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“There are many underlying reasons for racial and ethnic disparities that affect minority breast cancer (BC) mortality, eg, inadequate screening of some minority groups.
When I read an article about minority breast cancer like the one below I think two things:
1) First, I wonder why the article’s author, Désirée Lie, MD, MSEd, thinks that she has the right to “guide” minority women urging them to undergo mammography.
2) There are too many studies indicating that BC is over-diagnosed and over-treated-
“Mammorgrams save lives…” “Mammograms lead to over-diagnosis and over-treatment.” Back and forth… Both sides present reasonable arguements. Both sides can be convincing.
What’s a newly diagnosed BC patient to do???
The first thing to do if for all of us to agree on the point made below that
“Breast cancer without risk for metastases does not need to be treated with postoperative chemotherapy. Such treatment offers no benefit to these women, he added.”
2) Second, I wonder why conventional oncology doesn’t research and prescribe non-toxic, inexpensive therapies to dramatically reduce breast cancer risk. My point is that if more women pursued the non-toxic, inexpensive therapies linked below there would be perhaps there would be fewer disparities.
To learn more about both integrative and non-conventional BC therapies scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Thank you,
David Emerson
Articles of Interest-
“In my blog post “Slash Your BC Risk Now!” I document studies that show supplementation, vitamins, exercise, nutrition/diet and more that dramatically reduces the risk of a BC diagnosis. The anti-BC therapies listed below reduce the risk of BC by 80%-conservatively….”
Summary: “There are many underlying reasons for racial and ethnic disparities that affect BC mortality, eg, inadequate screening of some minority groups. Mammography screening improves mortality outcomes. Clinicians should be cognizant of the disparate survival outcomes in their vulnerable populations when interpreting the recent 2009 USPSTF breast cancer screening guidelines, especially in light of evidence from the Kaiser Family Foundation report on disparities in women’s health that confirmed the persistence of disparities in screening, diagnosis, and treatment of the most common health conditions across all US states.[32,33] Routine biennial mammography screening in the 40-year to 49-year age group should be recommended in these vulnerable women.”
“A new American Cancer Society (ACS) report finds that the death rate for breast cancer in the United States among women dropped 43% between 1989 when it peaked and 2020. During the last decade, death rates declined similarly for women of all racial/ethnic groups across the US except for American Indians/Alaska Natives (AIANs), who had stable rates. However, Black women are still more likely to die from BC than White women across the US, even though Black women have lower breast cancer incidence rates…
“BC is the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer in women in the US overall, but it’s the leading cause of cancer death in Black and Hispanic women.
During 2016 through 2020, the BC incidence rate was higher in Black women compared to White women in only 4 states: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Virginia. In contrast, the BC death rate was higher for Black women than White women in every state except Washington…
“A considerable amount of BC treatment research have been conducted, but with limited success for African Americans compared to other ethnic groups. Therefore, new strategies and approaches are needed to promote BC prevention, improve survived rates, reduce BC mortality, and ultimately improve the health outcomes of racial/ethnic minorities.
In addition, it is vital that leaders and medical professionals from minority population groups be represented in decision-making in research so that racial disparity in BC can be well-studied, fully addressed, and ultimately eliminated in BC…”