Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Artemisinin as cancer therapy- Myeloma, Liver, and Melanoma

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“Artemisinin (ART) is a chemical compound extracted from the wormwood plant, Artemisia annua L. It has been shown to selectively kill cancer cells in vitro and retard the growth of implanted fibrosarcoma tumors in rats.

There are a number of cancer therapies that have shown real cancer killing properties yet are not researched enough to instill confidence in the average cancer patient. Artemisinin is one of these therapies. Sourcing and dosing are two of the most important aspects of a therapy that is not thoroughly researched.

I often ask myself what I would do if my cancer, multiple myeloma, returns. Also, I ask myself what I would do if I developed a treatment-related, secondary cancer. Conventional chemotherapy didn’t work the first time around so why would it work this time?

Artemisinin would be on my top five list of future cancer therapies- It’s not rocket science. The phrase from one of the studies linked below, “inexpensive and effective cancer agents” fits my basic cancer therapy criteria.

In fact, there are a host of integrative and alternative research-based cancer therapies out there. For information about therapies that may kill your cancer without killing you, scroll down the page, post a question or a comment and I will reply ASAP.

To learn more about alternative therapies for multiple myeloma click now

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Multiple Myeloma Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

A Novel Putative Mechanism of Anti-Myeloma Activity Targeted Against Heat Shock Protein 27 by Derivative of Artemisinin, Artesunate.

“Recent introduction of molecular targeted drugs such as bortezomib and IMIDs in the clinical settings has achieved the improved treatment outcome of multiple myeloma (MM). However, MM is still an incurable disease and these drugs also possess serious adverse reactions, therefore, safe and more effective therapy should be established. Artesunate (ART) is a semi-synthetic derivative of artemisinin and is widely used for the treatment of malaria as a salvage therapy. Recent in vitro studies showed that ART also has an anti-tumor activity against several cancer cell lines. We thus investigated whether ART could possess anti-myeloma activity and demonstrated that apoptosis of myeloma cells is strongly induced by ART…”

Targeted treatment of cancer with artemisinin and artemisinin-tagged iron-carrying compounds.

Once an artemisinin-tagged transferrin molecule is endocytosed, iron is released and reacts with artemisinin moieties tagged to transferrin. Formation of free radicals kills the cancer cell. The authors have found that artemisinin-tagged transferrin is highly selective and potent in killing cancer cells. Thus, artemisinin and artemisinin-tagged iron-carrying compounds could be developed into powerful anticancer drugs..”

Artemisinin Cancer treatment

ART is undergoing early research and testing for the treatment of cancer.[24][25] Chinese scientists have shown ART has significant anticancer effects against human hepatoma cells.[26] ART has a peroxide lactone group in its structure, and it is thought that when the peroxide comes into contact with high iron concentrations (common in cancerous cells), the molecule becomes unstable and releases reactive oxygen species. It has been shown to reduce angiogenesis and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in some tissue cultures. Recent pharmacological evidence demonstrates the artemisinin-derivative dihydroartemisinin targets human metastatic melanoma cells with induction of NOXA (phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1)-dependent mitochondrial apoptosis that occurs downstream of iron-dependent generation of cytotoxic oxidative stress.[27]“”

Artemisinin induces apoptosis in human cancer cells.

“ART is a chemical compound extracted from the wormwood plant, Artemisia annua L. It has been shown to selectively kill cancer cells in vitro and retard the growth of implanted fibrosarcoma tumors in rats. In the present research, we investigated its mechanism of cytotoxicity to cancer cells…

CONCLUSION:This rapid induction of apoptosis in cancer cells after treatment with DHA indicates that ART  and its analogs may be inexpensive and effective cancer agents.”

Artemisinin reduces human melanoma cell migration by down-regulating alpha V beta 3 integrin and reducing metalloproteinase 2 production.

In recent years, anticancer activity of ART has been reported both in vitro and in vivo. ART has inhibitory effects on cancer cell growth and anti-angiogenetic activity…We demonstrate that ART induces cell growth arrest in A375M, and affects A375P cells viability with cytotoxic and growth inhibitory effects, while it was not effective in contrasting proliferation of other tumor cell lines (MCF7 and MKN). In addition, ART affected the migratory ability of A375M cells by reducing metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) production and down-regulating alpha v beta 3 integrin expression. These findings introduce a potential of ART as a chemotherapeutic agent in melanoma treatment.”

