Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Wobenzym N, Multiple Myeloma, Longer Remissions

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Oral Enzymes for multiple myeloma result in “significantly higher overall response rates and longer duration of remissions”

If you have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM) you were probably told that MM is incurable “but treatable.” As a practical matter this means that conventional oncology has gotten good at putting MM into some form of remission (CR, VGPR, PR) but MM patients always relapse until nothing more can be done for them. Consider Wobenzym N, an integrative therapy in the form of systemic oral enzymes.

Your challenge then is to reach deeper, longer remission while undergoing as little collateral damage (long-term and late stage side effects) as possible.

Image result for image of trypsin

After several years of conventional therapies including an autologous stem cell transplant, remission, relapse, remission, relapse and “we can do nothing more for you” I underwent a controversial, non-conventional therapy. I reached complete remission by early 1999 where I have remained every since.

Among other evidence-based, non-toxic, MM therapies I have taken Wobenzym N, a broad spectrum systemic enzyme therapy,  daily for more than 10 years. This complementary therapy is a no-brainer as far as I can see. There are few therapies in healthcare today that provide as many health benefits as does systemic enzyme therapy offered by the combination of bromelain, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and papain.

As a long term MM survivor, I supplement with enzymes Wobenzym N  to remain cancer-free and to manage the side-effects from aggressive cancer therapy, in particular, radiation scarring and my chronic blood clot.

Please watch the video below to learn more about the evidence-based, integrative therapies to combat treatment side effects and enhance your chemotherapy.

Have you been diagnosed with MM? Are you experiencing symptoms such as a blood clot, bone pain, fatigue or kidney damage? Scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Retrolective cohort study of an additive therapy with an oral enzyme preparation in patients with multiple myeloma.

Purpose: To evaluate the impact of an additive therapy with an oral enzyme (OE) preparation given for more than 6 months additionally to standard combination chemotherapy (vincristine/melphalan/cyclophosphamide/prednisone (VMCP)- or methylprednisolone/ vincristine/CCNU/cyclophosphamide/melphalan (MOCCA)-regimen) in the primary treatment of patients with multiple myeloma stages I-III.

METHODS: A cohort of 265 patients with multiple myeloma stages I-III was consecutively treated at our institution in two parallel groups (control group (n = 99): chemotherapy +/-OE for less than 6 months; OE-group (n = 166): chemotherapy + OE for more than 6 months).

The median follow-up time in the stages I, II, and III for the OE-group was 61, 37, and 46.5 months, respectively; for the control group the respective values were 33, 51.5, and 31.5 months. The primary endpoint of the study was disease-specific survival. Secondary endpoints were response to therapy, duration of first response and side effects. The chosen method for evaluation was the technique of a retrolective cohort analysis with a concurrent control group. Survival analysis was performed by the Kaplan-Meier method and multivariate analysis was done with the Cox proportional hazards model.

RESULTS: Significantly higher overall response rates and longer duration of remissions were observed in the OE-group. Primary responders showed a longer mean survival time than non-responders.

Additive therapy with OE given for more than 6 months decreased the hazard of death for patients at all stages of disease by approximately 60%. Observation time was not long enough to estimate the median survival for patients at stages I and II; for stage III patients it was 47 months in the control group versus 83 months for the patients treated with OE (P = 0.0014) which means a 3-year gain of survival time. Significant prognostic factors for survival, in the Cox regression analysis, were stage of disease and therapy with OE. The OE-therapy was generally well tolerated (3.6% of patients with mild to moderate gastrointestinal symptoms).

CONCLUSION: OEs represent a promising new additive therapy in multiple myeloma which will be further evaluated in a randomized phase III trial in the USA.

Proteolytic enzyme therapy in evidence-based complementary oncology: fact or fiction?

“Systemic enzyme therapy was recently subjected to experimental investigations and to rigorous clinical studies in cancer patients. Scientifically sound experimental in vitro and in vivo investigations are far advanced and document promising immunological, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, and antitumor/antimetastatic activities of proteolytic enzyme mixtures (containing trypsin, chymotrypsin, and papain) or bromelain.”

Systemic enzyme therapy in oncology: effect and mode of action.

Plant extracts with a high content of proteolytic enzymes have been used for a long time in traditional medicine. Besides proteolytic enzymes from plants, ‘modern’ enzyme therapy additionally includes pancreatic enzymes.

