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Sometimes I use a cbd suppository, but mostly….I take a plain regular aspirin ( or low dose ). It takes down inflammation from daily activities ( in my mind ), so I can relax and I usually am able to sleep.
ReplyMultiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.
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According to research, insomnia increases the risk of heart disease. In fact, insomnia can cause a number of health problems. It is important therefore, to understand the possible problems that can result from insomnia and the possible solutions to those problems.
The number of simple lifestyle therapies shown to either enhance or disrupt health amaze me. None more important than sleep.
I am a long-term myeloma survivor who often struggles with sleep. I am not an insomniac. I do however, need to follow several basic steps daily, in order to get a good nights sleep. And those steps are:
Interestingly, each of those basic rules is heart healthy as well as sleep healthy. Do you struggle with insomnia? Are you a cancer survivor as well? If you’d like to learn more about evidence-based non-conventional therapies to manage your health, let me know David.PeopleBeatingCancer@gmail.com
Hang in there,
“People suffering from insomnia are potentially at a higher risk of coronary artery disease, heart failure, and stroke, according to a study published today in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation.
In this first-of-its-kind study on insomnia, researchers examined data from 1.3 million participants with or without cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke from 4 major public databases, including studies of atrial fibrillation and stroke. Previous observational studies have found an association of insomnia with an increased risk of developing these diseases but were unable to determine whether insomnia served as a catalyst or was solely relative.
Researchers distinctly utilized Mendelian randomization (MR), a technique that uses genetic variants known to be connected with potential risk factor, to reduce bias in the results testing insomnia’s relation of genetic liability to numerous CVDs and forms of stroke:
After correcting for multiple testing in the standard MR analysis (random-effects inverse-variance weighted method), researchers uncovered that genetic liability to insomnia was associated with significantly higher odds of CAD, HF and ischemic stroke as a whole, but not AF. Ischemic stroke subtypes were all associated with genetic liability to insomnia through statistically significant odds ratios (OR):
Lead study author Susanna Larsson, PhD, associate professor of cardiovascular and nutritional epidemiology at the Karolinska Institutet, emphasized that “sleep is a behavior that can be changed by new habits and stress management.” By changing habits to ameliorate insomnia severity, individuals can subsequently lower their risk for CVDs and subtypes of stroke…
“It’s important to identify the underlying reason for insomnia and treat it,” said Larsson. As insomnia affects 30% of the general population, further studies are needed to assess insomnia relation to CVDs and stroke.
Larsson SC, Markus HS. Genetic liability to insomnia and cardiovascular disease risk [published online August 19, 2019]. Circulation.
Sometimes I use a cbd suppository, but mostly….I take a plain regular aspirin ( or low dose ). It takes down inflammation from daily activities ( in my mind ), so I can relax and I usually am able to sleep.