“Some detox programs (Myeloma CC program) focus on incorporating these ingredients (WBH) to boost liver and kidney function and improve the removal of toxic substances.”
This blog post is not about detoxing in general, this post is about multiple myeloma survival- detoxing for multiple myeloma (MM) patients and survivors. Further, don’t look to conventional oncology to buy into any of the therapies that I discuss or that the article linked below discusses.
To be clear, I’m not promoting detoxing as a way to loose weight or diet. I’m promoting detoxing because I am living with and surviving multiple myeloma the best way I know how.
Allow me to try to build an evidence-based arguement for why I regularly detox and why all MM patients and why I think MM survivors should detox.
It’s well-established that MM patients will undergo chemotherapy. Some undergo more, some less but chemo is definately part of the therapy picture in the weeks, months and years to come. It is also well-established that chemo brings heavy-metals exposure. Our livers take a beating.

Sweat as Detox- When I sauna, I practice whole-body hyperthermia. And WBH aka sauna, makes me sweat. A lot. And sweating has been shown to detoxify the body of some of the heavy metals that I introduced when I underwent round after round of chemotherapy.

Nutrition as Detox- I agree with Keri Gans RDN below, when she says that people normally don’t need to detox because they pee, poop and sweat in their daily lives. And, thats fine for regular people. But again, MM survivors have to live differently if they want to live a long and healthy life. Limiting alcohol, salt, sugar, consuming chorella, onions, garlic, brocolli, all help my body detox years of toxins.
Have you been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? To learn more about detoxing and WBH, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Hang in there,
David Emerson
- MM Survivor
- MM Cancer Coaching
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
“Most plans are grounded in the idea that flushing toxins out of your system, often through a liquid-only diet with plenty of water, and giving your digestive system a break from its regular role, can bring about miraculous results, from weight loss to more energy to glowing skin. The only problem, experts say: There is zero evidence to support any of that.
What Are Detoxes and Cleanses, and How Did They Get So Popular?
The modern detox movement grew out of largely naturopathic origins. After all, until the last decade or so, detoxing was medical jargon for treating serious conditions, such as alcohol poisoning or kidney failure. But in homeopathic circles, the idea of purifying the body and flushing out toxins took root and grew alongside the movement to “eat clean.”
Most cleanses claim that unspecified toxins — from nonorganic foods, environmental pollution, and other chemical contaminants — are wreaking havoc on our bodies, taxing our digestive systems, and leading to weight gain and serious ailments. They promise to cure these ills by a designated period of fasting or restricting solid foods or certain kinds of foods (alcohol, sugar, gluten, or dairy), often supplementing juices or other drinks as a source of vitamins and minimal calories. Drinking lots of water is also a key component in many popular cleanses and detoxes.
The terms “detox” and “cleanse” are mostly used interchangeably, and most plans fall into one of three major categories: those that replace solid food with liquid sustenance (juices, smoothies, or soups, sometimes with herbal supplements thrown in); those that claim to support your body’s natural detoxification systems by supplying nutrients that boost liver and kidney function; and those that focus on cleansing your digestive system from the opposite end, the colon.
What Scientific Research and Experts Say About These Diet Programs
Nutrition experts don’t buy into the idea that we need any additional help eliminating toxic substances. “Our bodies naturally detox themselves every single day,” says Keri Gans, RDN, owner of Keri Gans Nutrition in New York City and author of The Small Change Diet. “That’s why we have a liver and kidneys.” In other words, every time you pee, poop, or sweat your butt off at the gym, you’re getting rid of waste products that could otherwise harm your body. Not to mention, no randomized controlled trials — the gold standard for scientific research — have ever found that giving your gastrointestinal (GI) system a break from digesting food is beneficial in any way…
Maybe the best thing that can be said about cleanses is they’re a good psychological tool for helping to cut back or eliminate unhealthy components of your diet, like sugar or alcohol. “Don’t think of it as a long-term plan,” says Zeitlin. “If you’re dead set on doing a cleanse, keep it short, like maybe two to three days before your best friend’s wedding or another big event, and be aware of the risks. Yes, you’re going to lose weight quickly because you’re restricting calories. But as soon as you go back to eating normally, you will gain it all back — and possibly more.”
Still interested in checking out a cleanse? We’ve broken down the three major categories and had experts weigh in with specifics on each — read on to learn more…
What About Liver Cleanses? Is This a Legitimate Way to Lose Weight?
- A newer and more encouraging trend in detoxing is the movement toward foods that support the body’s natural defenses against harmful substances.
- As previously mentioned, science suggests benefits of things such as apple cider vinegar, green tea, and lemon water.
- Some detox programs focus on incorporating these ingredients to boost liver and kidney function and improve the removal of toxic substances.
While there is no hard scientific data to back up those claims, there’s plenty of research on certain foods that may promote liver health and can be added to a healthy diet without risk.
“A quality, plant-based diet will always help promote your body’s natural detox system,” says Ashley Koff, RD, who is in private practice in Washington, DC. “Some of my detoxifying faves are whole grains (that’s right, you don’t have to be gluten-free to detox!), peanuts, seeds (hemp, sesame, and sunflower), avocado, banana, spinach, and all greens.” Your body also needs certain nutrients from foods to eliminate toxic chemicals, Koff says, including those found in broccoli, sesame seeds, seaweed, shallots, leeks, garlic and radishes.
“There are some foods that are have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties that might help to enhance your body’s detoxification organs” — aka your liver and kidneys — says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com and author of Read It Before You Eat It.
Some of these foods include turmeric, parsley, fish, and garlic, Taub-Dix says. But while the jury’s still out on exactly how much of them we need to eat in order to reap those benefits, she stresses that the key is consuming a variety of these foods on a daily basis, not just seeking out detox foods following an indulgent holiday party. “If eating these foods makes you feel ‘cleansed,’ then they may be providing a benefit in helping you to make other good choices, too,” she says.
But one thing to keep in mind: These foods don’t have to be consumed in traditional “cleanse” style to have their intended effect. Anyone can add them to their current diet. Again, don’t expect a cure-all.