The therapeutic use of proteolytic enzymes is partly based on scientific studies and is partly empirical. The aim of the current review is to provide an overview of clinical trials of systemic enzyme therapy in oncology, and to discuss the evidence for their possible mechanisms of action.

Clinical studies of the use of proteolytic enzymes in oncology have mostly been carried out on an enzyme preparation consisting of a combination of papain, trypsin and chymotrypsin.

This review of these studies showed that enzyme therapy can reduce the adverse effects caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. There is also evidence that, in some types of tumours, survival may be prolonged.

The beneficial effect of systemic enzyme therapy seems to be based on its anti-inflammatory potential. However, the precise mechanism of action of systemic enzyme therapy remains unsolved. The ratio of proteinases to antiproteinases, which is increasingly being used as a prognostic marker in oncology, appears to be influenced by the oral administration of proteolytic enzymes, probably via an induction of the synthesis of antiproteinases. Furthermore, there are numerous alterations of cytokine composition during therapy with orally administered enzymes, which might be an indication of the efficacy of enzyme therapy. Effects on adhesion molecules and on antioxidative metabolism are also reviewed.”

Leave a Comment:

Ronald Quasebarth says last year

I’ve taken Wobenzyme for 5 years now and have benefitted much in general muscle, cartilage health suffering far fewer injuries from the mm damage and more. It’s effect on the cancer is super as well. I’ve read it’s best to take it between meals on an empty stomach for 40 minutes before and after. I do this three times a day with 2 or 3 pills each. Thanks for your great cancer info on this!

Marlene Allaer says 6 years ago

Where do you get the enzymes?

Candace says 6 years ago

This is my email address and not a hoax. I don’t see anything hear about specifics like dose? Am I missing something?

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Candace-

    Dosing for both nutritional supplements as well as conventional meds/chemotherapies is based on the individual. Weight, height, stage, etc. That is why I will often tell people what I do in the MM CC guides but I can’t tell people what they should do.


Leslie Eckerd says 6 years ago

Hi, I am very interested in taking proteolytic enzymes to help my multiple myeloma stay in remission longer. I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago. I had radiation on my scapula for a large lytic lesion, induction chemo for 9 weeks, an autologous stem cell transplant and a year and a half later mm back with a vengeance. My concern is that the immuno drug Darzalex has done very well since last September and my Dr is very cautious about me taking anything that might have an adverse effect on the Darzalex. Right now the m spike is absolutely gone from my blood. I have a great Dr and I will ask him about this but I wanted your opinion from your experience and knowledge. I have igA Kappa high risk mm. if it were you and the immuno drug is doing so well, would you take the enzymes too? I also am having trouble with blood draw from my port which I think is caused by a sheath of scar tissue . Would the enzymes dissolve that ? I know they like to shoot aerospace in there..activase…but I would rather take supplements that can help where my hip was fixed..scar tissue in there no doubt. Thanks for your time. Leslie

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Leslie-
    If you and/or your oncologist are nervous about enzyme supplementation during chemotherapy then you can supplement before and then after chemotherapy administration. In other words, ask your onc. how long Darzelex stays in your blood after administration. I have taken Wobenzyme N for years and consider my MM lifestyle (including supplements) to be why I have remained in CR since 1999.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

      Leslie Eckerd says 6 years ago

      Thanks so much for your input. In looking into much information on mm and the protelytic enzymes I decided to take them . My Darzalex infusions are once a month and thankfully my labs are still showing no m spike . With no cure those are the best results..the fact that no new bone damage has occurred is excellent. My worst fear. God bless you and yours and your continued success and health. Best Regards,Leslie

Suzette Fox says 7 years ago

Hello david
I was diagnosed with MM in May 2014. Usual treatment with SCT in Nov 2014. I got two years remission. Went back on treatment March this year. I am on revlamid and ixazomib and have responded well. My kappa lights are now 89. At last blood count. I finish this resigim in three weeks. Then going on a maintenance dose !
I have been seeing a kiesonologisy(? Spelling) the following
Who has recommended these following natural tablets or fluids
Gold colloidal, Serra enzyme, zinc, DMG, MEM, artichoke, chlorella I am due back to see her end of jan. What are the enzymes you mention As you have mentioned. Mine are for fighting the chemo damage and toxicity helping the immune system. She found I had a nanobactium in my bones (interestingly)
I would be interested in your thoughts!!