Artemisinin: A Cancer Smart Bomb

“ART and its derivatives offer the possibility of using a non-toxic form of chemotherapy that is inexpensive and readily available. Because of its excellent safety profile, it should be a consideration for cancer treatment when conventional treatments have failed or when people refuse conventional therapies. For more information check out our video on at…”

Multiple Myeloma Chemotherapy- Artesunate Beats MDR

“Artesunate’s (ART) unique mechanism probably was at least partially responsible for, its ability to act synergistically with multiple anti-myeloma agents…”

Conventional oncology cannot cure multiple myeloma. Repeated multiple myeloma chemotherapy regimens will result in remission, relapse, remission, relapse and multi-drug resistance I don’t want to sound negative but a multiple myeloma diagnosis is a death sentence eventually. The greatest challenge of the multiple myeloma (MM) patient then,  is multi-drug resistence (MDR).

The good news is that conventional oncology has gotten pretty good at putting the newly diagnosed MM patient into remission. The challenge then, is for the patient to

  1. remain in remission or to
  2. achieve remission a second, third, fourth, etc. time.

If MM patients could reach remission repeatedly for the rest of their lives, then this incurable blood cancer really could become a chronic disease. Unfotunately, most MM patients eventually face MDR. Their MM no longer responds to therapy. Any therapy.


According to the studies linked and excerpted below, ART may be able to overcome MDR. Or to put it in the jargon of the study below “ART inhibits viability of MM cell lines and primary MM cells, regardless of prior drug resistance...” The critical phrase is “regardless of prior drug resistance.”

The drawback to the studies below is that they are in vitro aka in a test tube, and not in actual MM patients. Another potential drawback is that ART is not the standard-of-care for MM and therefore will not be know by your oncologist.


Artesunate overcomes drug resistance in multiple myeloma by inducing mitochondrial stress and non-caspase apoptosis

“Artesunate’s (ART) unique mechanism probably was at least partially responsible for, its ability to act synergistically with multiple anti-myeloma agents…

Nevertheless, treatment of patients diagnosed with high-risk MM [] or those who relapse after exposure to a multitude of anti-MM agents remains a significant challenge…

RESULTS- ART inhibits viability of MM cell lines and primary MM cells, regardless of prior drug resistance, in a dose- and time-dependent manner…

DISCUSSION-Artemisinin and its derivative ART have been reported to have anticancer activity in many different in vitro tumor models []. This report establishes ART’s in vitro effectiveness against MM cells and elucidates the mechanisms by which this agent induces apoptosis of MM cells

Lymphoma and myeloma cells are highly sensitive to growth arrest and apoptosis induced by artesunate.

“Nevertheless, over time many patients relapse and develop resistance to treatment, and efforts are needed to overcome drug resistance. The widely used malaria drug artesunate has been reported to have antitumor activity, and we aimed to test the effects of artesunate on a panel of myeloma and lymphoma cells…

RESULTS: ART treatment efficiently inhibited cell growth and induced apoptosis in cell lines…Furthermore, some primary myeloma cells were also sensitive to ART at doses around 10 μm. Concentrations of this order are pharmacologically relevant as they can be obtained in plasma after intravenous administration of ART for malaria treatment.

CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that ART is a potential drug for treatment of multiple myeloma and DLBCL at doses of the same order as currently in use for treatment of malaria without serious adverse effects.”

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Multiple Myeloma - Alternative Therapy - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Artemisinin as Cancer Therapy- Myeloma, Liver, Melanoma […]

Roberta Holland says 3 years ago

Thanks, David. I bought some on Amazon . ART annua. 450 mg. Hopefully that’s the right kind and dosage. Will take to hospital with me to review with Transplant Dr. Thanks again!

