Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Myeloma – Low Dose, Metronomic

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“Metronomic Therapy-Our goal is to significantly reduce tumors, slow or stop their regrowth, and allow a person’s body and immune system time to recover its health and natural abilities to fight cancer,”

Metronomic therapy refers to timing not toxicity. After all, where does it say that chemotherapy must be toxic? Nowhere. That’s my point. Historically speaking, yes, multiple myeloma therapy have included toxic chemotherapy regimens that are poisons and can cause collateral damage aka side-effects.

But MM therapy… “chemotherapy” is not toxic by definition. Research has identified many MM therapies that are cytotoxic (kill) multiple myeloma yet are not toxic to people.

The most well-known example of a MM therapy that is cytotoxic to MM without killing the person supplementing it- curcumin. Interestingly while curcumin was identified in about 2006 for its ability to kill MM, it was not until about ’15 oe ’16 when curcumin formulas were designed to be much more bioavailable. Scroll down the page to learn more about the most bioavailable curcumin formulas.

Further, chemotherapy is not tied to any single dosing regimen. Sure, most chemotherapy regimens specify timing such as each course being given every few weeks. But again, the timing of doses are different for different goals.


Low-dose Revlimid (lenalidomide) given daily has become standard-of-care in multiple myeloma treatment. The main problem with low-dose Revlimid maintenance therapy is the increased risk of second cancers.

A treatment-related secondary cancer.  Even low doses of toxic chemo can cause more cancer.

The solution? Low-dose, metronomic, maintenance therapy that is cytotoxic to multiple myeloma but is NON-toxic. I have remained in complete remission from my MM since 4/99 with the help of non-toxic, low-dose maintenance and metronomic therapies.

Whether you are debating treatment options, currently undergoing treatment and experiencing painful side effects, or trying to figure out how to stay in remission, I want to share what I’ve learned from 22 years of full remission from Multiple Myeloma.

Please watch the video below to learn more about the evidence-based, integrative therapies to combat treatment side effects and enhance your chemotherapy.


David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Rec0mmended Reading:

Important advance made with new approach to ‘control’ cancer, not eliminate it

“Researchers have created a new drug delivery system that could improve the effectiveness of an emerging concept in cancer treatment — to dramatically slow and control tumors on a long-term, sustained basis, not necessarily aiming for their complete elimination.

The approach, called a “metronomic dosage regimen,” uses significantly lower doses of chemotherapeutic drugs but at more frequent time intervals. This would have multiple goals of killing cancer cells, creating a hostile biological environment for their growth, reducing toxicity from the drug regimen and avoiding the development of resistance to the cancer drugs being used

“This new system takes some existing cancer therapy drugs for ovarian cancer, delivers both of them at the same time and allows them to work synergistically,” said Adam Alani, an associate professor in the Oregon State University/Oregon Health & Science University College of Pharmacy, and lead author on the new study.

“Imagine if we could manage cancer on a long-term basis as a chronic condition, like we now do high blood pressure or diabetes. This could be a huge leap forward…”

Total remission, Alani said, may be possible with metronomic dosage, but the initial goal is not only to kill cancer cells but to create an environment in which it’s very difficult for them to grow, largely by cutting off the large blood supply these types of cells often need.

Most conventional cancer chemotherapy is based on the use of “maximum tolerable doses” of a drug, in an attempt to completely eliminate cancer or tumors. In some cases such as ovarian cancer, however, drug-free intervals are needed to allow patient recovery from side effects, during which tumors can sometimes begin to grow again or develop resistance to the drugs being used.

The types of cancers this approach may best lend itself to are those that are quite complex and difficult to treat with conventional regimens based on “maximum tolerable dose.” This includes ovarian, sarcoma, breast, prostate, and lung cancers…

“Our goal is to significantly reduce tumors, slow or stop their regrowth, and allow a person’s body and immune system time to recover its health and natural abilities to fight cancer,” Alani said. “I’m very optimistic this is possible, and that it could provide an entirely new approach to cancer treatment.”

The Most BioAvailable Curcumin Formulas

“Based on a review of these studies, it is evident that better bioavailability of formulated curcumin (CU) products is mostly attributed to improved solubility, stability, and possibly low first-pass metabolism”

A search of the Pubmed database for the word curcumin yields 601 studies spaning health topics from multiple myeloma and colorectal cancer, to chemotherapies that synergizes with CU, to Alzheimer’s Disease, arthritis and more. Based on years of reading studies and personal accounts, I think it is safe to say that CU supplementation is safe and relatively inexpensive.