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Suzette-

    The enzymes that I wrote about are called “wobenzyme” and the name of the company that manufactures them is wobe-mugos (German company). The study that refers to this therapy and MM is below.
    Wobenzyme, wobe-mugos and MM

    David Emerson

Lana says 8 years ago

Hi David, do you have an advice for me? I have 3rd recurrence of analysis cancer within a year. I found tumor 2 months after a I had a baby. Had chemo-radiation, pet scan clean, skin clean, but 2 months later tumor a size of a nickel. Had colostomy surgery with rectum removal. 2 months later several tumors along the incision line. Same squamous cell carcinoma as second recurrence. They have never seen such a cell mutation before as well as the aggressiveness.
I was taking many supplements, cesium chloride, drinking 4 glasses of fresh vegetable juices for 6 weeks before surgery. No junk food, daily sunlight and walk.

    Lana says 8 years ago

    Sorry, anal cancer.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Lana-

    I am sorry to read of your aggressive anal cancer. I agree with your doctors that your cancer is very aggressive. You are pursuing both conventional therapies (chemoradiation, surgery) and non-conventional therapies (cesium chloride, juicing, supplements). You are doing everything, every therapy I would recommend. I am sorry I can’t offer more helpful advice. Let me know if you have any other questions.

    David Emerson

Zahra says 9 years ago

My mom has stage 4 gastric cancer with bone metastas and she was about 8 months under different kinds of chemotherapy.She is 73 years old and Has no pain and didn’t,t lose weight but her cancer has t stopped yet. what kind of noncinventional treatment do you sugest?

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Zahra-
    I am sorry to read of your mom’s advanced gastric cancer that has metastasized. I will list studies that talk about non-conventional therapies that show apoptotic action (cancer killing) against gastric cancer below. Also, if your mom continues to try different conventional chemotherapies tell me and I can research those nutritional supplements that may enhance the efficacy of these chemotherapies.

    I will be direct with you. Based on what you have told me your mom’s situation is serious. I would try everything you can to slow your mom’s cancer without causing extreme side effects.

    Combinational Treatment of Curcumin and Quercetin against Gastric Cancer MGC-803 Cells in Vitro.

    I currently take and recommend Super Bio-curcumin ” target=”_blank”>Life Extension Super BioCurcumin as this formulation is the most bioavailable (absorbable).

    As for quercitin, Source Naturals Quercetin, Bioflavonoids” target=”_blank”>Source Naturals Quercetin, Bioflavonoid Complex should provide you with a combination of beneficial bioflavonoids.

    Resveratrol inhibits the hedgehog signaling pathway and epithelial-mesenchymal transition and suppresses gastric cancer invasion and metastasis.

    I take and recommend Life Extension Whole Grape Extract with Resveratrol ” target=”_blank”>Life Extension Whole Grape Extract with Resveratrol (and have been for about 5 years)-

    Omega-3 PUFAs induce apoptosis of gastric cancer cells via ADORA1.

    The brand of omega 3 fatty acids that I take and recommend isLife Extension Super Omega 3 Epa Dha ” target=”_blank”> Life Extension Super Omega 3 EPA DHA because of the combination of omega 3 fatty acids- like the supplements above, it is all about the formulation or combination.

    Finally, this last study does not discuss gastric cancer specifically but I am including this research for your consideration because of the research done on the efficacy of mushroom glucans on cancer generally and AHCC specifically.

    The use of mushroom glucans and proteoglycans in cancer treatment.

    I will finish this email in another email to come-

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Zahra-

    Me again to finish up.

    Please consider NOW Foods AHCC 750mg Xtra Strength, ” target=”_blank”>NOW Foods AHCC 750mg Xtra Strength as this formulation is well reviewed on Amazon. I have no personal experience with AHCC but the studies that I have read indicate that beta glucans aka mushrooms can be extremely effective as a sort of natural chemotherapy.

    Zahra, please let me know if you have other questions. Good luck and please tell your mom I send my best.

    David Emerson
    Survivor, Creator, Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Wobenzym N - PeopleBeatingCancer says 9 years ago

[…] Systemic enzyme therapy to fight cancer, reduce blood clots, and heal side effects […]

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