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These results suggest that there is a significant benefit in symptom control and physiologic outcomes from hawthorn extract as an adjunctive treatment for chronic heart failure.
I supplement with hawthorn extract daily. I supplement with a number of supplements shown by research to be heart healthy. I do this because I have been diagnosed with:
I am writing this post in order to encourage people with chronic heart failure, as defined in the study linked below, to add Hawthorn extract to their daily heart regimen.
I have been able to manage my cardiovascular disease without any conventional heart medications. I originally tried metoprolol, had a bad reaction to it and decided to try non-conventional therapies.
I am not anti-heart meds, I am simply offering Hawthorn as either a primary or complementary therapy shown to provide heart health.
David Emerson
“Hawthorn extract is advocated as an oral treatment option for chronic heart failure. Also, the German Commission E approved the use of extracts of hawthorn leaf with flower in patients suffering from heart failure graded stage II according to the New York Heart Association…
Objectives-To assess the benefits and harms as reported in double‐blind randomised clinical trials of hawthorn extract compared with placebo for treating patients with chronic heart failure…
Main results- Fourteen trials met all inclusion criteria and were included in this review. In most of the studies, hawthorn was used as an adjunct to conventional treatment.
Ten trials including 855 patients with chronic heart failure (New York Heart Association classes I to III) provided data that were suitable for meta‐analysis. For the physiologic outcome of maximal workload, treatment with hawthorn extract was more beneficial than placebo.
Authors’ conclusions- These results suggest that there is a significant benefit in symptom control and physiologic outcomes from hawthorn extract as an adjunctive treatment for chronic heart failure.”