Roberta A Holland says 3 years ago

I was diagnosed with 90% lambda light chain MM last Dec 2020. It is now mid Sept 2021. Needliess to say, I have been a bit slow to respond to the chemos but, I am scheduled to get SCT in Nov. as long as my 3 day eval and biopsy go well in Oct (next month). I have heard however, that some people who have had to have multiple therapies don’t stay in remission as long as others. I have ordered some artmesinon online to have it as a back-up in case the SCT doesn’t do too well, but don’t know if I got the right kind. Can you please tell me which type you use and where you get it?

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Roberta-

    Studies show that MM patients who respond slowly to induction therapy, on average, achieve a longer progression-free survival (PFS). No guarantee of course, but these past nine months of effort my pay off.

    Good news and bad news. The good news is that there are many non-conventional therapies such as artemisinin, that have shown the ability to kill MM cells. The bad news is that because these therapies are “non-conventional” they are not studied and approved by the FDA and therefore, have not been tested for dosing, type, etc.

    I have never taken artemisinin. I post info about both conventional (FDA approved) and non-conventional MM therapies. I believe you can buy artemisinin on Amazon.

Ruth Price says 4 years ago

Hi I have been diagnosed with AML, which has relapsed last week after a year from start of treatment. I am currently undergoing low dose chemo with hope of remission and stem cell transplant. Can ART help me in this battle
Many thanks Ruth

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Ruth-

    Sorry I can’t provide a yes or no reply. This study may offer possibilities however. I advocate that newly diagnosed patients with my cancer, multiple myeloma, take an integrative approach to therapy as well.

    Evaluation of artemisinins for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia

    David Emerson

Alla Dzyuba says 4 years ago

Could you please tell me if artimisinin can be used for breast cancer ? And if so, what’s a recommended type of artemisinin and dosage ? If it’s ok to try it, even for a little help ? Anything can be helpful at this point. Thank you for your time spent on reading my email.

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Alla,

    I have not studied art. as a BC therapy. A search just now identified the article below.

    Art. as BC therapy

    David Emerson

Marlene Pond says 4 years ago


Lela Labartkava says 4 years ago

Is it recommended in the case of Cholangiocarcinoma (no surgery, unsuccessful chemotherapy)? The patient is a 69 years old asymptomatic woman. And if this is recommended how should we take it? Your answer is much appreciated. Thank you.

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Lela,

    The articles linked in the blog post do not give the information you ask for. I’ sorry I don’t know more.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Dr vaibhav Awasthi says 4 years ago

Hi can u tell me the artemisinin protocol for hepatocholangio carcinoma of liver
My father is on gemox regimen

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hello Dr.

    As you can see from the linked studies, none talk about a formal protocol or dosing schedule. So no, I don’t know the art. protocol for liver cancer.

    David Emerson

Sharon Khan says 4 years ago

Where do I get this Artemisinin?

Cynthia Myers says 5 years ago

When is the iron introduced to the body, and in what form? How soon is the Artemisinin introduced, and in what form? I have been diagnosed with breast cancer & no insurance . I am treating myself while I search for answers. I am doing this alone… Please help me !

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Cynthia,

    I am sorry to learn of your BC diagnosis. I am a long-term multiple myeloma survivor. I have no experience with artemisinin. I don’t have any answers to your question.

    I will say however, that there are a host of evidence-based, non-toxic therapies shown to fight breast cancer. I have not priced them all but my guess is that they are all pretty cheap. What stage and type was your breast cancer?

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Terry Peterson says 5 years ago

Hello David,
What information do you have regarding Colangiocarcinoma and this? I’m currently undergrad trial drug treatment that is effective but not a cure. It is causing necrosis in the tumors and maybe this stuff will help it kill cells more effectively. And maybe shrink the tumors again.

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Terry-

    Colangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer is a rare cancer and therefore not well-researched disease. I am no expert of course and the therapies that I’ve read about are the same or similar to those for pancreatic cancer. If I was diagnosed with colangiocarcinoma I would throw everything at it but the kitchen sink- chemo, anti-PC nutrition, supplementation, everything.

