likely results from a combination of autoimmunity, environmental triggers, and a genetic predisposition. It occurs more frequently in females. Treatment typically includes corticosteroids and medications that suppress the immune system. In severe cases, a liver transplant may be needed.[1][2]

Signs and symptoms in people with autoimmune hepatitis range from mild to severe depending on the amount of liver damage present. Symptoms are generally due to scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis). Some people have no symptoms at first and are diagnosed after being evaluated for another health problem.[3] Some of the most common signs and symptoms in people with autoimmune hepatitis may be nonspecific and include:[1][2][3][4]

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