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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Angiogenesis, Starve Both Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma?

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The tumor microenvironment of melanoma (and multiple myeloma)… is thought to stimulate angiogenesis through different mechanisms…

I am a long-term Multiple Myeloma survivor of an MM cancer coach.Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a blood cancer and Melanoma is skin cancer. The two deadly diseases are completely different diseases. While multiple myeloma (my cancer) and melanoma sound similar they couldn’t be more different from each other. Interestingly, both melanoma and multiple myeloma grow and spread through the same biological process- angiogenesis.

Intuitively, angiogenesis makes sense. Cancer cells need blood, oxygen, nutrients, etc. to live. Cutting off or stopping the spread of blood vessels starves both MM and melanoma.

In addition to FDA approved, conventional anti-angiogenic chemotherapy such as Thalidomide and Revlimid, there are a host of evidence-based, non-toxic cancer therapies that research has shown are angiogenesis inhibitors.

  • curcumin,
  • green tea extract (EGCG),
  • resveratrol,
  • ginko biloba,
  • omega-3 fatty acids,
  • artimisinin, others-

for example, all inhibit angiogenesis. These therapies that are supported for use in both melanoma and myeloma.

I have remained in complete remission from my MM since 1999 by living an anti-angiogenic, anti- MM lifestyle through nutrition, supplementation, bone health, and lifestyle therapies. I believe it is likely that melanoma patients and survivors would also do well by pursuing anti-angiogenic nutrition, supplementation and other lifestyle therapies.

To Learn More about Angiogenesis and Cancer- click now

Have you been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? If so, what stage? Please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Multiple Myeloma Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Angiogenesis in melanoma: an update with a focus on current targeted therapies 

“Angiogenesis plays a crucial role in melanoma metastasis and progression. In recent years, numerous studies have investigated the prognostic and clinical significance of this phenomenon, and the development of molecular techniques has enabled us to achieve a better understanding of angiogenesis in melanoma…”

New Insights in Anti-Angiogenesis in Multiple Myeloma

“Angiogenesis is a constant hallmark of multiple myeloma (MM) progression and involves direct production of angiogenic cytokines by plasma cells and their induction within the bone marrow microenvironment. This article summarizes the more recent literature data concerning the employment of anti-angiogenic therapeutic agents actually used in preclinical models and clinical settings for the treatment of multiple myeloma…

Surgical management of melanoma

“Malignant melanoma is still probably best treated by surgical management, according to Keyvan Nouri, M.D…

Biopsy details-The biopsy of choice is an excisional biopsy, in an effort to remove the entire lesion with a 2 mm to 3 mm margin around the lesion. The specimen is then sent to pathology for diagnosis…

  • Patients with the least advanced disease, lesion less than 1 mm thick, without ulceration and extending into reticular dermis have a 94% 5-year and an 86% 10-year survival.
  • Patients with stage IIC disease have a 53% 5-year and a 41% 10-year survival [1].
  • Patients with stage IIIA disease  have a 67% 5-year survival rate.
  • Patients with stage IIIC disease  have a 28% 5-year survival rate
  • In patients with stage IV disease, the site of metastasis and level of lactate dehydrogenase are the most important predictors of survival.

Vessel formation-Formation of new vessels in primary and metastatic tumors is of extreme importance. This is thought to occur through the recapitulation of embryonic vessel formation (i.e., vasculogenic mimicry). This is defined more strictly as endothelial-like features being acquired by tumor cells. The tumor microenvironment, that is, interstitial fluid pressure, pH, cytokines, laminin, collagens, growth factors, nutrients and oxygen, is thought to stimulate angiogenesis through different mechanisms…”


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Anti-Angiogenic Chemo May Help Fight Pancreatic Cancer - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

[…] Angiogenesis, Starve Both Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma? […]

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