Team PeopleBeatingCancer at 2015 Cleveland Marathon

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Team PeopleBeatingCancer at Cleveland Marathon ’15

PeopleBeatingCancer is an online cancer community. I am a long-term cancer survivor and cancer coach.

PBC is a 501c3 non-profit approved by the I.R.S with a mission is to demystify cancer-mind, body and soul. Why did I choose that mission statement?

In the years following my cancer diagnosis in early 1994 I underwent aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, remission, relapse, remission and finally “there is nothing more we can do for you.” I underwent a non-conventional, non-FDA approved cancer therapy that put me into complete remission where I remain today.

Conventional cancer therapy cost hundreds of thousands of dollars yet bought me only about 4-5 years. A lot of chemo and radiation left me with short, long-term and late-stage side effects. A quack cancer therapy that also cost about half that amount put me into complete remission where I remain today.

Conventional therapy? Alternative therapy? I didn’t know what to think. After 10 years the only thing I learned was that the world of cancer was complicated, confusing and expensive.

The most positive aspect of 10 years of my cancer experiences was the personal computer.

  • I learned about The Burzynski Research Institute on my personal computer
  • I was communicating with cancer patients, survivors and caregivers through listervs, chat-rooms and forums on my personal computer
  • Learning about cancer on my personal computer was fast, cheap and personal-

The thing that I could provide cancer patients, survivors and caregivers was research and my experience…on my personal computer.

Click the title above to see the why, how, and when short video. Supporting me while I handcycle the Cleveland Marathon helps PeopleBeatingCancer provide information, education and research to cancer patients, survivors and caregivers the world over.

Thank you.

David Emerson

  • Cancer survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Individual Donors


Mary Parkman Rowe



1) Mark Dawson

2) Scott Emerson

3) Stacey Alatis

Corporate Donors

Platinum Sponsors ($1,000)-

N.T. Ruddock and Company

Gold Sponsors ($500)-

Silver Sponsors ($250)

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