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Tag Archives for " Pediatric Cancer "

Drug Errors- Pediatric Cancer

Fully 47% of pediatric cancer patients were exposed to at least one medication error based on medical records, bottle checks, and direct observation by visiting nurses I was diagnosed with a blood cancer

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Pediatric Liver Cancer –

Our results provide firm evidence for the efficacy of the applied regimen, with close to 80% of  pediatric liver cancer patients achieving complete remission at the end of treatment. The study linked

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Childhood Cancer- Mental Health Risk

They uncovered 494 childhood cancer survivors who experienced at least one inpatient or outpatient visit for a mental health disorder I’m not a child psychologist. I am a cancer survivor and cancer

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Pediatric ALL-Increased Survival- Lifetime of Pain

“Today, largely because of chemotherapy as well as some other treatments, like stem cell transplants, (for acute lymphoblastic leukemia) survival rates have soared in the West” According to

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Whole Brain Radiation – Pediatric Chemobrain?

Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has included the use of prophylactic cranial irradiation in up to 20% of children with high-risk disease despite known cognitive risks of this treatment

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Pediatric Cancer- Non-Toxic Therapy Kills Kids Brain Cancer

Medulloblastoma is the most common brain tumor in pediatric cancer patients, and its prognosis is worse…” Curcumin induced apoptosis…in medulloblastoma cells… A cancer diagnosis

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Pediatric Head & Neck Cancer- Mucositis

The area’s sensitivity (pediatric head and neck cancer) also means the effects of treatment can lower patient quality of life due to symptoms including loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, or

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Can Pediatric/AYA Cancer Late-Stage Side-Effects be prevented?

“”Cure is no longer a sufficient goal in pediatric cancer care,” the researchers wrote. “As the vast majority of these patients survive, attention must be paid to their long-term

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Pediatric Cancer- Nutritional, Herbal

Pediatric Cancer patients endure greater toxicity achieving cures though these patients may experience greater health challenges later in life Pediatric Cancer management is more difficult than adult cancer

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Pediatric Cancer Survivors Incr, Have Morbidities

Reduce Long-Term and Late Stage Side Effects from Pediatric Cancer Therapies Episode 1, Magic Bullets in the Ken Burns documentary “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies” vividly portrays how

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Pediatric Cancer- Chemo-Induced Heart, Brain

“Eight of 10 pediatric cancer survivors had abnormal findings on brain, heart, and bone images, including six patients with and two patients without clinical symptoms.” Though the study linked

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A Cancer “Cure” is Not Enough- Cancer Survivors QOL

‘Many studies have shown that childhood and adolescent cancer survivors are at increased risk for chronic medical problems and emotional late effects as they age…’ Surviving Acute Myelogenous

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