Tag Archives for " cardiac rehabilitation "

Cardiac Rehabilitation the easy way?

Consider cardiac rehab the easy way. I don’t know why cardiac rehab referral rates are so low, as mentioned in the article linked below,  but I thought I’d explain what I do because I believe

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Sleep Hygiene with Heart Failure

“Regardless of sleep position, if you want to get a better night’s sleep with heart failure or any chronic condition, the main focus should be on good sleep hygiene…” Heart failure

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Complementary Blood Pressure Therapies

Complementary blood pressure therapies are the solution to the problem discussed below. In short, conventional heart medications all have side effects such as difficulty achieving an erection, weight gain,

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Aortic Aneurism-Size Matters

“Aortic aneurisms are of concern because of their potential risk of death. The likelihood of a mortal event occurring has been linked historically to aneurism size.” I have an aortic aneurism.

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Heart Disease Second Leading Cause of Death for Cancer Patients

“Heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. Candidates for aggressive radical surgeries or chemotherapies should be carefully selected in this aging cancer population” Heart

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Home-Based Cardiac Rehab- Underused

Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) programs reduce morbidity and mortality rates in adults with ischemic heart disease, heart failure, or cardiac surgery but are significantly underused, with only a minority

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Green Tea – Stroke Prevention

higher consumption of green tea (GTE) has been associated with a lower prevalence of cognitive impairment in older adults, less Coronary Artery Disease, ischemic stroke reduction, reduced risk of certain

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CBD- Reduce Pain, Anxiety, Stress

“Enter cannabidiol, or CBD, a chemical found in hemp and marijuana. Although the science is far from conclusive, it has been marketed as a cure-all for problems as varied as anxiety, chronic pain,

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Coenzyme Q10, Ubiquinone- Heart, Brain, Skin, Cancer,

“Health conditions like heart disease, brain disorders, diabetes, and cancer have been linked to low levels of CoQ10 (1Trusted Source)…CoQ10 production decreases as you age. Thus, older people

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Whole-Body Hyperthermia- Sauna for Heart Disease

“…sauna may be one of the most important health habits to have to prevent and reverse the #1 killer in the Western world (heart disease)… I have written about the anti-cancer benefits

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Lasix- Furosemide for Stable Heart Failure?

Lasix reduces fluid yet also causes a host of side effects. The study linked below questions the need for Lasix (furosemide) in patients with stable heart failure. Lasix (furosemide) main use is to cause

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Cardiac Rehab- 7 Best Yoga Poses

When performed mindfully, yoga, while addressing all the underlying causes can reduce hypertension. It calms down the nervous system, thereby slowing down your heart rate. I was diagnosed with chemotherapy-induced

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