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5 Signs Your Eyes Might Need Professional Examination

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There are various signs that you should have a complete eye check as soon as possible. A professional eye examination evaluates your visual acuity…

As a long-term cancer survivor I can attest to the importance of professional eye care. I developed cataracts in both eyes as a result of my high-dose steroid therapy years ago. Professional examinations addressed my eye problems and my eyes are in great shape as a result.

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

pastedGraphic.pngThere are various signs that you should have a complete eye check as soon as possible. A professional eye examination evaluates your visual acuity, which is done by reading letters on a chart. To check if you require glasses or contact lenses, you might take refraction tests. Eye exams also diagnose vision problems such as dry eye syndrome and glaucoma, among others. 

If you’re experiencing any of the described symptoms below, it’s essential to schedule a checkup with an eye doctor right away.

  1. Blurred vision

Take a professional eye examination once your vision becomes fuzzy or blurry for a prolonged period. Refractive errors, including farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism, are the most common causes of blurry vision. Also, hazy or blurry vision in one or both eyes may be a sign of cataracts.

Blurry vision might indicate a condition called dry eye syndrome, too. If you are diagnosed with this condition, meet Optilight: dry eye management device. It utilizes a patented technology that helps manage dry eyes. However, there’s a more severe condition behind blurred vision that makes eye examination crucial: neurological disorder.

  1. The appearance of flashes and floaters

Consult your ophthalmologist right away if you see dots, specks, or circles in your field of vision. People call these floaters shadows of small clumps of cells or gel inside your eye’s vitreous.

Floaters can start showing up once you develop nearsightedness, have inflammation in your eye, or have cataract surgery. Floaters might not be a significant concern most of the time, but it’s best to get an eye test if they come along with flashes or you experience them frequently.

  1. Eye pain

You should never ignore eye pain, as it could indicate various issues such as serious eye infections, glaucoma, and contact lens problems. Taking a professional eye examination is the best way to determine the root cause of pain in your eyes.

Without early diagnosis and treatment, eye conditions like glaucoma can pose severe damage such as total blindness and vision loss. The same is true for other vision problems.

  1. Frequent headaches

Migraines or headaches also indicate flashes. These headaches can last from 4 to 72 hours and can be extremely debilitating. You may also suffer pain behind your eyes or on one side of your head. An eye care professional will do a comprehensive eye examination to determine if your headache is due to a vision problem.

  1. More than a year have passed since your last eye checkup

If you have a vision problem or you’re experiencing pain in your eyes, a yearly eye checkup is necessary. Schedule a professional eye examination if a year has passed since you took an eye exam. 


Lastly, aside from taking regular eye examinations, you can also maintain the wellbeing of your eyes by keeping your weight healthy. You should also eat balanced meals with leafy green vegetables, particularly kale and spinach and wear eye protection like sunglasses to block harmful UV rays from the sun. It’s also best if you avoid smoking and follow the 20-20-20 rule: Looking 20 feet forward for 20 seconds after 20 minutes of staring at a screen. 

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/aMmDIsdnUro 

professional eye examination professional eye examination professional eye examination

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