    David Emerson

Sheryl Vance says 6 years ago

I’m a naturopathic physician (retired) that was just diagnosed with breast cancer with 3 nodes affected showing on MRI. I told the oncologist I do not want chemo or radiation, but am seeing a surgeon next week for a consultation. I am taking a lot of supplements and also DIM/Indole 3C. Also following a homeopathic protocol. I am about to start Wormwood, and would like some info on dosing. Any suggestions on natural treatments would be welcome.
Thank you,
S. Vance

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Sheryl,
    I am sorry to read of your BC diagnosis. While artimisinin/wormwood has been shown to fight cancer, I have not found studies that cite specific doses. I can’t answer your questions. The only tip I can offer is to locate a clinic of some sort that treats patients with artimisinin. The clinic should have dosing experience.

    Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck.

    David Emerson

Dr.A Saeed says 6 years ago

Chemotherapy v/s Artesunate IV ,
Artesunate IV has very very low cost as well as Less than Lesser side effects because of it’s Natural source .The broad spectrum of Artesunate IV e.g Breast,Prostate,Lung,ColoRectal , Hepatoma,Pancreatic,Cervical ,GI Cancers as well as Blood Disorders are clinically proved in several cases.

Yulia D says 6 years ago

Hello! My mom is 57 and she was diagnosed with colon cancer stage 4 with 3 metastasis in liver. about 6 months ago. She is doing her chemo treatment, but with a lot of time in between treatments due to some complications and bad blood work. I’ve herd about artimisinin as one of the treatment options. What dosage would you recommend? Can it be taking while on chemo treatment? Thank you!

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Yulia,
    I am sorry to learn of your mom’s stage 4 CRC diagnosis. The studies testing artimisinin for CRC are limited. Therefore it is difficult for me to relay any info to you about dosing.

    What I can urge is that you and your mom consider integrative CRC therapies. For example, by combining the folfox chemo regimen with curcumin, 5-flor and oxaplat. will be enhanced. If you relay a list of chemotherapy regimens that your mom is on I can research studies and provide them to you.

    Curcumin enhances the effects of 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin in mediating growth inhibition of colon cancer cells by modulating EGFR and IGF-1R.

    Let me know,

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Daniel I says 6 years ago

Dear David:

Hello: Can you let me know if you have ever heard success stories of cancer patients in remission and stayed in remission that took as I am taking these re – purposed prescription drugs that appear to have anti cancer effects ?

(1) Artemisinin 1500mg 30:1 extract 3x day with no iron
6000mg a day.

(2) Metformin 500mg 4x a day or 2000mg a day

(3) Mebendazole 200mg 4 x a day or 800mg a day.

(4) Niclosamide 500mg 4 x a day or 2000mg a day

I was 50 when I was diagnosed with colon cancer with 5 mets .5cm to 1.8cm to the liver in October 2016. My CEA was 10.5 My primary tumor was removed and I was given a 50 % chance of being cured and then and I started chemo until September 2017 with 2 tumors left .6cm and .7cm. My CEA went to down to 3 – I was going to have liver resection and under went liver portal embl my liver but it didnt grow fast enough before the resection surgery in January 2018 so then I underwent open Microwave Frequency Ablation and they destroyed all 5 past and present tumor sites. My CEA is now 1.5

Rita Novak says 7 years ago

My Staffie boy has Mast Cell Tumours. I have him on Keto diet, gets all organic nutrients and supplements.
All to fight cancer. I am wishing to add Artemisin to his diet but how is the transferrin added for maximum absorption?
From what I understand the iron is given alongside the Artemisin or is there one that combines the two.
Is it the same as black pepper aiding turmeric for better absorption?
Thank you

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Rita-

    I am sorry to read of your son’s cancer diagnosis. The question you ask re artimisinin and iron is important and should be addressed by a naturopath. Meaning you should work with a naturopath to coordinate nutrition, supplementation, artemisinin, etc. I believe that the curcumin/pepperine issues is biologically different than the art. iron issue but again, you should discuss this with a naturopath.