I have read about myeloma patients taking daily doses of CU from 400 milligrams to 8 grams (1000 milligrams = 1 gram). By almost any measure, CU is a safe, inexpensive wonder drug.

The only challenge is that CU is famously difficult to absorb in the body. In other words, a person has to mix curcumin with some sort of fat (coconut oil, chocolate, etc.) or take a brand of curcumin capsule that is already formulated to be more “bioavailable” in order to derive the full benefit of CU.

The study linked and exerpted below reviews different formulations of CU. The study itself lists the three most bioavailable formulation/brand of CU and I’ve added an excerpt from a further review from that lists four additional bioavailable brands of CU.

Recommended Reading:


CU is a bright yellow chemical produced by some plants. It is the principal curcuminoid of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is sold as an herbal supplement, cosmetics ingredient, food flavoring, and food coloring.[1]

Bioavailable curcumin formulations: A review of pharmacokinetic studies in healthy volunteers.

“Curcumin is a widely studied natural compound which has shown tremendous in vitro therapeutic potential. Despite that, the clinical efficacy of the native CU is weak due to its low bioavailability and high metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract. During the last decade, researchers have come up with different formulations with a focus on improving the bioavailability of curcumin. As a result, a significant number of bioavailable curcumin-based formulations were introduced with the varying range of enhanced bioavailability.

The purpose of this review is to collate the published clinical studies of CU products with improved bioavailability over conventional (unformulated) CU. Based on the literature search, 11 curcumin formulations with available human bioavailability and pharmacokinetics data were included in this review. Further, the data on clinical study design, analytical method, pharmacokinetic parameters and other relevant details of each formulation were extracted.

Based on a review of these studies, it is evident that better bioavailability of formulated curcumin products is mostly attributed to improved solubility, stability, and possibly low first-pass metabolism. The review hopes to provide a quick reference guide for anyone looking information on these bioavailable curcumin formulations.

Based on the published reports,

exhibited over 100-fold higher bioavailability relative to reference unformulated CU. Suggested mechanisms accounting for improved bioavailability of the formulations and details on the bioanalysis methods are also discussed.”

According to

“Novasol has the highest bioavailability (185 x compared to unforumulated CU), followed by Curcuwin (136 x), Longvida (100 x), Meriva (48 x), BCM-95 (27 x), Curcumin C3 Complex + Bioperene (20 x), and then Theracumin (16 x).”


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Myeloma - Curcumin Inc. Efficacy, Dec. Side Effects - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Treatment- Low Dose, Metronomic Therapy […]

Multiple Myeloma Chemotherapy- Decrease Side Effects, Increase Efficacy with Curcumin - PeopleBeatingCancer says 5 years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Treatment- Low Dose, Metronomic Therapy […]

Myeloma-Decrease Side Effects, Increase Efficacy with Curcumin - PeopleBeatingCancer says 5 years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Treatment- Low Dose, Metronomic Therapy […]

Jon b says 7 years ago

David, since being diagnosed it has been quite painful. I have 2 compression fractures. I was in good health with some minor back pain which turned out to be multiple myeloma. I am about to start a 3rd round and am open to other protocols or treatments and I don’t want to do heavy dosages much longer. I am at 25 mg rev pill 14 days on 14 off. 5 mg velcade 2x a week for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Every Tuesday I take dexamthadone ( steroid) 40 mg once a week.

Jon b says 7 years ago

David, thanks for responding. I am
48 and my last mspike was 2.07. I also
See a specialist as I have Kaiser and the specialist consults Kaiser

Jon b says 7 years ago

I was diagnosed with mm in nov 2016. I have had 2 rounds of rvd. Numbers have been cut in half both times. I met with a stem cell specialist who said I am a good candidate. Question are there therapies available with out doing stem cell transplant. Diet, exercise etc.

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Jon-

    I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. I will answer your question two ways.

    First, yes, there are many evidence-based, anti-MM therapies. I have maintained complete remission since ’99 by living a series of these therapies- daily, weekly- metronomic therapy.

    Secondly, studies show that an autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) will result, on average, with a longer “progression-free survival.” NOT longer “overall survival.” Meaning an ASCT, on average, keeps the MMer in remission longer before a relapse.

    Whether you undergo an ASCT or chemotherapy as needed, I encourage you to learn about and consider evidence-based, non-toxic MM therapies that can work WITH your conventional therapies.

    Do you know what your M-spike is currently? How old are you? What is your general health status?

    Let me know and thanks.

    David Emerson

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