    David Emerson

Mike Baker says 7 years ago

Hi David,

I have just heard about Artemisinin from the site and subsequently searched myeloma and Artemisinin to find your site.
I have relapsed myeloma having had 6 years remission following high dose chemo and stem cell transplant. This time the chemo has had only short term effect and am about to start a different chemotherapy for the next 4-12 months. I tried numerous diets, including the ketogenic one, numerous anti oxidants, turmeric, curcumin and CBD oil. No downward the trend on the myeloma markers (paraproteins still increasing since stopping the last lot of chemo. Having said this, I’m also symptom free and apart from some fatigue am looking and feeling healthy.
I have just purchased some Super Artemisinin 180 mg capsules. I’m wondering about the doses you take and the possible interaction with other meds?

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Mike-

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. A six year remission after a MM diagnosis, induction chemo and an ASCT is an above average remission. If you have no long-term or late stage side effects you are doing even better. While it might not seem like it, my guess is that your non-conventional therapies (nutrition, curcumin, CBD oil, etc.) probably extended your remission.

    You have relapsed and you are considering your next therapies. You have a couple of possible directions as I see it. If you pursue conventional MM oncology, there is a long and growing list of FDA approved chemotherapy regimens. I don’t want to sound like your oncologist but you should be able to achieve another remission or two through different chemo regimens.

    If you choose to go in an alternative direction, there is enough published info about artemisinin to consider this as another anti-MM therapy.

    My recommendation would be to choose an integrative approach. I believe there will be integrative therapies to take in addition to whatever conventional chemo you take (velcade, lenalilomide, cyclophophomide, etc.). Further, there are more than a dozen supplements that research has shown to be cytotoxic to MM. Curcumin is probably the most well-studied of these. But there are others such as EGCG, resveritrol, etc.

    By saying the above I do not mean to minimize artemisinin as a MM therapy in any way. I have never taken artimisinin, have no info about brands or doses and I have no knowledge or experience with artemisinin and possible interactions with other meds good or bad.

    The MM specialist who knows the most about MM therapies is Dr. James Berenson. Dr. Berenson will work with your oncologist to figure out what chemotherapy regimens will work with you.

    If you are set against additional conventional therapies I encourage you to consider the MM CC program that I provide to MMers. I will email you the Introduction through your email address

    What is your current m-spike? How old are you? I don’t mean to sound nosey. I just trying to understand your situation.

    I will send you the pdf now.

    David Emerson

Timea Kocsis says 7 years ago

My holistic dr. prescribed me Artemisinin 1xday alongside with the chemoterapy. I was diagnosticated in Jan with TNBC, ductal, invasive, stage 1. He said i should take as well Clorphile, apricot seeds, hemp oil and tibetan mushroom. What do you thing about his treatment plan?
Many thanks

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Timea-

    Quick question. Are you or did you have a lumpectomy to remove the BC tumor? Just trying to get the full picture.


    David Emerson

Carla says 8 years ago

Hi , how should the artemisinin be taken? what dose ? It’s for a 65 female with inicial Breast cancer and now metastasis in lungs, bones and mediastinum

Huge thanks

egda rodriguez says 10 years ago

Hi my 24 yrs old niece has thyroid remove it wad malignant. What treatment will work for her

    David Emerson says 10 years ago

    Hi Egda-
    I can relay general thyroid cancer info now but I can provide more specific info if you can tell my the specific diagnosis, or stage in particular. Each stage of a cancer diagnosis has a therapy that is called the standard of care. In general, your niece’s prognosis is good. This link is to a basic overview of thyroid cancer.

    Thanks and let me know

    David Emerson

      Devina says 7 years ago

      Hello David
      My husband is recently diagnosed with Papillary Carcinoma.
      We are planning to avoid operation as far as possible. Pls help.

        David Emerson says 7 years ago

        Hi Devina-

        My apologies for my slow reply. I am sorry to read of your husband’s Papillary Cancerinoaa diagnosis. Your inclination to avoid surgery may or may not be your best option depending on your situation. My I ask a few questions to get a clearer understanding of your situation?

        Do you know you husband’s diagnosis? What it “papillary thyroid cancer?”

        Do you know your husband’s stage? Or his symptoms? This info will help me understand his prognosis or how serious is diagnosis is.

        How old is your husband?

        In general papillary thyroid cancer is a very treatable cancer with an excellent cure rate. My job is to research and offer you therapies to
        fit your goals.

        Let me know, thanks.

        David Emerson

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